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Cougar News March 2012

No student dismissal AFTER 2pm. No student dismissal AFTER 2pm. Cougar News March 2012. 11:30 Dismissal March 15 students will dismiss at 11:30. The remainder of this school day is reserved for high school parent/teacher conferences. March 2 5 th Grade Science Benchmark

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Cougar News March 2012

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  1. No student dismissal AFTER 2pm No student dismissal AFTER 2pm Cougar NewsMarch 2012 11:30 Dismissal March 15 students will dismiss at 11:30. The remainder of this school day is reserved for high school parent/teacher conferences. March 2 5th Grade Science Benchmark March 5-9 PTO Teacher Appreciation Week March 6 3-5 Reading Benchmark March 7 3-5 Math Benchmark March 7 Statewide Tornado Drill March 8 3-5 Math Benchmark March 8 Papa’s Pizza Night March 15 11:30 Dismissal March 16 Teacher Workday-No School March 20 First Day of Spring March 29 Costner vs. Cherryville The month of March is here already. I do not know about you, but this year seems to be going by extremely fast! The winter season is almost over, and I know some students are upset about not getting a “big” snow, but I had enough last winter to carry me through for the next three winters. Spring is right around the corner…….. March will be Benchmark Testing for our students in grades 3-5. This will take place the first full week in March. This will help our students prepare for our EOG test, and it will also help our teachers focus on the weaknesses that need to be addressed before May. Please make every effort to have your child here on time these days of testing. If you have any further questions about the benchmark testing you can direct them to your child’s teacher or Mrs. Dellinger/Mr. Crain Thank you for your support! Daylight Savings Time Begins March 11, 2012 we will move our clocks forward 1 hour. Don’t forget!! Chocolate Sale Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!! With your support we raised $5,000 from our chocolate sale. This money will be used to buy computers for our students to use. We could not have done this without your support! Chocolate should be here the week of March 5. March 29, at the North Gaston Gym, Costner Staff vs. Cherryville Staff in basketball at 7pm. Texas Roadhouse will cater dinner beginning at 5pm. DO NOT miss this event!!

  2. Costner vs. Cherryville March 29 beginning at 7pm in the North Gaston HS Gym, Costner teachers will play the Cherryville teachers in basketball. This event will be HUGE!! Texas Roadhouse will offer a tailgate meal for $10 if you are interested in eating dinner at 5pm in the North Gaston cafeteria. We will also sell concessions during the game. Drinks, candy, popcorn and baked goods will be available at a cost of $1.00. Bring your entire family out for a night of fun and cheer on your Costner teachers. The cost of admission is $.50 for students and $1.00 for adults. The doors will open at 5pm and the game will begin at 7pm. GO COUGARS!!!!!!!! Field Day!! Costner Field Day is scheduled for Friday, April 20. Mark your calendars and plan to attend!! March 20 PTO Election/Program May 8, 2012 the Costner PTO will hold an election for the office of Vice President and Secretary. If you are interested in either of these positions, please submit and email to Mrs. U Reed before the first of April . After the votes are cast, Mr. Fox and our Costner students will perform for you. Media Matters Costner Students are beginning the New Year with opportunities to choose a "just right book" from our New Book Purchase.  A Grand  THANK YOU to students and staff for all that you do to support our Library Media Center at Costner!!  I am hoping to order some additional books to support our Fifth Grade Battle of Books Team.  This project is possible because we have earned Box Top Dollars.  Thanks to the dedicated effort of Rebekah and Sidnie Allen's Mother, we have received a Box Top check for just over $1800.00!   THANK YOU MRS. ALLEN AND THANK YOU COSTNER STUDENTS FOR COLLECTING THOSE BOX TOPS.  A "winter collecting sheet" will be sent home soon so make collecting Box Tops for Education a project at your home!  Happy New Year to ALL!  Mrs. Cloninger @ Your Library . Costner Spelling Bee Congratulations to all of our classroom Spelling Bee winners. The competition was very tight, and every student that participated represented their class very well. Congratulations to Kayleigh Guffey and Shelby Propst. Kailey is our 2012 Costner Spelling Bee Winner, and Shelby is our runner-up. Kayleigh will participate in the County Spelling Bee at Gaston College in March. Thank you to Ms. Dalton and Mrs. Cloninger for their time and efforts. Be a Part of the Team Costner Basketball shirts will go on sale March 1. The cost is $7.00. It will be the same shirt our pros (teachers) wear during the game. A flyer was sent home last week. If you would like to purchase one please return the form with the correct shirt size and money. Costner nominees an hopefully county winners! Lost and Found We have an enormous amount of lost and found items in our Multi-Purpose Room. Coats, gloves, lunchboxes are a few items that need to be claimed. If your child is missing something, please take the time to check our lost and found. News from Our Guidance Counselor The end of the year is quickly approaching. Along with the end of the year events comes End of Grade testing for grades 3-5. The dates for End of Grade testing are: May 11th - 5th gr. Science May 15-17th 3rd-5th gr Reading and Math Please keep these dates in mind as you schedule appointments and early vacations. The regular dates are the most appropriate setting for your child to test. During EOG testing, it will take approximately 52 people on May 15-17th to follow all the proper state guidelines and procedures. We are in need of volunteers to proctor during testing to help with this large number of administrators and proctors required. Please contact Mrs. Boone at 704-922-3522 or msboone@gaston.k12.nc.us if you are available to help or have any questions. Registration It is time to register your little ones for the 2012-2013 school year! Pre-K Registration begins April 23. They must be 4yrs old on or before August 31. Kindergarten registration begins April 30. They must be 5yrs old on or before August 31. Call the school for more details.

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