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Back. Next. Nine. Getting Around 出行交通. Types of Transport 交通方式. Road Accidents 交通事故. Types of Transport 交通方式. Back. Next. Focus. S: Various types of transport. L: We can afford a Polo or something. L: More cars or more buses.

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  1. Back Next Nine Getting Around 出行交通 • Types of Transport 交通方式 • Road Accidents 交通事故

  2. Types of Transport 交通方式 Back Next Focus • S: Various types of transport • L: We can afford a Polo or something • L: More cars or more buses • S: Planning the travel to the Three Gorges • R: Professional Help • W: Making comments on some means of transportation 语音:表示对比的词

  3. 1. Starter— Various types of transport Back Next Look at the various types of transport below. Group the pictures in the right list, using the words in the box.

  4. 1. Starter— Various types of transport Back Next tramcar double-deck bus ship subway airplane car tramcar double-deck bus bike boat subway car bike boat car ship airplane

  5. 2. We can afford a Polo or something Back Next Jane is worrying about the traffic to her workplace. Listen to the tape or CD and choose the best answer to each question. 1. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Jane will start her new job tomorrow. B. Jane has got work in a company. C. Tom suggests that Jane be on time. D. Tom suggests that Jane get up at four tomorrow morning. D. Tom suggests that Jane get up at four tomorrow morning.

  6. 2. We can afford a Polo or something Back Next 2. How long did Jane spend on her way for the interview? A. About 1 hour. B. About 2 hours. C. About 3 hours. D. About 4 hours. 3. What does Jane suggest they buy? A. She suggests they buy a Beijing Jeep. B. She suggests they buy a Chery QQ. C. She suggests they buy a Buick or a Ford. D. She suggests they buy a Polo, or a Chery QQ, or a Beijing Jeep. C. About 3 hours. D. She suggests they buy a Polo, or a Chery QQ, or a Beijing Jeep.

  7. 2. We can afford a Polo or something Back Next Tom: Tomorrow’s your first day at work, Jane. You should be on time. The first impression is important. Jane: Yes, Tom, I know. I’m afraid I have to get up at four tomorrow morning. Tom: Why so early? Jane: I’m serious. I tell you, when I went to the company for the interview, it took me more than three hours to get there. Tom: So? Jane: So I suggest we buy a car. Tom: That’s just what I was thinking about. But what to buy? Of course we can’t afford a Buick or a Ford. Jane: But a Polo, or a Chery QQ, or a Beijing Jeep is not beyond us. Tom: You have a point there.

  8. 2. We can afford a Polo or something Back Next Notes 1. You should be on time. 你要准时。 on time准时 e.g. This meeting is very important. Please be there on time. The teacher always comes to class on time. 英语中和on time容易混淆的短语in time的意思是“及时”。 e.g. He returned home just in time to see his cousin. 注意两者的区别:in time表示在规定的时间点前后都可; 而on time表示在规定时间点之前或规定的时间点到(不能 晚)。

  9. 2. We can afford a Polo or something Back Next 2. I’m afraid I have to get up at four tomorrow morning. 明天我恐怕四点就要起床了。 在口语中,I’m afraid 意为“恐怕”,主要用来委婉地提出异议 或说出令人不快的事情等。 e.g. I’m afraid (that) he is ill. It’s too expensive, I’m afraid. 3. I tell you, when I went to the company for the interview, it took me more than three hours to get there. 告诉你吧,我去公司面试 的时候,在路上花费了三个多小时。 I tell you或I’ll tell you用在句首,引起对方对将要讲述内容的 注意。

  10. 2. We can afford a Polo or something Back Next 4. That’s just whatI was thinking about. 我也正是这样想的。 what I was thinking about为表语从句,just为副词,表示“正 好,恰恰是”,起强调作用。 e.g. This carpet would be just right for the dining room. The twins look just like each other. 5. But a Polo, or a Chery QQ, or a Beijing Jeep is not beyond us. 但我们还是买得起大众波罗、奇瑞QQ或北京吉普的。 beyond sb. 超出某人(支付等的)能力 e.g. A color TV is beyond him. These problems are beyond Tom.

  11. 2. We can afford a Polo or something Back Next 6. You have a point there. 你说的有道理。 这个句型表示同意对方的观点。 e.g. — It’s meaningless to spend so much money on clothes. — You have a point there.

