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THE ROMANIAN RD&I SYSTEM IN THE LIUBLJANA PROCESS PERSPECTIVE National Authority for Scientific Research Ministr y of Educa tion, Research, and Innovation Bucharest, 29 October 2009. OUTLINE.

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  1. THE ROMANIAN RD&I SYSTEM IN THE LIUBLJANA PROCESS PERSPECTIVE National Authority for Scientific Research Ministry of Education, Research, and Innovation Bucharest, 29 October 2009

  2. OUTLINE • THE RD&I SYSTEM IN ROMANIA (Marian Enachescu)1. Characterization 2. Main results 3. ChallengesII. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN THE FRAMEWORK OF FP7 (Anca Ghinescu)III. ADAPTING TO THE LIUBLJANA PROCESS 1. Better Careers and More Mobility for Researchers (Adrian Curaj) 2. Research Infrastructures (Ionel Andrei) & Structural Funds for RDI Projects (Dana Gheorghe) 3. Romanian RD in Support to JTIs and Future JPs (Rolanda Predescu) 4. Intellectual Property Protection (Rolanda Predescu) Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  3. OUTLINE I. THE RD&I SYSTEM IN ROMANIA (Marian Enachescu)1. Characterization 2. Main results 3. ChallengesII. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN THE FRAMEWORK OF FP7 (Anca Ghinescu)III. ADAPTING TO THE LIUBLJANA PROCESS 1. Better Careers and More Mobility for Researchers (Adrian Curaj) 2. Research Infrastructures (Ionel Andrei) & Structural Funds for RDI projects (Dana Gheorghe) 3. Romanian RD in Support to JTIs and Future JPs(Rolanda Predescu) 4. Intellectual Property Protection (Rolanda Predescu) Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  4. I.1. RD&I system in Ro - characterization: National Authority for Scientific Research Mission:To ensure the elaboration, application, monitoring and evaluation of the policies in the field of research, technology development and innovation, consistent with the strategy and the Governing Programme, Ministry A GOVERNMENT Ministry B . . . . . . Ministry of Education, Research, and Innovation (MERI) National Authority for Scientific Research Ministry of Education, Research, and Innovation National Authority for Scientific Research (ANCS) for the purpose of ensuring the enlargement of the national and international techno-logical and innovation patrimony, the sustainable economic development, the access on the internal, European and global markets, the creation of the informational knowledge-based economy, the satisfaction of the citizens' needs and growth in the quality of their lives. Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  5. Contributions to EU Innov. Council EU funds AB-RD&I CNCSIS Consulting bodies CRIC MERI – ANCS National Plan ANCS Intermediate BodySOP-IEC GOVERD 0.41% GDP UEFISCSU AMCSIT CNMP Ro. Acad. IFA Executive agencies Core progr. Other Ministries (sectoral progr.) Universities National RD Institutes Private grants Outsourced RD&I Romanian Academy Branch Academies BERD 0.18% GDP In-house RD&I Enterprises I.1. RD&I system in Ro - characterization: Main chart ““financial flows Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  6. I.1. RD&I system in Ro - characterization:Structure Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  7. I.1. RDI system in Ro - characterization:Structure &processes RD&I policy Government Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation (MERI) - National Authority for Scientific Research (ANCS) Other ministries Consultation ST Policy Council, Consulting bodies (CNCSIS, Adv.Board-RD&I, Innov. Council, CRIC), Groups of experts, ST foresight Romanian Academy Branch Academies Instruments National RDI Programmes European Progs. Other National RDI Plan Grants Core Progs. Sectoral Progr. Other FP 7 SOP-IEC ELI,… CERN,… Implemen- tation Executive agencies: UEFISCSU, CNMP, AMCSIT, IFA, Intermediate Body Operation Public Universities Romanian Academy Institutes Branch Academies Institutes National R&D Institutes ReNITT Private Private Universities Research Institutes Associations, Foundations Enterprises Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  8. I.1. RD&I system in Ro - characterization: National Strategy 2007-2013 Implementation:National Plan ’07-’13 and synergical programmes as well. National Strategy National Plan Bricks of the 2007-2013 RD&I policy Internal: First national wide-spreading foresight exercise External: Accession to EU ... Basic assumption: Towards 1% of GDP until 2013 ? Creating and developing S&T knowledge National Strategy Strategic Objectives Increasing competitiveness of Ro. economy National Plan Raising quality of life Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  9. I.1. RD&I system in Ro - characterization: National Plan 2007-2013 Principles: Multi-annual allocation, pre-financing, investment model Programme 1. Human Resources Increasing the