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ECE 645 Spring 2007 PROJECT 2 Specification

ECE 645 Spring 2007 PROJECT 2 Specification. Topic Options. Public Key (Asymmetric) Cryptosystems. Private key of Bob - k B. Public key of Bob - K B. Network. Decryption. Encryption. Bob. Alice. RSA as a trap-door one-way function. PUBLIC KEY. C = f(M) = M e mod N. M. C.

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ECE 645 Spring 2007 PROJECT 2 Specification

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  1. ECE 645 Spring 2007 PROJECT 2 Specification

  2. Topic Options

  3. Public Key (Asymmetric) Cryptosystems Private key of Bob - kB Public key of Bob - KB Network Decryption Encryption Bob Alice

  4. RSA as a trap-door one-way function PUBLIC KEY C = f(M) = Me mod N M C M = f-1(C) = Cd mod N PRIVATE KEY N = P  Q P, Q - large prime numbers e  d  1 mod ((P-1)(Q-1))

  5. RSA keys PUBLIC KEY PRIVATE KEY { e, N } { d, P, Q } N = P  Q P, Q - large prime numbers e  d  1 mod ((P-1)(Q-1))

  6. Early Factoring Device – Lehmer Sieve Bicycle chain sieve [D. H. Lehmer, 1928] Computer Museum, Mountain View, CA

  7. Supercomputer Cray-1 from 1980’s Computer Museum, Mountain View, CA

  8. FPGA based supercomputers Machine Released SRC 6 fromSRC Computers Cray XD1 fromfrom Cray SGI Altix from SGI SRC 7 from SRC Computers, Inc, 2002 2005 2005 2006

  9. COPACOBANA Ruhr University, Bochum, University of Kiel, Germany, 2006 Cost: € 8980 120 Spartan 3 FPGAs Clock frequency 100 MHz

  10. Factoring 1024-bit RSA keysusing Number Field Sieve (NFS) Polynomial Selection Relation Collection Cofactoring 200 bit & 350 bit Trial division ECM, p-1 method, rho method Sieving numbers Linear Algebra Square Root

  11. Topic 1 Trial Division Sieve

  12. Topic 1: Trial Division Sieve (1) Given: Inputs: Variables: • Integers N1, N2, N3, .... each of the size of k-bits Constants: 2. Factor base = set of all primes smaller smaller than a certain bound B = { p1=2, p2=3, p3=5, ... , pt ≤ B } Parameters of interest: 4 ≤ k ≤ 512 3 ≤ B ≤ 105

  13. Topic 1: Trial Division Sieve (2) Required: Outputs: For each integer Ni: A list of primes from the factor base that divides Ni, and the number of times each prime divides Ni. For example if Ni = p1e1 · p2e2 · p3e3· Mi, where Mi is not divisible by any prime belonging to a factor base, then the output is {p1, e1}, {p2, e2}, {p3, e3}

  14. Topic 1: Trial Division Sieve (3) Example: Constants: k=10, B=5 Factor base = {2, 3, 5} Variables: N1 = 408 = 23· 3 · 17 N2 = 630 = 2 · 32· 5 · 7 Outputs: {2, 3}, {3, 1} {2, 1}, {3, 2}, {5, 1}

  15. Topic 1: Trial Division Sieve (4) Optimization Criteria: Maximum number of integers Ni fully processed per unit of time for a given k and B.

  16. Topic 2 Greatest Common Divisor & Multiplicative Inverse

  17. Topic 2: Greatest Common Divisorand Multiplicative Inverse(2) Given: Inputs: a, N: k-bit integers; a < N Outputs: y = gcd(a, N) x = a-1 mod N i.e., integer 1 ≤ x < N, such that a  x (mod N) = 1 Parameters of interest: 4 ≤ k ≤ 1024

  18. Greatest common divisor Greatest common divisor of a and b, denoted by gcd(a, b), is the largest positive integer that divides both a and b. d = gcd (a, b) iff 1) d | a and d | b 2) if c | a and c | b then c d

  19. gcd (8, 44) = gcd (-15, 65) = gcd (45, 30) = gcd (31, 15) = gcd (121, 169) =

  20. Quotient and remainder Given integers a and n, n>0 ! q, r  Z such that a = q n + r and 0  r < n a q = q – quotient r – remainder (of a divided by n) = a div n n a r = a - q n = a –  n = n = a mod n

  21. Euclid’s Algorithm for computing gcd(a,b) qi q-1 q0 q1 … qt-1 ri r-2 = max(a, b) r-1 = min(a, b) r0 r1 … rt-1 = gcd(a, b) rt=0 i -2 -1 0 1 … t-1 t ri+1 = ri-1 mod ri ri-1 qi = ri ri+1 = ri-1 - qi ri

  22. Euclid’s Algorithm Example: gcd(36, 126) qi q-1= 3 q0= 2 q1 ri r-2 = max(a, b) =126 r-1 = min(a, b) =36 r0= 18 = gcd(36, 126) r1= 0 i -2 -1 0 1 ri+1 = ri-1 mod ri ri-1 qi = ri ri+1 = ri-1 - qi ri

  23. Multiplicative inverse modulo n The multiplicative inverse of a modulo n is an integer [!!!] x such that a x  1 (mod n) The multiplicative inverse of a modulo n is denoted by a-1 mod n (in some books a or a*). According to this notation: a a-1  1 (mod n)