  12. 3. More cars or more buses Back Next A man is leading a group of people through a busy street. Listen to the tape or CD and complete each question. 1. What job does the man most probably do? He is most probably ___________. 2. How does the woman usually get around in her hometown? She usually gets around _______. 3. Why doesn’t the woman ride a bicycle? Because there are many hills in her hometown, so it is rather difficult to ____________. a tour guide by bus ride a bicycle

  13. 3. More cars or more buses Back Next 4. Why doesn’t the woman drive a car? It is too expensive for her to _________. 5. What is the bus system like now in the woman’s hometown? It has become better with __________________. buy a car more lines introduced

  14. 3. More cars or more buses Back Next

  15. 3. More cars or more buses Back Next

  16. 3. More cars or more buses Back Next Notes 1. Ladies and gentlemen, we are now on the busiest street in our city. 女士们,先生们,现在我们正位于本市最繁忙的街道上。 *gentlemann. 先生,阁下 e.g. Excuse me, but this gentleman has a question for you. An elderly gentleman sat reading a newspaper in the corner of the waiting room. gentleman还可表示“绅士,有身份的人”。 e.g. He’s too much of a gentleman to get involved in a quarrel like this.

  17. 3. More cars or more buses Back Next 2. I’m very much surprisedby the large number of cars in the street. 街上有那么多汽车,真让我吃惊。 be surprised by是一个被动用法,表示“……令某人吃惊”。 如果把这个句子变为主动形式,则为:The large number of cars in the street surprises me very much。 注意:另一个短语be surprised at表示“对……感到惊奇”。 e.g. You will be surprised at his progress.

  18. 3. More cars or more buses Back Next 3. People in this city seem to rely more and more on cars now. 现在这个城市的人似乎越来越依赖汽车了。 在这个句子中,people为主语,in this city为后置定语,修饰 people。 △relyvi. 依靠,依赖 rely常和介词on搭配。 e.g. I’m relying on the garage to fix the car by tomorrow. The success of this project relies on everyone making an effort. rely on和depend on的意思和用法基本相同,但前者强调的是全 心信赖,而后者强调的是依赖以得到支持或帮助。

  19. 4. Planning the travel to the Three Gorges Back Next Read the situation below. Work with a partner to complete the dialogue and role-play the situation.

  20. 4. Planning the travel to the Three Gorges Click Here For Reference Answer Back Next Learning

  21. 4. Planning the travel to the Three Gorges Back Next A: What are you planning to do in the coming summer vacation? B: I’m thinking about visiting theThree Gorges.Do you want to join me? A: Why not? But how (1) shall we go? B: I’m planning to (2) travel by train. A: Why don’t we try (3) a cruise? It’s (4) rather cheap and we can have an opportunity to enjoy (5) the beautiful scenery on the banks of the Yangtze River.

  22. 4. Planning the travel to the Three Gorges Back Next B: Come on! We could easily (6) get seasick. A train is certainly better. It is (7) much faster and more comfortable. A: Then what shall we do? B: Aha. I have an idea. We can take (8) a cruise to the Three Gorges and then take a train back home. A: That’s really a good idea.

  23. 4. Planning the travel to the Three Gorges Back Next Notes 1. One wants to take a cruise on the Yangtze River and the otherinsists on taking a train. 一人想乘船在长江上航行,另一人坚持要乘火车。 使用one…the other时,我们通常是针对两者,即指“两者中的一个 ……,另一个”;如果所谈论的情况不是针对两者,而是针对多者, 那么我们就要用one…another。 e.g. It’s sometimes hard to tell one twin from the other Her lecture was hard to follow because she kept jumping from one subject to another. insist on 坚持,坚决要求 e.g. They insisted on more money. She insisted on coming with us.

  24. 4. Planning the travel to the Three Gorges Back Next 2. They finally agree on taking a cruise to the destination and taking a train back home. 他们最终达成一致,决定乘游轮去目的地,再乘火车回家。 *finallyad. 最后,最终 e.g. They played very hard and finally won the game. finally表示等了好久才“终于……”,强调过程的漫长或艰难。

  25. 4. Planning the travel to the Three Gorges Back Next 3. Why not? 可以呀。 why not在此处表示同意或赞成,意为“好的;可以呀;为什么 不可以呢”。 e.g. A:May I go with you? B: Why not? A:I wonder if I could make a living by writing. B:Why not?

