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General Immunity of Infectious diseases

General Immunity of Infectious diseases. Yoes Prijatna Dachlan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya. YPD 2014. Molecular structures recognized during Innate and Adaptive Immune Responses. PAMP. Pathogen 1. Ag. INNATE. ADAPTIVE. Common structures (PAMPs) recognised

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General Immunity of Infectious diseases

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  1. General Immunity of Infectious diseases YoesPrijatnaDachlan FakultasKedokteran UniversitasWijayaKusuma Surabaya YPD 2014

  2. Molecular structures recognized during Innate and Adaptive Immune Responses PAMP Pathogen 1 Ag INNATE ADAPTIVE Common structures (PAMPs) recognised by innate Unique structures (Antigens=Ag) recognized by adaptive PAMP Pathogen 2 Ag PAMP Pathogen 3 Ag (Mak & Saunders,2012) PAMP = Pathogen-associated molecular patterns (Yoes Prijatna Dachlan 2014)

  3. INNATE PAMPs • microbial components that stimulate innate immunity • simple molecules and regular patternsofmolecular structure PRRs • The host molecules (receptors) that recognize PAMP 1.Membrane signaling receptors (TLR) (Abbas, et al.,2007; Murphy, et al., 2008; Paul WE, 2008) 2.Phagocytic PRR 3.Secreted PRR (Yoes Prijatna Dachlan 2014)

  4. 1. PRR pemberisinyaladanyainfeksi • Merupakankeluarga TLR (Toll like receptor) Aktivasi signaling pathway pro-inflammatory Menginduksisejumlah gen Produk gen Protein & peptida Sebagaiefektor anti mikroba MHC & molekul accessory gunamenginduksi adaptive Immuneresponse Cytokine & Chemokine Pathogen Signaling PRR Intracellular PRR dsRNA Immune response genes (Paul WE, 2008) apoptosis cytokine (Yoes Prijatna Dachlan 2014)

  5. 2. PRR fagositik (Phagocytic PRR) •  Reseptorterekspresi di: M, netrofil, seldendrit •  PRR + PAMPS Selfagosit Scavenger receptor Mannose receptor  glucan receptor fagolisosom Mekanisme efektor Eliminasi mikroba Pathogen Phagocytic PRR Phagocytosis (Paul WE, 2008) Yoes Prijatna Dachlan 2014

  6. 3. Secreted PRR • - Peranfisiologisnyaberbeda • - Fungsiutama: (a) Aktivasikomplemen • (b) Opsonisasi fagositosis • - Diproduksi & disekresiterutamaolehhepatosit • -  PRR selama Acute-phase response • - Seringkalidisebutjuga Acute-phase protein Pathogen • Collectin • C-reactive protein • PGRP (Peptidoglycan- • recognition protein) Soluble PRR Pathogen Complement Soluble PRR Classical and Lectin pathway Receptor for soluble PRR Phagocytosis (Paul WE, 2008) Yoes Prijatna Dachlan 2014

  7. (Yoes Prijatna Dachlan 2011) (Abbas,AK.,et al, 2007)

  8. TLR, NOD and INNATE IMMUNITY (Yoes Prijatna Dachlan, 2014) (Stephens DS; Shafer WM, 2008)

  9. (Shields, Panayi, Corrigall, 2011) (Yoes Prijatna Dachlan 2014)

  10. suatu subset dari T helper CD4+ yang mensekresikansekumpulansitokinkhusus, termasuk IFN-γ, danmempunyaifungsimendasaradalahmenstimulasiphagocyte-mediated defense dalammelawaninfeksi berpartisipasipadacell-mediated immunity danantibody-mediated immunity T-helper 1 (Th-1) pentinguntukmengendalikan: patogenintraseluler, seperti virus danbakteritertentu (ListeriadanMycobacterium tuberculosis) Menyiapkansitokinuntukmengaktifkan CTL (sel T CD8+) – ysngmerupakansenjata yang sangatberpotensidalammelawanpatogenintraseluler (Yoes Prijatna Dachlan, 2014)

  11. Th-1 Type (Yoes Prijatna Dachlan, 2014)

  12. suatu subset dari T helper CD4+ yang mensekresikansekumpulansitokinkhusus, yakni IL-4, IL-5, IL-13 danmempunyaifungsimendasaryaknimenstimulasiIgEdanreaksiimun yang diperantaraioleheosinofil/mast cell menyiapkanbantuanpadasel B yang pentinguntukmemproduksiantibodiIgEdanbeberapasubklasIgG T-helper 2 (Th-2) •antibodidibutuhkanuntukmengendalikanpatogenekstraseluler •antiboditerpaparoleh pathogen ekstraseluler yang berada di sirkulasi darahdancairantubuh (Yoes Prijatna Dachlan, 2014)

  13. Th-2 Type (Yoes Prijatna Dachlan, 2014)

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