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Greek and Roman Gods: Olympians (and minor gods)

Greek and Roman Gods: Olympians (and minor gods). Mr. Upchurch’s Mythology 101 Lectures 9. Also known as Classical Mythology. Original Creators (from Choas). The Titans. The Olympians. The Olympians. Zeus (Jove/ Juptier ) Hera (Juno) Poseidon (Neptune) Hades (Pluto) Aphrodite (Venus)

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Greek and Roman Gods: Olympians (and minor gods)

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  1. Greek and Roman Gods:Olympians (and minor gods) Mr. Upchurch’s Mythology 101 Lectures 9 Also known as Classical Mythology

  2. Original Creators (from Choas) The Titans The Olympians

  3. The Olympians • Zeus (Jove/Juptier) • Hera (Juno) • Poseidon (Neptune) • Hades (Pluto) • Aphrodite (Venus) • Apollo (Apollo) • Ares (Mars) • Artemis (Diana) • Athena (Minerva) • Hephaestus (Vulcan) • Hestia (Vesta) • Hermes (Mercury) Sometimes: • Demeter (Ceres) • Dionysus (Bacchus)

  4. The Olympians Zeus Hera Apollo Aphrodite Athena Pan Hermes Ares Hephaestus Demeter Artemis Poseidon Dionysus Zeus (Jove/Juptier) Hera (Juno) Poseidon (Neptune) Hades (Pluto) Aphrodite (Venus) Apollo (Apollo) Ares (Mars) • Artemis (Diana) • Athena (Minerva) • Hephaestus (Vulcan) • Hestia (Vesta) • Hermes (Mercury) Sometimes: • Demeter (Ceres) • Dionysus (Bacchus)

  5. Zeus (Jupiter, Jove) Domain: King of the Gods/ Lord of the Sky Relationships: Cronus & Rhea – parents; Hera – wife & sister; Poseidon & Hades – brothers Symbols: Lightening bolt; Eagle; Oak Tree

  6. Important Information: King of Olympians Zeus’ shield contained Medusa. Shield called aegis (protection) Olympics started in honor of Zeus Overthrew Cronus (was the one to cast the death blow) to become king of the gods Pegasus, once in Olympus, was know to retrieve Zeus’ thunderbolts Extramarital Affairs: Approximately 60 (Including Primary Deities, Nymphs, and Mortals)

  7. Hera (Juno) Domain: Queen of Olympia; Goddess of Marriage Relationships: Cronus & Rhea – parents; Zeus – husband & brother; Poseidon & Hades – brothers Symbols: Bird – peacock; Cow – is sacred

  8. Could ease childbirth • Punished unfaithful women • Fall of Troy – revenge against the Trojans because of the Judgment of Prince Paris • Sacred city – Argos • Very beautiful woman • Milky Way – milk from Hera from when she fed Hercules • Heraia – athletic competitions for women only • Iris, the goddess of the rainbow, was her attendant and messenger

  9. Poseidon (Neptune) Domain: Sea Relationships: Zeus & Hades- brothers; Amphitrite – wife Symbols: Trident (three-pronged pitchfork)

  10. Gave horses to man • “Earth-Shaker” • House was under the sea, but he was at Mt. Olympus • Odyssey - delayed Odysseus’ return home • Contrary to Percy Jackson, Poseidon did not have as many lovers as his brother. Though there were numerous affairs, they were nearly all with mortal women, and only recorded in genealogies without accompanying stories.

  11. Hades (Pluto, Dis meaningrich) Domain: Underworld Relationships: Zeus & Poseidon – brothers; Cronus & Rhea – parents; Persephone- wife Symbols: Helmet of Invisibility (or darkness)

  12. God of the dead, but not “death” • 3rd in power, under Zeus and Poseidon • Kidnapped Persephone, daughter of Demeter, thus creating the four seasons

  13. Aphrodite (Venus) Domain: Goddess of Love and Beauty Relationships: Parents-Zeus & Dione or “Foam of Sea” Husband- Hephaestos Symbols: Bird – dove, swan, sparrow Tree – myrtle (heart – modern)

  14. Queen of laughter, Mistress of grace and pleasures • Notoriously unfaithful to her husband • Wife of Hephaestus (ugly, lame god) • Easily fooled/beguiled others (used her sexuality to get her way) • Winner of the golden apple in the Judgement of Paris – she had promised Paris the most beautiful woman in the world (Helen) • Famous with Ares (god of war --- Love & War) • Mother of Cupid (Eros)

  15. Apollo (Apollo) Domain: God of Archery, Prophecy, Medicine, and Music (also associated with all other sun gods) Relationships: Parents- Zeus and Leto (Latona) Twin- Artemis Symbols: Sun – sometimes; Lyre – small harp; Bird – crow; Tree – Laurel

  16. Python –Killed large snake • Oracle (priestess) was at Delphi • Widely worshipped • Gave man the healing arts (medicine) • Created caduceus (ca-du-ceus)– staff wrapped with 2 snakes • Traded the caduceus to Hermes for the lyre

  17. Ares (Mars) Domain: God of War Relationships: Parents- Zeus and Hera Sister- Eris (Discordia); Lover- Aphrodite Symbols: Shield with bloody spear , Vulture, Dog

