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Programa de Satélites Científicos e Experimentos do INPE

Programa de Satélites Científicos e Experimentos do INPE. 2. Monitor e Imageador de Raios-X. 1. Equatorial Atmosphere Research Satellite. MCE. 3. Missão Clima Espacial. Scientific Satellites. CEA. Scientific missions on microsatellites (~200 kg, ~250 W)

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Programa de Satélites Científicos e Experimentos do INPE

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  1. Programa de Satélites Científicos e Experimentos do INPE 2 Monitor e Imageador de Raios-X 1 Equatorial Atmosphere Research Satellite MCE 3 Missão Clima Espacial

  2. Scientific Satellites CEA • Scientific missions on microsatellites (~200 kg, ~250 W) • atmospheric research  EQUARS • X-ray astronomy  MIRAX • space weather  MCE • Scientific instruments developed at INPE, with significant international collaboration bringing proven expertise and cost sharing • launcher issue is crucial for mission and for international partnerships – e.g. NASA missions of opportunities


  4. EQUARS: International collaboration RASC:University of Kyoto - GPS UWO:University of Western Ontario - GWIM USU:UtahState University - MLTM UCAR:University Cooperation for Atmospheric Science, COSMIC - EQUARS Data Analysis & Archive Center NSPO:National Space Program Office, Taiwan - COSMIC and a Ground Station. USP:Universidade de São Paulo - ALIS e EPM

  5. Mass:124 kg Power:260 W Dimensions:70 x 80 x 100 cm ACS: 3-axis Pointing:1.0o Earth Stability:0.025o/s TT&C:1.0 Mbps

  6. Ionospheric bubble generation EQUARS coordinated measurements Waper vapor Gravity wave activities Temperature Field variability Lightning

  7. ALIS [ equars ] [ equars ] GPS MLTS GPS GWIM

  8. EQUARS andCOSMIC COSMIC project includes UCAR (EUA) and NSPO (Taiwan): 6-satellite constallation with inclinations of 72o COSMIC (24 hs.) EQUARS (24 hs.) • The joint observations of COSMIC and EQUARS will produce a global monitoring of water vapor, temperature and atmospheric plasma • This has immediate applications on meteorological forecast and monitoring of the ionosphere and space weather.

  9. [ equars ] ALIS – Airglow Limb Imaging System discharging into the stratosphere sprite

  10. IONEX – Ionospheric Experiments (HFC, LP and ETP) [ equars ] • Studies: • Ionospheric Plasma Bubble Structure • Generation mechanism of the equatorial plasma bubbles • Measurements: • Electron density • Electron Temperature

  11. [ equars ] ELISA – Electrostatic Energy Analyser What to measure ? Electron flux and energy spectrum in the ionosphere, 0.1 to 40 keV • What to study and application: • Energetic electron flux in the equatorial ionosphere and South Atlantic Geomagnetic Anomaly region. • Plasma dynamics in the ionospheric plasma bubbles. ELISA

  12. EQUARS’s schedule 05/2001: Announcement of Opportunity 11/2001: 1st EQUARS Workshop 10/2002: Project selected by INPE 03/2003: Project aproved by AEB 07/2003: 2nd Workshop (mission definition) 12/ 2003: Preliminary Design Review 09/2004: System Requirements Review 2005/2006: Satellite manufacturing 2006: Integration and testing 2007: Launch

  13. MCE SPACE WEATHER MONITOR • - A Interação Sol-Terra

  14. Scientific Aspects of the Mission • - A Interação Sol-Terra The Sun continuously emits a plasma supersonic flux, the SOLAR WIND The interaction of the SOLAR WIND with the Earth’s magnetic field forms the MAGNETOSPHERE CORONAL MASS EJECTIONS are the first transient phenomena that perturb the SOLAR WIND They Produce: MAGNETIC STORMS and VARIABILITY of the SPACE WEATHER

  15. International Space Station Satellites Effects over technological systems • - In Space:

  16. Possibly, the solar activity has influence on the Earth’s climate. The geomagnetic storms affect radio comunications. • The currents induced by the strong magnetic storms can cause harm to electrical transmission lines. Effects over technological systems - On the ground:

  17. A missão completa • Russian satellite • Brazilian satellite • Ucranian satellites MCE

  18. scientific missions preliminary schedule

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