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Food and Agriculture Issues and Research Needs

Food and Agriculture Issues and Research Needs. Bruce A. McCarl Distinguished Professor of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University mccarl@tamu.edu , http//ageco.tamu.edu/faculty/mccarl. Climate Change Mitigation. Energy. Animal Disease. Climate Change Effects & Adaptation.

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Food and Agriculture Issues and Research Needs

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  1. Food and Agriculture Issues and Research Needs Bruce A. McCarl Distinguished Professor of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University mccarl@tamu.edu, http//ageco.tamu.edu/faculty/mccarl ClimateChangeMitigation Energy AnimalDisease ClimateChangeEffects & Adaptation Presented at Panel on Research Priorities of the Food, Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Environment of 2050 February 2010

  2. Climate Change the challenge Warming Associated with a lot more Atmospheric CO2 Emissions Rising rapidly

  3. Climate Change What is going on The Arapahoe Glacier in Boulder County, Colorado, has shrunk dramatically since it was photographed in 1898. Measurements collected since 1960 suggest the glacier has thinned by at least 40 meters since then. It is the ultimate source of Boulder’s main water supply. 1898 2003 http://publicearth.com/places/glaciers/araphoe-glacier

  4. Climate Change Evidence and projections Water at issue plus snow pack. 1898 2003 http://publicearth.com/places/glaciers/araphoe-glacier

  5. Climate Change Evidence and projections Big consequences for ag viability – 25% less acres 10% less animals

  6. Damage – Coastal If small glaciers and polar ice caps on the margins of Greenland and the Antarctic Peninsula melt, the projected rise in sea level will be around 0.5 m. Melting of the Greenland ice sheet would produce 7.2 m of sea-level rise Melting of the Antarctic ice sheet would produce 61.1 m of sea level rise. Collapse of the grounded interior reservoir of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet would raise sea level by 5-6 m http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_level_rise#Greenland_contribution http://environment.newscientist.com/channel/earth/mg19526141.600- huge-sea-level-rises-are-coming--unless-we-act-now.html http://maps.grida.no/go/graphic/potential_impact_of_sea_level_rise_on_bangladesh

  7. Climate change and future Research • Big decisions need to be made Info needed • Info types • Size and type of effects • Costs • Methods of Ag Adaptation • effectiveness and type, • benefits/costs • dissemination methods and costs • Methods of Mitigation • Energy only – ag effects • Sequestration, Emission control, Offset • Policy implementation

  8. On to Bioenergy

  9. Bioenergy – Why care ScarcityandFossilFuelCost Offshore Onshore Graph of Oil Production Source: Colin Campbell of the Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas (ASPO) Newsletter as in Wikapedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peak_oil Global Conventional Oil Production May Peak SoonUS has as has Texas

  10. Bioenergy – Why care ScarcityandFossilFuelCost Lots of Oil But recovery cost will increase Source: International Energy AgencyResources to Reserves Report http://www.iea.org/Textbase/npsum/oil_gasSUM.pdf

  11. Bioenergy – Why care Source of CO2 and greenhouse gasses – climate change Emissions share Most emissions from energy http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/emissions/globalghg.html US EIA, http://www.eia.doe.gov/environment.html 2003 State by State Energy related CO2 emissions -- Texas wins

  12. Bio Energy Research • Can it be an Alternative to fossil fuels • Methods • Cost • GHG implications • Market and Env implications of Ag bioenergy strategies • Potential supply • Price effects • Environmental Effects • Policy Analysis and design

  13. On to Animal disease

  14. Animal Disease why care? Recent outbreaks Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Outbreaks January 2006 to July 2006Source: http://www.oie.int/wahis Countries Where an FMD Outbreak Occurred in 2009 Source: http://www.oie.int/wahis

  15. Animal Disease why care? Recent outbreaks History shows vulnerability UK FMD outbreak 6.25 million dead animals, loss in billions of $ BSE in England150 dead citizens, Fear and beef demand US and Canadian BSELost export marketsUS Avian Influenza events Slaughtered animals in 10,000’s, Export market closuresAsian AI events Animals and peopleSouth American FMD Changed nature of beef trade

  16. Animal Disease Research • How do we best protect – info needed • Disease Vulnerability • Estimation • Categorization of effects • Strategy development and evaluation for • Anticipation • Prevention • Detection • Response • Recovery • Policy Analysis (protect, treat, compensation, movement etc)

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