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METABOLISM of AMINO ACIDS Dr Shahnaz Khaghani. Tehran University of Medical Sciences. TRANSAMINATION (Amino nitrogen ). CATABOLISM pyruvate ace tyl-CoA acetoacetate succinyl-CoA, α -KG. GLUTAMATE. AMINO ACIDS. UREA. Anabolic pathways Specialized molecules: creatine,

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  1. METABOLISM ofAMINO ACIDSDr Shahnaz Khaghani Tehran University of Medical Sciences

  2. TRANSAMINATION (Amino nitrogen ) CATABOLISMpyruvateacetyl-CoAacetoacetatesuccinyl-CoA, α-KG GLUTAMATE AMINO ACIDS UREA • Anabolic pathways • Specialized molecules: • creatine, • SAM, cysteine, hormones,NO, • dTMP ABERRANT METABOLISM PKU, MSUD

  3. OUTLINE • Incorporation of amino acid nitrogen into urea • A) Transamination • B) Glutamate dehydrogenase generates ammonia • C) Urea synthesis requires ammonia, • bicarbonate, and ATP • 1) hyperammonemia, cause and management • Catabolism (utilization) of amino acid carbon atoms • A) Amino acid carbon atoms pyruvate, thus gluconeogenesis

  4. III. Amino acids as substrates in critical anabolic pathways A) Creatine (arginine and glycine) B) Hormones: catecholamines (phenyl- alanine), serotonin (tryptophan), thyroid hormones (phenylalanine) C) “Second messenger,” nitric oxide (NO) (arginine) D) Methyl donor, S-adenosyl-L- methionine or SAM(methionine) E) Cysteine (methionine and serine) F) Methionine resynthesis and DNA synthesis

  5. IV. “Inborn errors” of amino acid metabolism A. Phenylketonuria 1) Clinical Manifestations: a) growth failure b) delayed psychomotor development c) seizures d) mental retardation

  6. Examples, “inborn errors” of amino acid metabolism • A. PKU • B. MSUD

  7. B) Amino acid carbon atoms acetyl-CoA, thus fatty acids and cholesterol C) Amino acid carbon atoms acetoacetate, thus “ketone bodies” D) Amino acid carbon atoms succinyl-CoA, thus TCA cycle E) Amino acid carbon atoms 2-oxoglutarate (α-KG), thus TCA cycle

  8. Amino Acid Breakdown: No storage form of Amino Acids, therefore excess need to be converted to other forms to be used as energy or stored as glycogen/fat. R O H2N CH C OH Recycling of the Carbon Skeleton Disposal of Nitrogen Atom (Urea)

  9. I. Amino Acid Nitrogen Incorporation into Urea A. TransaminationTransamination requires: 1) An amino acid and an oxo- (keto-) acid 2) Co-factor pyridoxal phosphate 3) An aminotransferase. NH2 O O O | | | | | | | R1CH– COH+ R2 C– C– OH O O NH2 O | | | || | | R1– C – C– O H + R2–CH – C – OH

  10. Flow of Nitrogen: In tissues (e.g Muscle), most amino acids transfer their a-amino group to Glutamate Aminotransferase B6 a-ketoglutarate

  11. Biosynthesis of Amino Acids: Transaminations Amino Acid1 +a-Keto Acid2 Amino Acid2 +a-Keto Acid1 + Glutamate Pyridoxal phosphate (PLP)- Dependent Aminotransferase + a-Ketoglutarate

  12. Transaminations: Role of PLP Tautomerization

  13. The N is then transferred from Glutamate to Pyruvate, producing Alanine. a-ketoglutarate Pyruvate Aminotransferase

  14. Four of the amino acids, Glycine, Lysine, Threonine and Serine are directly deaminated. Serine Dehydratase

  15. NH3 released from Glycine/Lysine/Threonine/Serine is incorporated into Glutamine [ ] Glutamine Synthetase

  16. In sum: During amino acid breakdown, the a -amino Nitrogen gets incorporated as the a-amino group in Alanine or the amide group in Glutamine. Alanine and Glutamine are then released to the circulation.

  17. Flow of Nitrogen: Alanine and Glutamine released by peripheral tissues are taken up by the Liver. The Nitrogen on Alanine is transferred to a-ketoglutarate to produce Glutamate

  18. a-ketoglutarate Glutamate Aminotransferase

  19. Glutamate has two fates important for disposal of waste N. Conversion to a-ketoglutarate by Glutamate Dehydrogenase to release NH3 2) As N donor in the transamination of oxaloacetate to Aspartate

  20. Conversion to a-ketoglutarate by Glutamate Dehydrogenase to release NH3 [ ] Glutamate dehydrogenase

  21. 2) As N donor in the transamination of oxaloacetate to Aspartate Glutamate -ketoglutarate O NH2 O O O O B6 HO-C-CH2-CH-C-OH HO-C-CH2-C-C-OH Aminotransferase Oxaloacetate Aspartate