  26. 4. Planning the travel to the Three Gorges Back Next 4. Come on! 得了吧! come on在交际中有多种意思。 1)表示不同意对方的观点,或轻微的责备。 e.g. Come on. How can you think like that? Come on. Don’t sit there dreaming. 2)表示请求、鼓励、劝说。 e.g. Come on, Lucy. Don’t be so shy. 3)表示催促。 e.g. Come on. It’s getting dark. 4)表示挑战或激怒对方。 e.g. Come on! I’m not afraid of you.

  27. Text Lead-in Back Next Watch the video clip and explain what happened.

  28. 5. Professional Help Back Next Translation Read the passage and do the exercises. when引导时间状语从句,意为“突然,正在这时”,表示此含义时,when通常位于句中,不能位于句首。从句中的谓语动词常用一般过去时,主句中的谓语动词通常用过去进行时、过去完成时或be about to。 e.g. I was about to go out this morning when the telephone rang. ☆professional a. 专业的;职业的 e.g. Both doctors have been charged with professional misconduct. He is a professional artist; he lives by selling his pictures. n. 专业人员 e.g. Lawyers, doctors and teachers are professionals. be down with由于……病倒了 e.g. Jane was down with a heart attack and was immediately sent to hospital. I am down with a bad cold. 通常还可以说come down with…。 e.g. I came down with a cold last week, and stayed in bed for several days. A woman was at workwhen she received a phone call telling her that her daughter was down with a fever. 专业援助 一个女人在上班的时候突然接到电话,说她的女儿发高烧病倒了。 at work在工作 e.g. Mom is at work now. Do you want to leave a message? Father’s at work in his vegetable garden.

  29. 5. Professional Help Back Next Translation ☆drugstore n. 药房 e.g. I just picked up some medicine at the corner drugstore. 注意,“drugstore”与汉语中的“药店”不同,在美国drugstore除了出售药物之外,还可以卖化妆品等。 drugstore派生自drug,表示“药物;麻醉药品,成瘾性毒品”。 e.g. The doctor gave my mother a new drug for her headaches. drug也可用作及物动词,表示“用药麻醉”。 e.g. He was drugged before the operation. ﹡lock v.(被)锁上,锁进 e.g. Don’t forget to lock all of the doors when you go out. If you keep valuables in your home, lock them up somewhere safe. lock还可用作名词,表示“锁;水闸”。 e.g. The lock of the meeting room is broken. 动词lock的反义词为unlock,表示“开……的锁 ”。 e.g. I’ve lost my key and can’t unlock the front door. She left her work and stopped by the drugstore to get some medicine for her daughter. She got back to her car and found that she had locked her keys in the car. She called home and told the babysitter what had happened. The babysitter told her that her daughter was getting worse. She said, “You might find a coat hanger to open the door.” 她放下手中的工作,在回去的路上到一家药店给女儿买了些药。她回去拿车,结果发现车钥匙锁在车里了。她打电话回家,告诉了保姆这个情况。保姆告诉她,孩子的情况更糟了,并对她说:“你可以找个衣架来打开车门。” what had happened为名词性从句,做told的直接宾语(间接宾语为the babysitter)。 e.g. I wondered who had taken the umbrella without permission.

  30. 5. Professional Help Back Next Translation Focus 1 5 The woman looked around and found an old coat hanger on the ground. But she didn’t know how to use it. She lowered her head and asked God for help. Within five minutes an old motorcycle pulled up with a dirty, oily, bearded man on it. ( to be continued) *lowerv. 放下,降低;放低,减弱 e.g. His crude jokes lowered the tone of the evening. The price of meat has been lowered. lower还可做形容词,表示“较低的,低等的;下游的”。 e.g. He belongs to the lower class. look around到处寻找/察看 e.g. He looks around carefully for possible danger. You have 15 minutes to look around. I just want to look around and see if I can get any gifts to take home. 女人看了看四周,发现一个扔在地上的旧衣架。但她不知道该怎么用。她低下头,祈求上帝帮助她。五分钟后,一个骑摩托车的男人停到她身边,浑身脏兮兮、油腻腻的,还胡子拉碴。 pull up停车 e.g. The car pulled up in front of the hotel. The policeman pulled up beside the motorist and asked to see his license. with a dirty, oily, bearded man on it表示伴随情况,是对an old motorcycle的补充说明。 with a dirty, oily, bearded man on it表示伴随情况,是对an old motorcycle的补充说明。