  24. Extended Euclid’s Algorithm (1) ri = xi a + yi n qi q-1 =  n/a  q0 q1 … qt-1 yi y-2=1 y-1=0 y0 y1 … yt-1 yt xi x-2=0 x-1=1 x0 x1 … xt-1 xt ri r-2 = n r-1 = a r0 r1 … rt-1 rt=0 i -2 -1 0 1 … t-1 t ri-1 qi = ri ri+1 = ri-1 - qi ri xi+1 = xi-1 - qi xi yi+1 = yi-1 - qi yi rt-1 = xt-1 a + yt-1 n

  25. Extended Euclid’s Algorithm (2) rt-1 = xt-1 a + yt-1 n rt-1 = xt-1 a + yt-1 n  xt-1 a (mod n) If rt-1 = gcd (a, n) = 1 then xt-1 a  1 (mod n) and as a result xt-1 = a-1 mod n

  26. Extended Euclid’s Algorithm for computing z = a-1 mod n qi q-1 =  n/a  q0 q1 … qt-1 ri r-2 = n r-1 = a r0 r1 … rt-1 = 1 rt=0 xi x-2=0 x-1=1 x0 x1 … xt-1 = a-1 mod n xt = n i -2 -1 0 1 … t-1 t ri-1 qi = ri ri+1 = ri-1 - qi ri xi+1 = xi-1 - qi xi If rt-1 1 the inverse does not exist Note:

  27. Extended Euclid’s Algorithm Example z = 20-1 mod 117 ri-1 qi q-1 = 5 q0 = 1 q1 = 5 q2 = 1 q3 = 2 ri r-2 = 117 r-1 = 20 r0 = 17 r1 = 3 r2 = 2 r3 = 1 r4 = 0 xi x-2= 0 x-1= 1 x0 =-5 x1 = 6 x2 = -35 x3 = 41 = 20-1 mod 117 x4 = -117 i -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 qi = ri ri+1 = ri-1 - qi ri xi+1 = xi-1 - qi xi Check: 20  41 mod 117 = 1

  28. Topic 3 RSA Encryption & Decryption with Montgomery Multipliers based on Carry Save Adders

  29. RSA as a trap-door one-way function PUBLIC KEY C = f(M) = Me mod N M C M = f-1(C) = Cd mod N PRIVATE KEY N = P  Q P, Q - large prime numbers e  d  1 mod ((P-1)(Q-1))

  30. Exponentiation: Y = XE mod N Right-to-left binary exponentiation Left-to-right binary exponentiation E = (eL-1, eL-2, …, e1, e0)2 Y = 1; S = X; for i=0 to L-1 { if (ei == 1) Y = Y  S mod N; S = S2 mod N; } Y = 1; for i=L-1 downto 0 { Y = Y2 mod N; if (ei == 1) Y = Y  X mod N; }

  31. Montgomery Modular Multiplication (1) C = A  B mod M A, B, M – k-bit numbers Montgomery domain Integer domain A A’ = A  2k mod M B B’ = B  2k mod M C’ = MP(A’, B’, M) = = A’  B’  2-k mod M = = (A  2k)  (B  2k)  2-k mod M = = A  B  2k mod M C = A  B C’ = C  2k mod M

  32. Montgomery Modular Multiplication (2) A A’ A’ = MP(A, 22k mod M, M) C C’ C = MP(C’, 1, M)

  33. Montgomery Modular Multiplication (3) 2k bits X = A’B’ x2n-1 x2n-2 x2n-3 xn . . . . . . x0 x1 + q0M x2n-1 x2n-2 0 x2n-3 xn . . . . . . x1 + q1Mb x2n-1 x2n-2 0 0 x2n-3 x2 . . . . . . . . . C’ 2k = X + zM C’ 2k X = A’B’ C’  A’B’ 2-k 0 0 . . . 0 C’ k bits

  34. Fast modular exponentiation using Chinese Remainder Theorem d N = C M mod CP = C mod P dP = d mod (P-1) CQ = C mod Q dQ = d mod (Q-1) dQ dP = CQ Q MQ = mod CP P MP mod M = MP ·RQ + MQ ·RP mod N where RP = (P-1 mod Q) ·P = PQ-1 mod N RQ = (Q-1 mod P) ·Q= QP-1 mod N

  35. Time of exponentiation without and with Chinese Remainder Theorem SOFTWARE Without CRT tEXP(k) = cs k3 With CRT k 1 tEXP-CRT(k)  2  cs ( )3 = tEXP(k) 2 4 HARDWARE Without CRT tEXP(k) = ch k2 With CRT 1 k tEXP-CRT(k) ch ( )2 = tEXP(k) 4 2

  36. Topic 4 RSA Encryption & Decryption with Word-Based Montgomery Multipliers

  37. Data dependency graph of a classical architecture by Tenca & Koc

  38. Data dependency graph of a new design from GWU & GMU

  39. Block diagram of the new architecture

  40. Block diagram of the main Processing Element

  41. Topic 5 p-1 Method of Factoring

  42. p-1 algorithm Inputs : N – number to be factored a – arbitrary integer such that gcd(a, N)=1 B1 – smoothness bound for Phase1 Outputs: q - factor of N, 1 < q ≤ N or FAIL

  43. p-1 algorithm – Phase 1 precomputations main computations postcomputations out of scope for this project

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