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Real Life Fractions

Real Life Fractions. Student Sample. How does numbers effect our daily life?. Numbers are all around us; they are used in keeping time, money, measuring food, gallons of gas, and many more things. How are fractions important to us?.

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Real Life Fractions

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  1. Real Life Fractions Student Sample

  2. How does numbers effect our daily life? • Numbers are all around us; they are used in keeping time, money, measuring food, gallons of gas, and many more things.

  3. How are fractions important to us? • Fractions allow us to measure portions of a whole, we do not always want a whole, so we can simply cut it down into smaller portions.

  4. Outline Questions • What is a fraction? • What are the main parts of a fraction? • Why do we need to know how to add and subtract fractions? • What jobs or everyday things constantly use fractions?

  5. Fractions • What is a fraction? • Parts of a whole • What are the main parts of a fraction? • Numerator and Denominator https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQsZFqflBGTxkMxTs9Ik9RLANKoJsNXczhmSGoVIxxniZdUw_1l

  6. Fractions • Why do we need to know how to add and subtract fractions? • During certain jobs people need to be able to add and subtract fractions to build or make things. With out being able to add or take away, we would have a harder time completing a project.

  7. What jobs or everyday things constantly use fractions? • Carpenter • Chef • Baker • Accountants • Medical Assistants • Engineers • Pharmacists • Mechanics http://media.popularmechanics.com/images/lufkin-tape-measure-0707.jpg

  8. Most important job that uses fractions… • Carpentry Workers http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&docid=hjFDgXzjEuqquM&tbnid=PfdenreL2O8NDM:&ved=0CAYQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Ftheredwineyard.blogspot.com%2F2011%2F04%2Fjourney-of-face.html&ei=zA8jU8nYLcfd2QXK6YGQBg&bvm=bv.62922401,d.b2I&psig=AFQjCNHQoBkm9sE0SGnqVMT9VVO-MCoelQ&ust=1394893048876948

  9. How they use fractions? • They use it to help with accuracy. While Building things need to be precisely measured and cut. The larger the denominator the more accurate the cut needs to be. • Also putting more than one piece together the fractions need to be added. https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTYQhQAgHzjA854l62mOUi7AGUDjsMjiCmMJyKJDbczMVRlVdn0UA

  10. Why are they important? • Fractions are important because they create a set of standards for the carpenters. Buildings, houses, decks, and etc. need to be cut and put together with the right measurements to be correctly put together so it is not unstable. • It is a hazard is the measurements are not correct. Injury could occur. http://www.vancouversun.com/cms/binary/8462731.jpg

  11. If we did not have fractions…. • There would be a harder time dividing and finding percentage, if it would even be possible. • All carpentry work would have to be in whole numbers, meaning things would not fit exact. • There would not be portions or decimals. http://spikejapan.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/all-fall-down.jpg

  12. Interesting facts • “a fraction is nothing more than a form of division and can be converted to decimals at will.” (VMS forum) • In carpentry the cutting of the wood and measuring also incorporate geometry. • Egyptians were the first found use fractions in 1800 b.c. http://technomaths.edublogs.org/files/2013/03/egyptian_fractions-2b5bu8t.jpg

  13. Fraction Song Fraction, fraction Add and subtraction Find the same denominator and You go with the flow.

  14. Resources • University of Cambridge. (2014). NRICH. http://nrich.maths.org/2515 • VMS forum. (2014). http://www.jjjtrain.com/vms/measure_fundmentals/measure_fund_05.html

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