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From Prosperity to Depression: America in the 1920’s

From Prosperity to Depression: America in the 1920’s. The American Economy. Modernity and Pleasure. New Pleasures: Music, Movies, Sports, Radio. * Historical Statistics of the United States, Millennial Online Edition (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008), Table Dh309-318.

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From Prosperity to Depression: America in the 1920’s

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Presentation Transcript

  1. From Prosperity to Depression: America in the 1920’s

  2. The American Economy

  3. Modernity and Pleasure

  4. New Pleasures: Music, Movies, Sports, Radio *Historical Statistics of the United States, Millennial Online Edition (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008), Table Dh309-318.

  5. The Flapper

  6. Business and Government: The Republican Era Never before, here or anywhere, else…has government been so completely fused with business.

  7. Declining Voter Turnout of the 1920s

  8. Election of 1920 Warren G. Harding, 1920-1924

  9. Corruption in Government Teapot Dome Scandal

  10. Election of 1924 Calvin Coolidge, 1924-1928

  11. Economic Diplomacy Washington Naval Conference, 1922

  12. Limits of Modern Culture The Culture Wars

  13. Fundamentalism vs. Liberalism Scopes Trial (1925): High point in culture battles

  14. Billy Sunday

  15. Immigration Restriction ImmigrationAct of 1924 The United Statesenacted a quotasystem in the 1920sthat allotted mostslots for immigrantsfrom northernEurope. http://ahiv.alexanderstreet.com/View/777563/clip/5342

  16. SouvenirPostcard, ThomasShipp and AbramSmith Lynching,Marion, Indiana After witnessing thelynching of two blackmen, smiling menand women hadtheir pictures takenas a memento. Thetwo girls to the leftclutch pieces of the victims’ hair.

  17. The Harlem Renaissance Claude McKay Countee Cullen Langston Hughes

  18. The Great Depression

  19. The Election of 1928 Herbert Hoover, 1928-1932

  20. The Crash of 1929

  21. Panic and Consequences Our banking system was the weakest link in our whole economic system…the element most sensitive to fear… the worst part of the dismal tragedy with which I had to deal.

  22. The Pot Boils Over: The Fate of the Bonus Army

  23. Choices and Consequences • Hoover accepted the notion of a communist plot and used force to break up the strike

  24. The GlobalFlow of ReparationPayments American capitalkept the reparationsystem created bythe Versailles Treatyafloat in thetwenties.

  25. Pictures of Misery

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