  22. Glutamine is hydrolyzed by Glutaminase to release NH3 Glutaminase NH3

  23. Nitrogen flow in Liver Alanine Glutamate Aspartate NH3 Glutamine NH3

  24. The oxoacid can be either pyruvate, which produces alanine, oxaloacetate, which produces aspartate 2-oxoglutarate, which producesglutamate

  25. Transamination with 2-oxoglutarate yields glutamate. Glutamate yields ammonia. Ammonia enters the urea cycle. NH2 O | | | R– CH– C– O H + 2-OG O NH2 O | | | | | HO– C – CH2 – CH2 –CH – C– OH NH3

  26. B. Glutamate dehydrogenase Glutamatetoammonia catalyzed by glutamate dehydrogenase (uses NAD+) O NH2 O | | | | | HO–C– CH2– CH2– CH - C – OH 2-oxoglutarate + NH3

  27. C. Urea cycle Rate-determining step of the urea cycle requires ammonia, catalyzed by carbamoyl phosphate synthetase. NH3 + HCO3- + 2 ATP CARBAMOYL PHOSPHATE+ Pi + 2ADP

  28. There are two different enzymes with this name. The urea cycle enzyme is carbamoyl phosphate synthetase I or CPS I

  29. Carbamoyl phosphate contains nitrogen from ammonia (amino acids), carbon from bicarbonate, and phosphate from ATP. O O │ │ │ │ 2 H N - C - O - P - OH │ OH

  30. Next, carbamoyl phosphate reacts with ornithine in a reaction catalyzed by ornithine carbamoyl transferase. Carbamoyl phosphate + ornithine citrulline

  31. Citrulline reacts with aspartate to yield argininosuccinate. Second nitrogen of urea from aspartate. citrulline + aspartate argininosuccinate synthetase argininosuccinate + AMP + PPi

  32. Argininosuccinate is cleaved by arginino-succinate lyase to yield arginine and fumarate. argininosuccinate arginine + fumarate

  33. Final reaction, arginine is cleaved by arginase to yield urea and regenerate ornithine (it’s a cycle!) arginine urea+ ornithine

  34. CARBAMOYL PHOSPHATE + UREA Ornithine Citrulline Arginine + UREA CYCLE Aspartate Fumarate Argininosuccinate

  35. REGULATION OF THE UREA CYCLE Acute: N-acetylglutamate, allosteric effector, up regulates CPS I

  36. N-Acetylglutamate is synthesized from glutamate and acetyl-CoA by a mitochondrial NAG synthase.

  37. Metabolic Diseases of the Urea Cycle Arginase Deficiency Argininosuccinic acidemia Type II Hyperammonemia: Type I Citrullinuria

  38. Metabolic Diseases of the Urea Cycle Disorders present in infants: Symptoms: Lethargy, swelling of the brain leads to mental retardation/brain damage Diagnosis: Low blood urea nitrogen (BUN) levels -high levels of ammonia in the blood elevated circulating glutamine -other metabolites that accumulate depend on the specific enzyme defect Most common form: Hyperammonemia Type II caused by Ornithine Transcarbamylase deficiency Elevated Carb-P levels in this deficiency cause secondary problems in pyrimidine metabolism

  39. Treatment: Long term, dietary restriction. Low protein diet. Supplemented with Arginine Short term Dialysis Administration of Nitrogen “scavengers” e.g. Phenylacetate

  40. Excessive ammonia is toxic to the central nervous system. Alternative pathway therapy: Sodium benzoate to produce hippuric acid Sodium phenylacetate or phenyl-butyrate to produce phenylacetylglutamine

  41. NH3 + CO2 + 5,10-methylenetetra- hydrofolate NH2O|| |Glycine CH2 – C – OH Sodium Benzoate Bz-N-H O | | | CH2 – C - OH Benzoyl glycine or hippuric acid excreted

  42. NH3 + glutamate + ATP → glutamine + ADP + Pi sodium phenylacetate + CoA → phenylacetyl-CoA Then glutamine + phenylacetyl-CoA → phenylacetylglutamine (excreted)

  43. sodium phenylbutyrate + CoA → phenylbutyryl-CoA phenylbutyryl-CoA undergoes β-oxidation → phenylacetyl-CoA As above, phenylacetyl-CoA + glutamine→ phenylacetylglutamine (excreted)

  44. II. Catabolic Fates of Amino-acid Carbon Atoms Post-transamination carbon atoms become those of pyruvateacetoacetate acetyl-CoA succinyl-CoA 2-oxoglutarate

  45. Phenylalanine Methionine (partial) Leucine Tyrosine (50% of carbons) Cysteine Glycine Alanine Serine Aspartate Asparagine Tyrosine (50% of carbons) Phenylalanine Isoleucine (partial) Valine (partial) Methionine(partial) Glutamate Glutamine Proline Acetyl CoA GLUCOSE Pyruvate Oxaloacetate Citrate Malate Isocitrate Fumarate Succinate -Ketoglutarate Succinyl CoA Amino acids discussed in previous lectures Amino acidsto be discussed in this lecture Carbon end products from the degradation (catabolism) of amino acids

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