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  1. WELCOME ESSENTIALS of KAIROS INSIDE (EKI) TRAINING WEEKEND Saturday 27th February to Sunday 28th February 2016 PERTH

  2. KAIROS MISSION STATEMENT “The mission of Kairos Prison Ministry International is to bring Christ’s love and forgiveness to all incarcerated individuals, their families, and those who work with them, and to assist the incarcerated in the transition to becoming a productive citizen.”

  3. OBJECTIVE of EKI TRAINING “To enable all Kairos volunteers to understand and deliver the mission of Kairos within the boundaries of KPMA as described within approved policies and manuals.”


  5. AIMS for the WEEKEND • To pursue an understanding of the philosophy and essentials of the Kairos ministry – The Why (ethos) and the How (methodology). • To clarify the principles and practices underlying the delivery of a Kairos program, including the Short Course and the Continuing Ministry. • To introduce support resources, including Ezra.

  6. KAIROS LEADER'S PRAYER Lord, grant that we may understand the necessity for depth in Kairos, rather than surface luster. Convince us of the truth that it is not colourful moments, but your presence which bears fruit. Multiply, O God, the self-sacrificing souls among us who know how to give everything for your cause: our time, our faculties, our health and even our lives, if necessary.

  7. Instill in us boldness in our initiatives, good judgment in our choices of the right means and that courage, which in spite of failures, assures victory through your redeeming love. Cleanse us of the tiny rivalries, sensitivities, vanities, discourtesies . . . everything which distracts from you, everything which divides or discourages us. Help us to maintain, at a high level, meaningful, supernatural and mutual love among ourselves, so that each one will seek by preference the most humble tasks and will rejoice at the good performed by others.

  8. Grant that we be united in a purpose and share in a single spirit... your spirit, Lord Jesus. Grant that your attractive goodness be seen in all of our faces, your warm accents of love heard in all of our words. In our lives, may we show something of you to the world, something which proclaims your living presence among us.... Amen

  9. A chance to write down questions to be answered at a later time in the program if it hasn’t already been covered. THE PARKING LOT

  10. INTRODUCTIONS • Your name • Something about your family (optional) • Your hometown and/or church • Your Kairos experience • What you would like to get from this weekend

  11. COMMUNITY BUILDING • Our weaknesses are shared by all. • Our strengths are shared by all. • Our liabilities are shared by all. • Our talents are shared by all. • Our inabilities are shared by all. • Our skills are shared by all. • Our sinfulness is shared by all. • Our holiness is shared by all.

  12. Our ignorance is shared by all. • Our intelligence is shared by all. • Our rest is shared by all. • Our work is shared by all. • Our failures are shared by all. • Our successes are shared by all. • What we lack is shared by all. • What we have become is shared by all. • Our individuality is shared by all. • Our unity is shared by all.

  13. KAIROS COMMUNITY PRAYER Jesus, come join us in our journey as we seek your will for this community in this environment. Teach us to love each other as you love us, to give ourselves as you give yourself, that the kingdom of God might be made present to all. Amen

  14. BLESSING BEFORE MEALS Bless our friends, bless our food, Come, O Lord, and sit with us. May our talk glow with peace, Bring your love to surround us. Friendship and peace, may it bloom and grow, Bloom and grow forever, Bless our friends, Bless our food, Bless our dear land forever.

  15. THANKS AFTER MEALS Hear our thanks, Father God,, Thanks, O Son, for being with us. Thanks for words giving peace, Urging love strong and sincere. Friendship and peace, may it bloom and grow, Bloom and grow forever, Thanks for friends, Thanks for food, Thanks for freedom, dear Father.

  16. PRAYER OF ST FRANCIS Lord, make me an instrument of your peace; Where there is hatred, let me sow love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; And where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master, Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; To be understood, as to understand; To be loved, as to love; For it is in giving that we receive; It is in pardoning that we are pardoned, And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.

  17. KAIROS MISSION STATEMENT “The mission of Kairos Prison Ministry International is to bring Christ’s love and forgiveness to all incarcerated individuals, their families, and those who work with them, and to assist the incarcerated in the transition to becoming a productive citizen.”

