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Building a Road to Resilience

Building a Road to Resilience. Strategies for those who respond to crisis: Linda Gaffney, M.S. Staff Counselor WA Department of Corrections. Discussion of Definitions. Crisis Responder Resilience. Evidence-based practice… .

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Building a Road to Resilience

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  1. Building a Road to Resilience Strategies for those who respond to crisis: Linda Gaffney, M.S. Staff Counselor WA Department of Corrections

  2. Discussion of Definitions • Crisis • Responder • Resilience

  3. Evidence-based practice… • Research on hardiness at University of Chicago, by Salvatore Maddi, Ph.D. • American Psychological Association • Richard M. K. Tan: volunteer, emergency, and risk management

  4. Maddi’s original study Illinois Bell Telephone: 26,000 employees • Almost half that workforce was laid off in 1981 • Research studied 400 staff BEFORE the layoff & followed them for 6 years afterward • Staff who remained faced what in those 6 years??? • What’s your prediction for those who remained?

  5. Digression discussion • How does this relate to community emergencies such as earthquake, flood or massive terror attacks?

  6. Declines in: Performance Leadership Connectedness to co-workers Pride in their work Increases in: Substance abuse Extreme stress Stroke Heart attack Obesity Depression 2/3 of those studied suffered significant problems:

  7. However… 1/3 of the Illinois Bell Telephone employees actually thrived!

  8. Maddi’s 3 key “attitudes” are… • Commitment • Control • Challenges

  9. Results of Maddi’s 12-year study: Hardiness enhances… • Performance • Leadership • Conduct • Stamina • Mood • Physical and mental health • Courage and capability

  10. Practical application for responders: • Hardiness and resilience can be taught • …but can it be learned? Discussion: what do you know about people who respond to crisis situations?

  11. The Road to Resilience “Take your own pulse first”* * those who respond to emergencies are notoriously BAD at self-assessment!

  12. Prepare to be prepared… • Resilience and hardiness are not all-or-nothing factors that you either have or don’t have. • Your ability to respond fluctuates on a daily, sometimes hourly basis. • Know that you won’t get it right every time.

  13. Stress is cumulative—so your stress reduction strategies need to be ongoing • Know that even ongoing stress reduction strategies will break down at times • Know your individual “stress triggers”

  14. Digression Discussion • What would you expect to see in a colleague or volunteer who was doing very well at managing the stress of an ongoing crisis?

  15. What would you expect to see in a colleague or volunteer who was becoming overwhelmed?

  16. I refer you back… • those who respond to emergencies are notoriously BAD at self-assessment! So how will you know when it’s YOU?

  17. Preparing yourself • Understand how you experience stress • Identify your current sources of stress • Identify triggers that produce extra stress • Do you have signals that let you know when you’re stressed? What are they? • What is your first coping mechanism…

  18. When you become aware… • Know who is “safe” to talk about it with • Consciously look for balance: remind yourself of meaningful people & events, positive outcomes or encouraging news • Take a break from the crisis • Respect your own feelings

  19. Increase healthy behaviors while decreasing unhealthy ones • Respect your sleep needs • Help others find a way to give assistance Discussion: if you have recently experienced…

  20. Repeating the 3 Keys: • Commitment Leads you to be involved, rather than isolated which leads to…

  21. Control Leads you to work to influence outcomes rather than feel powerless & passive which leads to…

  22. Challenge Leads you to view stressful events & changes as opportunities for new learning and connections which leads to…

  23. Top Ten Ways to Build Resilience • Make connections • Avoid seeing crises as insurmountable • Accept change as a part of living • Move toward your goals • Take decisive actions • Look for opportunity for self-discovery • Nurture a positive view of yourself • Keep things in perspective • Maintain hope • Take care of your emotions as well as your body

  24. So, you’re all set to handle any crisis, right?

  25. Please… Take your own pulse first

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