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CIS 90 - Lesson 15

CIS 90 - Lesson 15. Lesson Module Status Slides – draft Properties - done Flash cards – 1 st Minute quiz – NA Web calendar summary – done Web book pages – done Commands – NA Lab – NA Supplies () - Class PC's – Scripts () –. CIS 90 - Lesson 15. Quiz. No Quiz !.

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CIS 90 - Lesson 15

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  1. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 • Lesson Module Status • Slides – draft • Properties - done • Flash cards – • 1st Minute quiz – NA • Web calendar summary – done • Web book pages – done • Commands – NA • Lab – NA • Supplies () - • Class PC's – • Scripts () –

  2. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 Quiz No Quiz !

  3. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 File Transfer and Review

  4. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 Previous material and assignment • Questions?

  5. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 Housekeeping

  6. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 Register now to get in the next Linux courses for the Fall 2009 term

  7. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 • Next week is Cabrillo Finals Week • Our final will be Test #3 (30 points) • Same time and location as our usual class • More on Test #3 later today …

  8. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 • Due midnight tonight: • Final Project submittal • Due midnight June 3: • Five forum posts • Extra credit Lab X1

  9. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 Progress Check • Remaining points to earn • Forum-4 20 • Test-3 30 • Final project 60 • Extra credit 0-90 Let me know if your Grade or P/NP option is correct

  10. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 File Transfer

  11. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 File Transfer Opus -> Windows PC -> Linux System We will copy our work on Opus to a Windows PC Opus (a RHEL server) / Then copy from there to a Linux virtual machine

  12. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 File Transfer Opus -> Windows PC -> Linux System Starting in the CIS 90 class directory on Opus /home/cis90 $ find bin/ answers/ roddyduk/ bin/ bin/submit bin/submit.bak bin/exam bin/allscripts < snipped > roddyduk/review/news roddyduk/review/mail90 roddyduk/review/banner roddyduk/review/finger roddyduk/program roddyduk/exitscript roddyduk/red-12-09-08 roddyduk/red-12-09-2008 roddyduk/blue-12-09-2008 /home/cis90 $ Use find to list the files in bin/, answers/, and your /home directory used in this class. These are the files we will archive and copy to another computer. /

  13. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 File Transfer Opus -> Windows PC -> Linux System Use wc to count the number of files in the three directories /home/cis90 $ find bin/ answers/ roddyduk/ | wc -l 263 /home/cis90 $ The bin directory has allscripts, riddles and other files used in class. The answers directory has answers for each lab. Your home directory has all the files you made during the course. /

  14. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 File Transfer Opus -> Windows PC -> Linux System verbose directories to backup Name of tarball to create create /home/cis90 $ tar cvf /home/cis90/roddyduk/roddyduk.tar bin/ answers/ roddyduk/ bin/ bin/submit bin/submit.bak bin/exam bin/allscripts < snipped > tar: roddyduk/roddyduk.tar: file is the archive; not dumped roddyduk/program roddyduk/exitscript roddyduk/red-12-09-08 roddyduk/red-12-09-2008 roddyduk/blue-12-09-2008 /home/cis90 $ / Backup all these files into a single tarball

  15. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 File Transfer Opus -> Windows PC -> Linux System verbose Name of tarball table of contents /home/cis90 $ tar tvf /home/cis90/roddyduk/roddyduk.tar | wc -l 263 /home/cis90 $ Use the t option (table of contents) to list the contents of the tarball which are then piped to wc to count /

  16. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 File Transfer Opus -> Windows PC -> Linux System Next, compress the archive with gzip /home/cis90/roddyduk $ ls -l roddyduk.tar -rw-rw---- 1 roddyduk cis90 1034240 Dec 10 13:50 roddyduk.tar /home/cis90/roddyduk $ /home/cis90/roddyduk $ gzip roddyduk.tar /home/cis90/roddyduk $ ls -l roddyduk.tar* -rw-rw---- 1 roddyduk cis90 168996 Dec 10 13:50 roddyduk.tar.gz /home/cis90/roddyduk $ Note: gzip renames the tarball by adding the .gz suffix

  17. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 Class Exercise Archive your work on Opus Archive everything in your home directory (including all sub directories) plus the class bin and answer directories into one tarball. cd /home/cis90/ find bin/ answers/ $LOGNAME/ | wc -l tar cvf /home/cis90/$LOGNAME/$LOGNAME.tar bin/ answers/ $LOGNAME/ tar tvf /home/cis90/$LOGNAME/$LOGNAME.tar | wc –l cd gzip $LOGNAME.tar Count the files to be archived This counts the files in the archive Now compress that tarball

  18. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 File Transfer Opus -> Windows PC -> Linux System http://filezilla-project.org/ Filezilla is a free, open-source FTP solution. We will be using the Filezilla client to transfer files from one computer to another /

  19. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 File Transfer Opus -> Windows PC -> Linux System The Filezilla client is installed on each classroom Windows PC Navigate to the folder on the Windows PC to where you will download the tarball from Opus /

  20. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 File Transfer Opus -> Windows PC -> Linux System Click on Site Manager icon Bring up the Site Manager dialog and select your account on Opus / Click Connect button to connect to host

  21. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 File Transfer Opus -> Windows PC -> Linux System When connected to Opus and you will be in your home directory

  22. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 File Transfer Opus -> Windows PC -> Linux System Scroll down and find the tarball /