  18. Arms of the Ministry Kairos Inside Kairos Outside for Women Kairos Outside for Men Kairos Torch (supported by Preparation for Kairos PFK)

  19. Organisation Residents CC Staff Families Energy Flow Kairos Teams Regional Committees PSDG PSDG State Councils Nat Off Board SERVANT LEADERSHIP Jesus Christ

  20. The Principal Purpose of Kairos Inside is to establish strong Christian communities among the populations of correctional institutions. This is essentially done through the impact of small, 3‑to‑5 person share and prayer groups of the residents in the institutions.

  21. Heart of Kairos Journey Program

  22. KAIROS INSIDE Bathurst Cessnock Dillwynia Dawn De Loas Emu Plains Goulburn Grafton Junee Mannus Mid Nth Coast Mid Nth Coast Glenn Innes Tamworth Parklea St Helliers Arthur Gorrie Wolston Southern QLD Acacia Alexander Maconochie Fulham Adelaide Women’s (new 2016?) Port Augusta Mobilong

  23. COMMON MISUNDERSTANDINGS Knowing the difference between Kairos and the experience for our guests and our Cursillo/Emmaus etc experiences

  24. Differences in Participation

  25. Differences in Purpose

  26. Differences in Program

  27. What motivates an inmate to come to Kairos? • For the food • Out of boredom • To manipulate us • For the parole board • To get some grease with the officer who recommended them

  28. After the reputation of Kairos spreads • To be accepted as an individual • Because they are lonely • Because they like what they see in those who are active in the Kairos community • Because they really want to be loved but they can tell their buddies it was “for the biscuits” • Deep down they have run out of answers

  29. Things to avoid • Don’t make the course too “churchy” or “holy” • The impression that it is an “exclusive club” • “Buying” the guests participation • Excessive emphasis on agape • Applause after talks etc • Special dress • Emphasis on performance • Having inmates give thanks, poems, songs etc • Denominationally specific expressions REMEMBER THAT THIS IS A SERVANT MINISTRY

  30. Structure and Themes SHORT COURSE Day 4 Encountering Others: Growing in faith and community with others Day 3 Encountering Christ: Meet Jesus and the body of Christ. Find forgiveness in Him Day 2 Encountering Self: Understand yourself and your standing with God Day 1 Encountering Kairos: Reduce anxiety and build comfort level

  31. Kairos Short Course Walking in God’s Grace Never Give Up 37

  32. Kairos Riverbanks

  33. Each Leader chooses the best way for the team to journey down the river

  34. Ministry Foundations Agape Obedience Selfless For Christ Sacrifice Listen Love Prayer

  35. Common Ground Avoid differences Ecumenical Unified in Christ No communion Teach common ground Plant Love

  36. Team Formation Stick to talk outlines Build agape Prepare for roles Prepare for prison Prepare spiritually Take time Meeting attendance Prayer first

  37. Short Course - Spirit Chapel sacred Avoid a performance Don’t manipulate Dress in humility Listen & love Focus on family Be vulnerable Prayer vigil

  38. Short Course - Program The river is narrow Adapt to the institution Closing is worship Day 4: Encountering others Day 3: Encountering Christ Day 2: Encountering self Day 1: Encountering Kairos Everything in sequence Nothing substituted

  39. The Prison The river is very narrow Religious material through the Chaplain Not to be a visitor No metal or glass Don’t buy from guests Don’t pass messages, mail Honour the staff’s authority Nothing in nothing out

  40. CODE OF CONDUCT AND ETHICS “I was in prison and you visited me” Matthew 25:36

  41. WHY and WHAT • Committed to the Mission of Kairos: Bringing Christ’s love and forgiveness to all incarcerated individuals, their families and those who work with them, and to assist in their transition to becoming productive citizens. • All can expect highest standards of attitude and behaviour. • As Christians, we live in humility, faithfulness and in the power of the Holy Spirit, expressing this in loving relationships. • Protect the reputation and integrity of the ministry. • We need to recognize the ethical dimension and adhere to the values.

  42. KAIROS VALUES • Honour God in All we do • Giving God all the credit. • Diligently sharing His gifts to achieve His purposes. • Seeking Him in Spirit in worshipping, sharing and praying together. • Relinquishing all anxiety to his care.

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