number of researchers and improving their professional performances Programme 2. Capacities Development of RDI infrastructures and their better connection and use at national and international level Programme 3. Ideas Generation of high level S&T results, contributing to a higher international visibility and recognition for Romanian research Programme 4. Partnerships in priority RD&I fields Promotion of ST partnerships leading to innovative technologies, products and services for solving complex problems in key application areas Programme 5. Innovation Promotion of industry-led research, technological development and innovation, based on the absorption of research results, for improving economic competitiveness and the quality of life Programme 6. Institutional performance Promoting the continuity and stability of RD institutions, through the development of their own strategies, in accordance with the National RD&I Strategy Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  10. I.1. RD&I system in Ro- characterization: synergical instruments  Research of Excellenceprogramme (CEEX, 2005-2008), to structuring and building the Romanian Research Area in order to become fully compatible with the European and international standards of performance.  Core RD programmes of the national RD institutions, in order to sustaining long-term strategic objectives, specific to the sectors in which these institutions are performing.  Sectoral Operational Programme for “Increasing the Economic Competitiveness” Priority Axis 2 – „Increasing the economic competitiveness through research and innovation” (SOP-IEC), to increasing the Romanian enterprises productivity and reducing the productivity gaps with respect to EU 27 by the following channels: - increasing the research capacity by the development of research infrastructures and by attracting young people and highly qualified specialists; - strengthening the knowledge supply from universities and RD institutes; - stimulate technology transfers based on the cooperation between RD institutions and enterprises; - stimulate innovation demand from enterprises.  Three programmes focused on basic research of the Romanian Academy Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  11. I.1. RD&I system in Ro- characterization: system capacity [ Source: INS 2009 • Increasing trends …BUTcomparing to UE-27 (2007) • The share of researchers in total employment • 35,2%oo in Romania << 92%oo UE 27 • The share of employees from RD activities in total employment • 47,9 %ooin Romania << 155%oo UE 27. Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  12. I.2 RD&I system in Ro - results: output dynamic Source: ANCS, ISI Web of Knowledge - Thomson Reuters, Eurostat • Excepting the patent statistic, the trends are positive • Specific policy measures: • Rewarding the authors of ISI publications and patents. • Improving the RD&I managerial skillsby supporting specific actions e.g. training, • international mobilities etc. Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  13. I.2 RD&I system in Ro - results: positive impact on economy Sources: INS, *)ANCS, Eurostat Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  14. I.2 RD&I system in Ro - results: significant achievements • Among the highest growth rates in Europe of some of the indicators related to innovation (e.g.share of employees in knowledge-intensive services, organizational innovation, share of innovative enterprises) • “… Bulgaria and Romania have been improving their performance the fastest.” • (EIS 2008-Comparative analysis of innovation performance, 2009) • Increase of BERD (but caution, because GDP diminished in 2008) • Significant investments in RD infrastructure(in the first two years ’08-’09, the programme Capacities accounted for the largest share of expenditure with respect to its total, multi-annual budget) • New or new levels of international collaborations(pan-European research infrastructures, candidacy to CERN, supporting the FP7 Ro partners etc.) • Significant improvements of the quality of human resources(frontier research in the Ro Ideas programme, supporting the mobility of researchers via the Human Resources programme and billateral cooperation etc.) Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  15. I.2 RD&I system in Ro - results: significant achievements • More than half of the number of researchers are still belonging to exact, natural, and engineering sciences Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  16. I.2 RD&I system in Ro - results:still to do The effectiveness is obvious, but again, comparing with UE-27 • The share of HiTech exports in total exports 3.80% in Romania << 15.96% UE 27 • The share of personnel working or with tertiary education in ST fields in total employment 22.97% in Romania << 39.25% UE 27. • The share of employees in HiTech and Mid-Tech manufacturing in total employment 5.66% in Romania < 6.69% UE 27 close enough • The share of employees in knowledge based services in total employment 14.40% in Romania << 32.94% UE 27. Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  17. I.3 RD&I system in Ro - challenges • Improve the absorption capacity of the RD&I system, including the structural funds • Sub-optimal functionality of some public RD institutions - e.g. project and programme monitoring, lack of integrated info system dedicated to RD activities, resources, and outputs. • Sub-optimal functionality of ReNITT • Global crisis led to public under-financing • Provisioned effects upon unemployment, so that the competition for Hum.Res. in ST will increase Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  18. I.3. RD&I system in Ro- challenges: public funding • Political decision • on diminishing the • share of ANCS in • public financing has • to be balanced by: • Improving the • efficiency of RD • expenditure • Competing for • other financing • sources: private, • EU, Asian etc. • Improving the • public acceptance for research and innovation ? Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  19. OUTLINE • THE RD&I SYSTEM IN ROMANIA (Marian Enachescu)1. Characterization 2. Main results 3. ChallengesII. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN THE FRAMEWORK OF FP7 (Anca Ghinescu)III. ADAPTING TO THE LIUBLJANA PROCESS 1. Better Careers and More Mobility for Researchers (Adrian Curaj) 2. Research Infrastructures (Ionel Andrei) & Structural Funds for RDI projects (Dana Gheorghe) 3. Romanian RD in Support to JTIs and Future JPs(Rolanda Predescu) 4. Intellectual Property Protection (Rolanda Predescu) Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  20. II. International Cooperation in the Framework of FP7 – Comparison to some member states and Turkey Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  21. II. International Cooperation in the Framework of FP7– Comparison to some member states and Turkey Table data source: interpretation of EuropeanCommission’s data by Romania’s Permanent Representation to EU. Statistics rely on the results of 90 calls of FP7 and available information up to January 10, 2009. Conclusions Level of Romania’s participation in FP7 compared to EU averageislow if wetakeintoaccounttwofactors: I. weight of RO population to EU (4,32%) II. RO GDP (close to 1% of EU GDP in 2007; increasefrom 48,4 bil. Є in 2002 to 115 bil. Є in 2007) If weapply the ratio RO GDP/EU GDP of 0,98% to the budget of 7,3 bil. EUR for the 90 calls itresults a contribution of 71,567 mil. EUR. If we compare it to the actual EU contribution for RO participants in selectedprojects (i.e. 41 mil. EUR) we have a recovery rate of 57,3%. Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  22. The NMS have a satisfactory participation to FP7 Lack of communication between potentialcooperation partners and in consortium More confidence is needed towards the NCP networks Results of the first calls have shown up: level of integration into the ERA research capacity at national level integration degree in the EU strategies ability to find project partners success of NMS close connected to their participation in projects coordinated by EU 15 Structural funds – their efficient use could represent a major support in consolidating ofstrong S&T areas and NMS integration in the ERA Guidelines for development of the NationalResearch Strategies: Link with industry (ETPs) andincreased cooperation with industry Research fields and themes in accordance with the National Research Strategy National Research Strategy harmonyzed with the European Strategic Research Agenda II. International Cooperation in the Framework of FP7– Comparison to some member states and Turkey Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  23. II. International Cooperation in the Framework of FP7– Comparison to some member states and Turkey Key to success • Information! • http//:cordis.europa.eu/fp7 • NCP • ROST • Identifyvaluable partners! • Pro-active attitude! • Knowledge and apply of rules! • Presence in FP7! • Evaluators • Experts in working groups • “Register your organisation” - CORDIS Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  24. II. International Cooperation in the Framework of FP7– Comparison to some member states and Turkey • E.C. COM(2008)317, “Better carriers and more mobility: a European partnership for researchers” • Working group on EPR in RO: set up on October 2009 • Members of the WG relevant stakeholders for the 4 key areas: ANCS, UEFISCSU, CNPAS, MAI-ORI • Mandate of the WG on EPR: contribute to the identification of the priority actions in line with the EC proposals and according to the specific situation and needs in Romania • Goals: - set up a National Action Plan with specific objectives and actions to achieve the aims of EPR • - support its implementation Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  25. OUTLINE I.THE RDI SYSTEM IN ROMANIA (Marian Enachescu)1. Characterization 2. Main results 3. ChallengesII. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN THE FRAMEWORK OF FP7 (Anca Ghinescu)III. ADAPTING TO THE LIUBLJANA PROCESS 1. Better Careers and More Mobility for Researchers (Adrian Curaj)2. Research Infrastructures (Ionel Andrei) & Structural Funds for RDI projects (Dana Gheorghe) 3. Romanian RD in Support to JTIs and Future JPs(Rolanda Predescu) 4. Intellectual Property Protection (Rolanda Predescu) Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  26. III.1. ADAPTING TO THE LIUBLJANA PROCESS – Better Careers and More Mobility for Researchers Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  27. OUTLINE I.THE RDI SYSTEM IN ROMANIA (Marian Enachescu)1. Characterization 2. Main results 3. Challenges II. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN THE FRAMEWORK OF FP7 (Anca Ghinescu)III. ADAPTING TO THE LIUBLJANA PROCESS 1. Better Careers and More Mobility for Researchers (Adrian Curaj) 2. Research Infrastructures (Ionel Andrei)& Structural Funds for RDI projects (Dana Gheorghe) 3. Romanian RD in Support to JTIs and Future JPs(Rolanda Predescu) 4. Intellectual Property Protection (Rolanda Predescu) Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  28. III.2. ADAPTING TO THE LIUBLJANA PROCESS:Research infrastructures State of the art (2006):Romanian RD infrastructure below the European levelSub-optimal use of the existing facilitiesConcentration in the Bucharest region Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  29. III.2. ADAPTING TO THE LIUBLJANA PROCESS:Research infrastructures Specific measures in line with National Strategy & Liubljana initiatives: Institutional: establishing the Romanian Committee for Research Infrastructures (CRIC) Financial support: - Specific calls for research laboratories in universities - GRID based infrastructure under development by dedicated consortium Operational: establishing regulation and operative rules to accessing the national and international libraries, facilities, and data bases Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  30. III.2. ADAPTING TO THE LIUBLJANA PROCESS:Research infrastructures CRIC Mission: Establishing the priorities for establishing, developing, and using the research infrastructures. Role: Advisory body of ANCS in both positions of scientific council for the Capacities programme, and strategic consulting forum of the Ro scientific community. Activity: Drawing out of a roadmap to be followed in building and operation of such infrastructures, as well as accessing the international research facilities. Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  31. III.2. ADAPTING TO THE LIUBLJANA PROCESS:Research infrastructures • CRIC roadmap established19 national priorities, • advisedRomanian contribution in 9 ESFRI-agreed pan-European facilities • - Extreme Light Infrastructure - ELI • - Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research - FAIR • - Production and study of rare isotope radioactive beams - Spiral2 • - Underwater Neutrino Observatory - KM3NET • - European Bio-Banking and Biomolecular Resources - BBMRI, • -ERICON – Aurora Borealis, • - Research Infrastructures Network for Research in Biodiversity - LIFE WATCH • - Council of European Social Science Data Archives - CESSDA • - Common Language Resources and Technology Initiative – CLARIN • as well as the accession to •  “Centre Européen pour la Récherche Nucléaire” – CERN •  E- infrastructures • 19 Prioritati pentru investitia in noi infrastructuri: • Infrastructuri pentru comunicatii (retele de mare viteza, Infrastructura GRID) • Platforme Integrate pentru CD si testare • (agricultura, energie, mediu, biotehnologie, patrimoniu cultural ) • Centre/ Institute de cercetari avansate • Meta baze de date (ex.: Sistem unitar biblioteci ST, Rezultate si proiecte CD Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  32. OUTLINE I. THE RDI SYSTEM IN ROMANIA (Marian Enachescu)1. Characterization 2. Main results 3. Challenges II. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN THE FRAMEWORK OF FP7 (Anca Ghinescu)III. ADAPTING TO THE LIUBLJANA PROCESS 1. Better Careers and More Mobility for Researchers (Adrian Curaj) 2. Research Infrastructures (Ionel Andrei) & Structural Funds for RDI projects (Dana Gheorghe)3. Romanian RD in Support to JTIs and Future JPs(Rolanda Predescu) 4. Intellectual Property Protection (Rolanda Predescu) Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  33. III.2. ADAPTING TO THE LIUBLJANA PROCESS: Structural Funds for RDI projects Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  34. III.2. ADAPTING TO THE LIUBLJANA PROCESS: Structural Funds for RDI projects • BUDGETPRIORITY AXIS 2 2007-2013 • ERDF: 537 mil eur (21% of SOP-IEC funds) • State budget: 109 mil eur • Total: 646 mil eur Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  35. submitted selected/contracted III.2. ADAPTING TO THE LIUBLJANA PROCESS: Structural Funds for RDI projects Total Axis Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  36. OUTLINE I. THE RDI SYSTEM IN ROMANIA (Marian Enachescu)1. Characterization 2. Main results 3. Challenges II. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN THE FRAMEWORK OF FP7 (Anca Ghinescu)III. ADAPTING TO THE LIUBLJANA PROCESS1. Better Careers and More Mobility for Researchers (Adrian Curaj) 2. Research Infrastructures (Ionel Andrei) & Structural Funds for RDI projects (Dana Gheorghe) 3. Romanian RD in Support to JTIs and Future JPs(Rolanda Predescu)4. Intellectual Property Protection (Rolanda Predescu) Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  37. III.3. ADAPTING TO THE LIUBLJANA PROCESS– Romanian R&D in support to JTIs& Future JPs • RO / Participation in 4 JTIs: • ARTEMIS (embedded systems) • ENIAC (nanotechnologies) • IMI (innovative medicines) • CLEAN SKY (aeronautics) • RO / Intention of participation in 4 JPs: • HEALTH • FOOD • WATER • CULTURAL HERITAGE Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  38. III.3. ADAPTING TO THE LIUBLJANA PROCESS -Romanian R&D in support to JTIs& Future JPs: Synergic support for participation • RD&I National Plan 2007-2013 • The distribution of projects by S&T priority fields and by prog’s / Relevant domains

  39. III.3. ADAPTING TO THE LIUBLJANA PROCESS -Romanian R&D in support to JTIs& Future JPs: Synergic support for participation RD&I National Plan 2007-2013/ Programme Capacities 2008/ Total value: 242.2 Mlei (~ 60.5 MEur) The distribution of investment projects for RD infrastructures by ST priority fields/ Relevant domains Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  40. III.3. ADAPTING TO THE LIUBLJANA PROCESS -Romanian R&D in support to JTIs& Futur JPs: Synergic support for participation International support / RO participation in • 16 ERA NETs (including SEE EraNet+) • 9 ESFRI projects(including ELI, FAIR) • 8 ETPs (including hydrogen & fuel cells, photovoltaics, “Food for life”) Bucharest, October 29, 2009


  42. OUTLINE I. THE RDI SYSTEM IN ROMANIA (Marian Enachescu)1. Characterization 2. Main results 3. Challenges II. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN THE FRAMEWORK OF FP7 (Anca Ghinescu)III. ADAPTING TO THE LIUBLJANA PROCESS1. Better Careers and More Mobility for Researchers (Adrian Curaj) 2. Research Infrastructures (Ionel Andrei) & Structural Funds for RDI projects (Dana Gheorghe) 3. Romanian RD in Support to JTIs and Future JPs(Rolanda Predescu) 4. Intellectual Property Protection (Rolanda Predescu) Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  43. III.4. ADAPTING TO THE LIUBLJANA PROCESS -Intellectual Property Protection National IPR Protection bodies: • STATE OFFICE FOR INVENTIONS AND MARKS - OSIM • ROMANIAN OFFICE FOR AUTHOR’S RIGHTS - ORDA • OSIM – receiving office for: • National patents • EPs: applications according to the European Patent Convention(EPC)(through OSIM for EPO) • Patents under PCT: applications according to thePatent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) • electronic filing of patent applications  (PDF) available (OSIM ORDER no. 112/21) • filings can be done using the EPO system:EPO Online Filing (EPO-OLF), with a smart card issued by EPO • OSIM continues to accept traditional filings on paper Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  44. III.4. ADAPTING TO THE LIUBLJANA PROCESS -Intellectual Property Protection NATIONAL LEGISLATION (I) • Patents • PATENT LAW No. 64/1991*  republished (August 2007) • Law No 93/1998 on transitional protection of patentsfor inventions • Law No 11/1991 on the repression of unfair competition • Trademarks • Law no. 84/1998 on Marks and Geographical Indications • Industrial design • Design Law No. 129/1992 republished (December 2007)  Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  45. III.4. ADAPTING TO THE LIUBLJANA PROCESS -Intellectual Property Protection NATIONAL LEGISLATION (II)  • Utility models • Law No. 350/ 2007on Utility Models • Topographies of semiconductor products • Law no. 16/ 1995 on the protection of topographies of semiconductor productsrepublished (December 2005) • Plants varieties • Law no. 255/1998 on the protection of the new plant varieties –republished (January 2007) • Government Ordinance no. 41/1998*) on the fees in the industrial property protection field • Law no. 8/1996on author rightsrepublished (August 2006) Bucharest, October 29, 2009

  46. Thank you ! Bucharest, October 29, 2009

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