  31. 5. Professional Help Back Next Translation Focus 1 5 The woman thought, “This is what God sent to help me?” The man got off his bike and asked if he could help. She said, “Yes, my daughter is very sick and I stopped to get her some medicine and I locked my keys in my car. Can you help me to unlock my car?” (To be continued) if he could help为名词性从句,做asked的宾语。 女人想道:“他是上帝派来帮我的吗?”男人下了车,问女人是否需要帮忙。她回答道:“是的,我女儿病得很重。我在这儿停下来为她买药,结果把钥匙忘车里了。您能帮我打开车门吗?”“ get off…下车 e.g. You can get off at the next stop. 它的反义词组是 get on(上车)。

  32. 5. Professional Help Back Next Translation Focus 1 5 “Sure,” he said, and walked over to the car, and in less than a minute the car was opened. She hugged the man and through her tears she said, “Thank you so much! You are a very nice man.” The man replied, “Lady, I am not a nice man. I just got out of prison today. (To be continued) △hug vt.拥抱,紧抱 e.g. They hugged each other when they met at the station. hug也可用作名词,表示“拥抱,紧抱”。 e.g. Come here and give me a big hug. 当然可以。”男人说道,然后走到车旁,不到一分钟,车门就打开了。女人拥抱了这个男人,流着眼泪说道:“真是太感谢您了!您真是个好人。”男人回答道:“女士,我不是一个好人。我今天刚从监狱里出来。 *prisonn.监狱 e.g. Conditions in the prison are said to be terrible. The judge sent the thief to prison for a year. 用于口语中的“sure”相当于“of course”与“certainly”。e.g. A: Do you want to come swimming with us? B: Sure (= Yes, certainly). A: Will you help me with this? B: Sure I will.

  33. 5. Professional Help Back Next Translation Focus 1 5 I was in prison for car theft and have only been out for a couple of hours.” The woman hugged the man again and with sobbing tears and gratitude cried out loud, “Oh, thank you God! You even sent me a professional!” 我因偷车罪被关进监狱,才出来不过几个小时。”女人又一次拥抱了他,眼含感激的泪水,哽咽着大声喊道:“哦,感谢上帝,您竟然还派给我一个专业人员!” △sobv. 啜泣,呜咽 e.g. I found her sobbing in the bedroom because she’d broken her favorite doll. The baby sobbed itself to sleep. ☆gratitude n.感激 e.g. My gratitude is beyond my power of expression. He wrote a letter of gratitude for my help. in prison在狱中,被监禁 e.g. He will be put in prison. After three years in prison he was reunited with his wife and family. a couple of 两个,几个 e.g. I saw him a couple of days ago. They have been married for a couple of years. with sobbing tears and gratitude在句中做方式状语, 修饰cried out loud。 even当副词用,表示“甚至”,用于对刚说过的话更精确或更详细地进行说明。 e.g. She has always been very kind to me, even generous on occasion. only当副词用,表示“才,刚刚”。 e.g. The party can’t be finishing already. I only arrived half an hour ago. loud为副词,意为“大声地”。 e.g. Could you speak louder, please? cry out大叫;哭喊 e.g. She cried out, “Help!” She cried out his name immediately.

  34. 5. Professional Help ANSWER Back Next A. Work out the correct order of what happened. 1. The woman found that she had locked her keys in the car. 2. The woman found an old coat hanger that had been left on the ground. 3. The woman received a phone call telling her that her daughter was down with a fever. 4. The woman wanted the motorist (摩托车手) to help her unlock her car. 5. The woman called home and told the babysitter what had happened. 6. The woman thanked God for sending her a professional. 7. The woman hugged the motorist and thanked him for his help. 8. The woman stopped by the drugstore to get some medicine. Correct order: (3)—(8)—(1)—(2)—(5)—(4)—(7)—(6)

  35. 5. Professional Help Back Next B. Find a verb in the text which fits each sentence. 1. The door doesn’t ________ easily. 2. She ________ the baby in her arms and ran out. 3. ________ the stick to reach the apple on the ground. 4. The child started to_____ when he couldn’t find his mother. lock hugged Lower sob

