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TOTAL = 12565, MISS. =-888888., SYNOP = 428, METAR = 127, SHIP = 32,

Software with a View of Weather Observation Statistics by Kevin M. Wilson Mesoscale & Microscale Meteorology Division NCAR. TOTAL = 12565, MISS. =-888888., SYNOP = 428, METAR = 127, SHIP = 32, BUOY = 164, BOGUS = 0, TEMP = 26,

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TOTAL = 12565, MISS. =-888888., SYNOP = 428, METAR = 127, SHIP = 32,

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  1. Software with a Viewof Weather Observation Statisticsby Kevin M. Wilson Mesoscale & Microscale Meteorology DivisionNCAR

  2. TOTAL = 12565, MISS. =-888888., SYNOP = 428, METAR = 127, SHIP = 32, BUOY = 164, BOGUS = 0, TEMP = 26, AMDAR = 696, AIREP = 75, PILOT = 23, SATEM = 0, SATOB = 10931, GPSPW = 0, GPSZD = 0, GPSRF = 63, GPSEP = 0, SSMT1 = 0, SSMT2 = 0, TOVS = 0, QSCAT = 0, PROFL = 0, AIRSR = 0, OTHER = 0, Filtered_obs combines only 20 categories those are Amdar+Airep=Airep, GoAMV & PeAMV = Satob’s (Geostationary obs), & PROFL is also missing.

  3. SRFC = SLP, PW (DATA,QC,ERROR). EACH = PRES, SPEED, DIR, HEIGHT, TEMP, DEW PT, HUMID (DATA,QC,ERROR)*LEVELS. INFO_FMT = (A12,1X,A19,1X,A40,1X,I6,3(F12.3,11X),6X,A5) SRFC_FMT = (F12.3,I4,F7.2,F12.3,I4,F7.3) EACH_FMT = (3(F12.3,I4,F7.2),11X,3(F12.3,I4,F7.2),11X,3(F12.3,I4,F7.2))) #------------------------------------------------------------# FM-12 SYNOP 2010-02-10_00:00:00 MOSSEL BAY (CAPE ST. BLAIZE) / SOUTH AFR 1 -34.180 22.150 59.000 68928 100960.000 0 200.00 -888888.000 -88 0.20 99390.000 2 99.44 3.087 2 1.42 250.000 25.00 59.000 0 6.00 294.850 2 1.79 -888888.000 -88-888.00 71.900 0 10.00

  4. Statistical report on observations used by WRF for a given period. Date of Report: 20100331 , covering one forecast. ======================================================= Number of obs available for the forecast = 7811 Number of obs used in the forecast = 7396 Number of obs rejected in the forecast = 415 Percentage of obs used in the forecast = 94 Incoming SYNOPs : 422 SYNOPs rejected : 179 ( 42.4%) SYNOPs used in this analysis : 243 ( 57.6%) Incoming BUOYs : 133 BUOYs rejected : 133 (100.0%) BUOYs used in this analysis : 0 ( 0.0%) This format is used for <>_Period_Stats_rpt.txt & the <>_Stats_obs.txt files.

  5. Statistical report on observations used by WRF in AMPS for a 19 day period. This report covers forecasts (00 UTC, 12 UTC) for the following days 20100601 20100602 20100603 20100604 20100605 20100606

  6. Total SYNOPs available for these forecasts : 20022 SYNOPs used in these forecasts : 11094 (55.4%) SYNOPs rejected in these forecasts : 8928 (44.6%) Total METARs available for these forecasts : 4632 METARs used in these forecasts : 2402 (51.9%) METARs rejected in these forecasts : 2230 (48.1%) Total SHIPs available for these forecasts : 795 SHIPs used in these forecasts : 597 (75.1%) SHIPs rejected in these forecasts : 198 (24.9%) Total BUOYs available for these forecasts : 4874 BUOYs used in these forecasts : 0 (100.0%) BUOYs rejected in these forecasts : 4874 (100.0%)

  7. CASEY station report for the following dates 20100706========================================================Number of CASEY obs available for the forecast period = 8Number of CASEY obs used in the forecast period = 2Number of CASEY obs rejected in the forecast period = 6Percentage of CASEY obs used in the forecast period = 25.0The percentage of rejected obs in the forecast period = 75.0Total SYNOPs available for the forecast period : 6SYNOPs used in the forecast period : 0 ( 0.0%)SYNOPs rejected in the forecast period : 6 (100.0%)Total TEMPs available for the forecast period : 2TEMPs used in the forecast period : 2 (100.0%)TEMPs rejected in the forecast period : 0 ( 0.0%)

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