  23. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 File Transfer Opus -> Windows PC -> Linux System Right click and select download /

  24. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 File Transfer Opus -> Windows PC -> Linux System download in progress /

  25. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 File Transfer Opus -> Windows PC -> Linux System Click on red X to disconnect when download is finished Download complete /

  26. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 File Transfer Opus -> Windows PC -> Linux System Disconnected /

  27. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 Class Exercise Filezilla • On class PC • Run Filezilla • Download your tarball on Opus to the Windows desktop of your classroom PC

  28. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 File Transfer Opus -> Windows PC -> Linux System Next we start up one of the Ubuntu VMs named Frodo. The ipconfig command shows the IP address to use to connect to this VM. Its blurred here because your IP address will be different /

  29. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 File Transfer Opus -> Windows PC -> Linux System Use the IP address you got from ifconfig to use for the Host field Use the cis90 account on Frodo /

  30. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 File Transfer Opus -> Windows PC -> Linux System Connected to another Linux system now /

  31. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 File Transfer Opus -> Windows PC -> Linux System Navigate to directory on Linux system to upload the tarball /

  32. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 File Transfer Opus -> Windows PC -> Linux System Right click on tarball and select Upload /

  33. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 File Transfer Opus -> Windows PC -> Linux System Tarball uploaded to second Linux system /

  34. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 Class Exercise Filezilla • On class PC • Fire up Frodo VM • On Frodo, get the IP address for Frodo • On Frodo, if it doesn't already exist, create a depot directory and in the depot directory create a opus-files directory • On Filezilla, break the connection with Opus and connect now to Frodo using the IP address and cis90 credentials • Transfer your tarball from the Windows desktop to the the cis90 home directory on Frodo

  35. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 File Transfer Opus -> Windows PC -> Linux System Putty (SSH) in to the the Linux VM named Frodo using the same IP address Login as cis90 /

  36. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 File Transfer Opus -> Windows PC -> Linux System login as: cis90 root@'s password: Last login: Mon Dec 8 18:22:25 2008 [cis90@frodo ~]# cd depot [cis90@frodo depot]# ls misc opus-files tarballs [cis90@frodo depot]# cd opus-files/ [cis90@frodo opus-files]# ls roddyduk.tar.gz [cis90@frodo opus-files]# Login as cis90 and navigate to directory where tarball was uploaded /

  37. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 File Transfer Opus -> Windows PC -> Linux System [cis90@frodo opus-files]# gunzip roddyduk.tar.gz [cis90@frodo opus-files]# ls roddyduk.tar [cis90@frodo opus-files]# Unzip the tarball /

  38. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 File Transfer Opus -> Windows PC -> Linux System extract Extract the tarball [cis90@frodo opus-files]# tar xvf roddyduk.tar bin/ bin/submit bin/submit.bak < snipped > roddyduk/program roddyduk/exitscript roddyduk/red-12-09-08 roddyduk/red-12-09-2008 roddyduk/blue-12-09-2008 [cis90@frodo opus-files]# /

  39. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 File Transfer Opus -> Windows PC -> Linux System [cis90@frodo opus-files]# ls -l total 1044 drwxr-xr-x 2 201 103 4096 Nov 28 17:41 answers drwxr-x--- 2 201 103 4096 Nov 30 23:25 bin drwxr-xr-x 28 1156 103 4096 Dec 10 13:50 roddyduk -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1034240 Dec 8 23:43 roddyduk.tar [cis90@frodo opus-files]# The bin, answer and home directories have been recreated /

  40. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 File Transfer Opus -> Windows PC -> Linux System [cis90@frodo opus-files]# cd roddyduk/bin [cis90@frodo bin]# ls app banner datecal hi I myscript.bak treat5 tryme backups benscript enlightenment home myscript myscript.v1 treed zoom [cis90@frodo bin]# myscript -bash: myscript: command not found [cis90@frodo bin]# ./myscript Duke's CIS 90 Final Project 1) Color 2) My Find Command 3) More practice 4) Duke's friend made this one - Thank You 5) Task 5 6) Exit Enter Your Choice: / Note we have a different path on this system so may have to specify a relative path to script file to run

  41. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 Class Exercise Filezilla • On class PC • Putty into your Frodo VM • Login as cis90 • Navigate to your tarball in depot/opus-files • Unzip the tarball using: gunziplogname.tar.gz • Extract the tarball using: tar xvflogname.tar • Navigateintoyourbin directory and run ./myscript

  42. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 Final Exam

  43. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 Final Exam The CIS 90 Final Exam is Test #3 • The Final Exam is June 3 • Same time and location as our usual class • The final exam will be Test #3 (worth 30 points) • Open book, open notes, open computer. • During the test you must work alone and not ask or give assistance to others. • A Practice Test 3 is available on the web site to prepare for the actual test. • You may work with others and use the forum to discuss questions and answers on the practice test prior to the final exam. /

  44. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 Project Presentations

  45. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 Wrap up

  46. CIS 191 - Lesson 15 • New commands: • tar Backup and restore files • gzip Compress file • gunzip Uncompress file • New Files and Directories:

  47. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 Next Class is the Final Exam • Assignment: Check Calendar Page on web site to see what is due next week. • Test #3 • Five Posts • Lab X1 (extra credit)

  48. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 Project Workshop (optional)

  49. CIS 90 - Lesson 15 Backup

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