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Certificateless signature: a new security model and an improved generic construction

Certificateless signature: a new security model and an improved generic construction. B.C. Hu, D.S. Wang, X.Deng, Z. Zhang Des Codes Crypt (2007) 42 (IF:0.745 58/86) Presenter: Yu-Chi Chen. Outline. Introduction Hu et al.’s construction Girault level-3 security Conclusion. Introduction.

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Certificateless signature: a new security model and an improved generic construction

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  1. Certificateless signature: a new security model and an improved generic construction B.C. Hu, D.S. Wang, X.Deng, Z. Zhang Des Codes Crypt (2007) 42 (IF:0.745 58/86) Presenter: Yu-Chi Chen

  2. Outline. • Introduction • Hu et al.’s construction • Girault level-3 security • Conclusion

  3. Introduction. • Traditional PKC • ID-based PKC: 1984 • CertificatelessPKC: 2003

  4. ID-PKC User (signer) ID1 Private Key Generation master-key = s mpk=sP Secure channel Require priv-key Sign: σ=sH(ID1)+H(M,…) Return priv-key=sH(ID1) User (verifier) Use ID1 and PKG’s mpk=sP to check e(σ,P)=? e(mpk, H(ID1))e(H(M,…),P)

  5. CL-PKC Decide his secret value r And public key pk=rP User (signer) ID1 Key Generation Center master-key = s mpk=sP Secure channel Require part-priv-key Sign: σ=sH(ID1)+rH(M,…) Return part-priv-key=sH(ID1) bulletin board User (verifier) Use ID1 and PKG’s mpk=sP to check e(σ,P)=? e(mpk, H(ID1))e(H(M,…),pk)

  6. Outline. • Introduction • Hu et al.’s construction • Girault level-3 security • Conclusion

  7. Hu et al.’s construction • In this paper, Hu et al. proposed • The public key replacement for some schemes. • A new security model (a little modification for the previous model) • An improved generic construction (with IDB, more algorithms) • good or not good? • An extended construction

  8. CL-PKC Decide his secret value r And public key pk=rP User (signer) ID1 Key Generation Center master-key = s mpk=sP Secure channel Require part-priv-key Sign: σ=sH(ID1)+rH(M,…) Return part-priv-key=sH(ID1) bulletin board User (verifier) Use ID1 and PKG’s mpk=sP to check e(σ,P)=? e(mpk, H(ID1))e(H(M,…),pk)

  9. A malicious KGC impersonates a user as a signer to generate a valid signature which can be accepted by the verifier. Decide his secret value r’ And public key pk’=r’P KGC (signer) ID1 User (signer) ID1 Key Generation Center master-key = s mpk=sP Secure channel Require part-priv-key Sign: σ=sH(ID1)+r’H(M,…) Return part-priv-key=sH(ID1) This signature is not mine. I want to deny. bulletin board User (verifier) Sorry, there is no way to prove the claim of this user is right. Use ID1 and PKG’s mpk=sP to check e(σ,P)=? e(mpk, H(ID1))e(H(M,…),pk’)

  10. Hu et al.’s construction • Hu et al.’s remedy: • The public key is inserted into the partial-private-key.

  11. Hu et al.’s remedy: • The user’s public key is replaced by the KGC with another key. • He can take his partial-private-key to argue that the public key is not his, since the partial-private-key contains his actual public key.

  12. Outline. • Introduction • Hu et al.’s construction • Girault level-3 security • Conclusion

  13. Girault level-3 security • Level 3. KGC does not know any user's secret value and cannot act as any user by generating a false partial private key without being detected.

  14. Outline. • Introduction • Hu et al.’s construction • Girault level-3 security • Conclusion

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