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Dynamic Energy Budget Theory - I

Dynamic Energy Budget Theory - I. Tânia Sousa with contributions from : Bas Kooijman. A DEB organism Assimilation , dissipation and growth. Metabolism in a DEB individual. Rectangles are state variables

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Dynamic Energy Budget Theory - I

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  1. DynamicEnergy Budget Theory - I Tânia Sousa withcontributionsfrom : Bas Kooijman

  2. A DEB organismAssimilation, dissipationandgrowth • Metabolism in a DEB individual. • Rectangles are state variables • Arrows are flows of foodJXA, reserveJEA, JEC, JEM, JET, JEG, JER, JEJor structureJVG. • Circles are processes • The full square is a fixed allocation rule (the kappa rule) • The full circles are the priority maintenance rule. Feeding ME- Reserve Mobilisation Assimilation Offspring MER MaturityMaintenance Reproduction Growth SomaticMaintenance Maturation MH - Maturity MV - Structure

  3. 3 types of aggregated chemical transformations • Assimilation: X(substrate)+M  E(reserve) + M + P • linked to surface area • Dissipation: E(reserve) +M  M • somatic maintenance: linked to surface area & structural volume • maturity maintenance: linked to maturity • maturation or reproduction overheads • Growth: E(reserve)+M  V(structure) + M • Compounds: • Organic compounds: V, E, X and P • Mineral compounds: CO2, H2O, O2 and Nwaste

  4. Exercises • Identify in theseequationsyXE, yPEandyEV. • Constraintsonthe yield coeficients • Degreesoffreedom

  5. Exercises • Identify in theseequationsyXE, yPEandyEV. • Constraintsonthe yield coeficients • Degreesoffreedom • Obtaintheaggregatedchemicalreactions for assimilation, dissipationandgrowthconsideringthatthechemicalcompositions are: food CH1.8O0.5N0.2, reserve CH2O0.5N0.15, faeces CH1.8O0.5N0.15,structure CH1.8O0.5N0.15and NH3.

  6. Exercises • Identify in theseequationsyXE, yPEandyEV. • Constraintsonthe yield coeficients • Degreesoffreedom • Obtaintheaggregatedchemicalreactions for assimilation, dissipationandgrowthconsideringthatthechemicalcompositions are: food CH1.8O0.5N0.2, reserve CH2O0.5N0.15, faeces CH1.8O0.5N0.15,structure CH1.8O0.5N0.15and NH3. • Howwouldyouobtaintheaggregatechemicaltransformation?

  7. Exercises • What istherelationshipbetweentheseequationsand, ,,, , and . • Considering for thejuvenile

  8. Exercises • What istherelationshipbetweentheseequationsand, ,,, , and . • Compute the total consumptionof O2. • Writeit as a functionof, and .

  9. Exercises • What istherelationshipbetweentheseequationsand, , , , , and . • Compute the total consumptionof O2. • Writeit as a functionof, and . • Thestoichiometryoftheaggregatechemicaltransformationthatdescribestheorganismhas 3 degreesoffreedom: anyflowproducedorconsumed in theorganismis a weightedaverageofanythreeotherflows

  10. Exercises • Write theenergy balance for eachchemical reactor (assimilation, dissipationandgrowth)

  11. Exercises • Write theenergy balance for eachchemical reactor (assimilation, dissipationandgrowth) • Compute the total metabolicheatproductionas a function of , and .

  12. Exercises • Write theenergy balance for eachchemical reactor (assimilation, dissipationandgrowth) • Compute the total metabolicheatproductionas a function of , and . • Iftheorganismtemperatureisconstantthenthemetabolicheat must beequal to theheatreleased • Indirectcalorimetry (estimatingheatproductionwithoutmeasuringit): Dissipatingheatisweighted sum ofthreemassflows: CO2, O2andnitrogeneouswaste (Lavoisier in the XVIII century).

  13. Dissipating heat Steam from a heap of moist Prunus serotina litter illustrates metabolic heat production by fungi

  14. Exercises • Obtain an expression for the dynamics of the reserve density mEusingtheequations for thedynamicsof MEand MVandthefollowingequations:

  15. Exercises • Obtain an expression for the dynamics of the reserve density mE • Set dmE/dt=0 (weakhomeostasis). • WhatisthemaximumvalueofmE?

  16. Exercises • Obtain an expression for the dynamics of the reserve density mE • Set dmE/dt=0 (weakhomeostasis). • WhatisthemaximumvalueofmE? • Can youunderstandthemeaning? • Whatisthevalue for mEin weakhomeostasis? -maximumreserve density

  17. Exercises • Obtain an expression for the dynamics of the reserve density mE • Set dmE/dt=0 (weakhomeostasis). • WhatisthemaximumvalueofmE? • Can youunderstandthemeaning? • Whatisthevalue for mEin weakhomeostasis? -maximumreserve density

  18. Exercises • Obtain an expression for the dynamics of the reserve density mE • Set dmE/dt=0 (weakhomeostasis). • WhatisthemaximumvalueofmE? • Can youunderstandthemeaning? • Rewrite usingmEm. -maximumreserve density

  19. Exercises • Obtain an expression for the dynamics of the reserve density mE • Set dmE/dt=0 (weakhomeostasis). • WhatisthemaximumvalueofmE? • Can youunderstandthemeaning? • RewriteusingmEm. Whatisthemeaningof? -maximumreserve density

  20. Exercises • Obtain an expression for the dynamics of the reserve density mE • Set dmE/dt=0 (weakhomeostasis). • WhatisthemaximumvalueofmE? • Can youunderstandthemeaning? • Rewrite usingmEm. Whatisthemeaningof? -maximumreserve density - maximumlength -maximumreserve density

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