  18. Favored Trojans in Trojan War • Liked by Romans (warriors), but not by Greeks (philosophers) • Coward – ran away when in pain • Wears armor (all the time) • Associated with Amazons (women warriors) They came from the daughter he had with Aphrodite: Harmonia • Planet – red, blood red • More important in Roman Mythology—the father of Romulus and Remus

  19. Artemis (Diana, Hecate, Cynthia, Selene) Domain: Goddess of the Hunt, Wild Thing, and the Moon (after her Grandmother Phoebe) Relationships: Parents- Zeus and Leto (Latona) Twin- Apollo Symbols: Silver arrows, deer, cyprus

  20. Huntsman-in-Chief of Olympus One of three virgin goddesses (along with Athena and Hestia) Almost married the giant Orion (ended up being tricked into killing him) Protector of Youth 3 forms – (Ultimate picture of the good and evil in the gods—opposite of her Twin) 1.Artemis – earth 2. Selene/Cynthia –bright, light-side moon (sky) 3. Hecate – dark moon (underworld)

  21. Athena (Minerva) Domain: Goddess of Wisdom & Civilized Life (arts and agriculture) (and sometimes war… but she preferred to talk things out) Relationships: Parent- Zeus (sprung from his head) Symbols: Owl, Olive Tree, and the City of ATHENS

  22. Born full-grown, in full armor, from Zeus’ head Carried Zeus’ shield (aegis) and lightening bolt Zeus’ favorite child Parthenon was her temple “Grey-eyed or flashing-eyed Athena” One of three virgin goddesses

  23. Hephaestus (Vulcan) Domain: God of the Fire and Forge Relationships: Parents- Zeus and Hera (or Hera only) Wife- Aphrodite Symbols: Anvil/Hammer

  24. Lived in a volcano – when volcano erupts, Vulcan is working at his forge Considered very ugly, and lame (from being thrown out of Olympus by one of his parents) Peace-loving and very popular with both humans and Olympians Blacksmith to the gods (made their armor) Famously crafted the armor of Achilles at the request of his mother Thetis. Once had a thing for Athena

  25. Hestia (Vesta) Domain: Goddess of the Hearth and Home Relationships: Parents- Chronus and Rhea Siblings- Zeus (always referred to as his sister… which means Poseidon, Hades, and Hera, and Demeter would also be in this list). Symbols: Hearth and Fire Within

  26. First child born to Chronos and 1st swallowed—last spit out (thus oldest and youngest) One of the 3 virgin goddesses Concerns with newborn children being dedicated Every meal began and ended with an offering to her No distinct personality/stories Was pursued by both Poseidon and Apollo—and rejected both Hester of Scarlet Letter is an allusion to Hestia

  27. Hermes (Mercury) Domain: God of Commerce and Market (Patron God of travelers, traders, merchants and thieves). Also the god of animal husbandry, roads, travel, hospitality, heralds, diplomacy, trade, thievery, language, writing, persuasion, cunning wiles, athletic contests, gymnasiums, astronomy, and astrology. Relationships: Parents- Zeus and Maia Symbols: Winged Sandals and shoes, Caduceus

  28. Messenger of the Gods • Trickster, master thief • Inventive and wise from birth • Created the lyre for Apollo, traded for caduceus • Guide to Underworld • Always youthful

  29. Demeter (Ceres)—sometimes included Domain: Goddess of agriculture, grain, bread, and the harvest (the primary substance for mankind) Relationships: Parents- Chronos and Rhea Siblings-Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, and Hera, and Hestia Daughter- Persephone Symbols: Sheaves of wheat

  30. Though a primary and significant goddess, there are relatively few myths about her Famous primarily for her daughter—Persephone. -Stolen by Hades, she became the queen of the Underworld. -Demeter’s search for her cause the earth to become barren. -Hades was forced to surrender Persephone for half the year… thus creating the seasons. When she is on earth and Demeter is happy= Spring and Summer. When she is in the Underworld=Fall and Winter.

  31. Dionysus (Bacchus)—sometimes included Domain: God of Wine and Festivity Relationships: Parents- Zeus and Semele(the only mortal to parent a god) Wife- Ariadne (a-rē-ˈad-nē) Symbols: Wine, leopard, pine-cone tip staff

  32. Sometimes depicted as a trickster because of his unruly nature and connection with intoxication Married Ariadne, after she had been abandoned by Theseus. Gave her a crown that later become a constellation Some say he gave Midas his gold-touching powers Rescued his mother from the Underworld

  33. Eros (Cupid) Domain: Mischievous God of Love (romantic) Relationships: Parents: Choas or Aphrodite & Ares Siblings: Anteros (avenger of unrequited love) Wife: Psyche (we’ll read this myth) Symbols: Bow and arrow… sometimes the blindfold (love is blind) Few Facts: • One of the Primary Greek Tricksters • Was always portrayed as a child, until Anteros was born

  34. Psyche Domain: Goddess of the Human Soul Relationships: Husband: Eros/Cupid (we’ll read this myth) Few Facts: • Was once a mortal princess with such beauty that men turned from worshiping the gods to worshiping her

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