  36. 6. Making comments on some means of transportation Click Here For Reference Answer Back Next Look at the following pictures about means of transportation and make comments on some of them. Focus 1 6

  37. 6. Making comments on some means of transportation Back Next Cars have made people’s lives more convenient and enjoyable. America is known as a nation on wheels. A bicycle needs no gas at all and doesn’t pollute. It doesn’t demand expensive roads. Wide roads and narrow roads will both do. China is a kingdom of bicycles. Buses are the main means of mass transit, but they are crowded and slow, especially during rush hours. Subway systems in cities help to reduce the pressure on the road system. Boats and ships are the oldest means of transport that are still popular today.

  38. 7. Read me! Back Next Focus 1 7 Stress and intonation. Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the sentence stress. The witness thought the children were to blame, but not their parents. It is more good than bad. I saw the car come up here, not there. Did the driver turn to the left or to the right?

  39. Road Accidents 交通事故 Back Next Focus • S: Causes for road accidents • L: A drunk driver • L: A jaywalking child • S: Fatigue driving • R: Don’t drink and drive • W: Describing a road accident • R: Motoring technology Grammar Exercises条件状语从句和让步状语从句

  40. 1. Starter — Causes for road accidents Back Next Identify the problems shown in the pictures, using the words in the box.

  41. 2. A drunk driver Back Next Kell and Julia, two police officers, are filling out an accident report form. Listen to the tape or CD. Then fill in the blanks to complete the accident report form. Learning

  42. 2. A drunk driver Back Next / Jackson Bennett Male 32 Westminster Road, London Road worker / 10th March Drink-driving Mary White

  43. 2. A drunk driver Back Next

  44. 2. A drunk driver Back Next Notes 1. Julia, there’s another accident? 朱利亚,又发生交通事故了吗? 口语中的疑问句有时也可以陈述语序出现,但念的时候要用 升调,表明这是在问问题。 *accident n. 事故;意外的事,偶然的事 e.g. There was a terrible car accident on 25th street this morning. Nobody saw the accident. 短语by accident表示“偶然地”,通常用作状语。 e.g. They met in the street by accident.

  45. 2. A drunk driver Back Next 2. A young woman called Mary White saw it and telephoned us. 一位叫玛丽·怀特的小姐目击了这起事故,给我们打了电话。 这个句子的主语是a young woman,called Mary White为后置 定语,修饰主语a young woman,此处用过去分词表示被动含 义。

  46. 2. A drunk driver Back Next 3. We’d better get this form filled out. 我们最好把这个表格填好。 这个句子用的是had better (do…)的结构,表示“最好做……”。 e.g. You’d better leave here immediately. She had better not go there. get sth. done表示“让某事被做,被处理”,something与done之 间存在逻辑上的动宾关系。 e.g. She got her coat washed. He got his hair cut. 注意:get something to do表示“使某物……怎样”,something与 do之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系,do在这里往往是不及物动词。 e.g. I can’t get the old radio to work.

  47. 2. A drunk driver Back Next 4. He must have been drunk and drove his car into a tree. 他肯定喝醉了,开车撞到了树上。 “must + have + 过去分词”表示对已发生情况的肯定推测,译 为“(过去)一定……”,仅用于肯定陈述句中。 e.g. I didn’t hear the phone. I must have been asleep. This cake is very sweet. You must have put a lot of sugar in it. 比较:must do sth.可表示对将来的推测; must be doing sth.表示对现在的推测。 e.g. She must arrive before five. She must be sleeping now.

  48. 2. A drunk driver Back Next drink的过去式可以是drunk或drunken。 两者的区别:drunken只能作定语,不能作表语。如:a drunken driver醉酒的司机;drunken words酒后之言。 drunk一般只作表语,作定语时指醉酒的程度较轻。 e.g. He is drunk. be drunk with joy ;to get drunk 注意:drunk-driving为美式英语,义同drink-driving。

  49. 3. A jaywalking child Back Next A witness is telling the policeman what she saw in a road accident. Listen to the tape or CD and fill in the blanks. what happened accident playing came up

  50. 3. A jaywalking child Back Next the other side red traffic light kicked the ball

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