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A metaphor to start: coloured glasses (1)

A metaphor to start: coloured glasses (1). C. B. A. A. B. A. C. A. B. C. B. C. A metaphor to start: coloured glasses (2). Every stakeholder perceives a different “scene”: equivokes can arise  communication is needed to achieve a common meaning about the event exchanging messages.

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A metaphor to start: coloured glasses (1)

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  1. A metaphor to start: coloured glasses (1) C B A A B A C A B C B C

  2. A metaphor to start: coloured glasses (2) Every stakeholder perceives a different “scene”: equivokes can arise  communication is needed to achieve a common meaning about the event exchanging messages In the case of partecipatory design, the stakeholders composing the design team are domain experts, HCI experts and SE expert: each of them wears invisible cultural glasses  symmetry of ignorance • progressive semantization

  3. Design needs to be based on a bargain between different stakeholders: need of different languages and tools to permit the bargain by improving communication between the different stakeholders  Tools permit to perceive and act on the messages exchanged through an interactive system, according to the specific cultural view of the stakeholder The Multi-Facet Methodology

  4. A team of HCI experts,SEs and Neurologists designs a visual interactive system for neurological diagnosis. Each stakeholder sees and acts on the same pictorial elements on the screen but interprets elements and actions in a different way. Example

  5. <sel, > 1 B-neurologist with >0 benches 0 B-neurologist with No benches (1 bench) If free space exists < <sel, >,< , , >> << <sel, >, > (1 annotation manager) (if free space exists) <sel, > <sel, > <sel, > 2 B-neurologist with >0 benches & >0 annotation managers <sel, > Three Interaction Languages Three languages are involved in the communication and three translation tools are needed. Domain expert language HCI expert language SE language

  6. The three languages and their relation …abstracting APE Animated Pictorial Elements are boundary objects, elements of each language and subject of the bargains among the different stakeholders

  7. Every stakeholder in the design team sees and interacts with animated pictorial elements according to her/his semantics: reasoning on models becomes reasoning on boundary objects. We developed tools (UIDE) to support the stakeholders in their activities as designers and in bargaining with other stakeholders through annotation systems. The partecipatory design process becomes cooperative and influenced by the visions of each stakeholder and design options are shared by the stakeholders in the design team: the designed system emerges as the result of the mutual interaction. Conclusions (1)

  8. As a contribution to the emergence of a Science of Design, this paper presents a holistic, participatory, meta-design methodology for the creation of usable, co-evolutive and domain specific interactive applications, which aims at satisfying the needs of end users. Conclusions (2)

  9. Thanks Andrea Marcante CSLab, DICo, UniMI marcante@dico.unimi.it

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