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Active Transportation Program (ATP)

Active Transportation Program (ATP). Teresa McWilliam. 916-653-0328. Teresa.mcwilliam@dot.ca.gov. ATP coodinator. Powerpoint created by David Giongco. TE. RTP. SRTS. The newest Federal Transportation Act MAP-21 created. TAP. (Transportation Alternatives Program). RTP. TE. SRTS.

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Active Transportation Program (ATP)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Active Transportation Program (ATP) Teresa McWilliam • 916-653-0328 • Teresa.mcwilliam@dot.ca.gov ATP coodinator Powerpoint created by David Giongco

  2. TE RTP SRTS The newest Federal Transportation Act MAP-21 created TAP (Transportation Alternatives Program)

  3. RTP TE SRTS TAP is a combination of (Transportation Enhancements) (Recreational Trails Program) (Federal Safe Routes to School)

  4. TAP funding comes from NHPP- (National Highway Performance Program) STP- (Surface Transportation Program) HSIP- (Highway Safety Improvement Program)* CMAQ- (Congestion Mitigation & Air Quality Improvement Program) Metropolitan Planning * California has decided to keep HSIP as a separate program

  5. BTA SR2S Governor Brown took TAP one step further, by adding State Safe Routes to Schools and Bicycle Transportation Account to create the Active Transportation Program (ATP) ATP TAP

  6. “Over the coming years, the Active Transportation Program will increase the number of bicycling and walking trips in California, improve safety and mobility, help achieve greenhouse gas reductions.” – John A. Perez, Speaker of the Assembly

  7. Division of Local Assistance Office of Active Transportation & Special Programs Office Chief April Nitsos Supv TE HPP/Discretionary Program Coordinator Albert Soares Sr TE ATP Program Coordinator Teresa McWilliam Sr TE ATP/HPP/Discretionary Program Assistant Evelyn Williams AGPA ER & ATP Program Support and Admin James Stanger SSA ATP & TE Program Coordinator David Giongco (Loan) Sr TE ATP/STIP Program Engineer BalrajSandhu TE SRTS Coord & ATP Bike/Ped Tech Expert VACANT Sr TE SRTS Coord & ATP Bike/Ped Tech Expert Kevin Atkinson (starts 1-31-14) Sr TE Bicycles & Pedestrian Facilities Manager Paul Moore Sr TP EEM Coordinator & Assist ATP & TE Mary Burns Assoc TP Assist ATP & SRTS Mary Burns Assoc TP Bicycle Transportation Account Coordinator & TE closeout Deborah Lynch Assoc TP ER Coordinator (acting) Jaime Espinoza Sr TE

  8. http://www.catc.ca.gov/programs/ATP.htm Go here to review the CTC Guidelines Go Here for Call for Projects info http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/LocalPrograms/atp

  9. Schedule DRAFT

  10. Applications due to Caltrans May 21, 2014 (State Component) Call for Projects March 21, 2014 Oct 2013 Jan 2014 Apr 2014 Jul 2014 Oct 2014 Jan 2015 Call for Projects November, 2014

  11. $360 M March Call for State selected Projects! 14/15, 15/16 & 13/14 carryover 21 2014

  12. May State ATP Applications due! 21 2014

  13. ATP annual funding distribution is a combination of SHA and Federal funds State Highway Account $34.2M $129.5M Federal Trust Fund $95.3M

  14. FundingDistribution 40% to MPOs Populations > 200k $51.8M 10% to Rurals Populations ≤ 200k $13.0M 50% for Statewide $64.7M

  15. Minimum Safe Routes to School $24.0M 50% for Statewide $64.7M There will be funding also for NI work that is not SRTS Minimum Non-Infrastructure (NI) $7.2M

  16. November 4 years of funding ? 2ndCall for Projects! 2014

  17. ? 2 years of funding ? 3rd Call for Projects! 2016

  18. California Department of Transportation Division of Local Assistance Office of Active Transportation & Special Programs 1120 N Street, MS 1 Sacramento, CA 95814 Teresa McWilliam, P.E. Active Transportation Program Manager ‘teresa.mcwilliam@dot.ca.gov Office (916) 653-0328 FAX (916) 653-1905 ‘www.dot.ca.gov CALTRANS IMPROVES MOBILITY ACROSS CALIFORNIA

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