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The Role of the Internet in the Car Purchasing Process

The Role of the Internet in the Car Purchasing Process. Julie Forey Head of Research MSN UK. Agenda. Objectives Methodology Main Findings Sources used Role of the internet Advantages & disadvantages Summary. Objectives.

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The Role of the Internet in the Car Purchasing Process

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  1. The Role of the Internet in the Car Purchasing Process Julie Forey Head of Research MSN UK

  2. Agenda • Objectives • Methodology • Main Findings • Sources used • Role of the internet • Advantages & disadvantages • Summary

  3. Objectives • Understand the role of the Internet in the car purchasing decision making process • Establish its relative importance compared to other information sources • Understand specifically what the Internet is used for • Establish perceived advantages and disadvantages of the online medium

  4. Methodology Stage 1 • 2 Group discussions to better understand the car purchasing procedure to aid quant questionnaire • Intender audience (next 6 months) • Purchaser audience (last 6 months) Stage 2 • 1000 interviews among GB adults (face to face omnibus survey of both online and offline respondents) to establish market size & priority of information sources Stage 3 • Bespoke online survey among Internet users • 280 respondents that had purchased a new/used car in the last 6 mths • 200 respondents that intended to purchase a new/used car in the next 6 mths Fieldwork for all three stages conducted between May and June 2004 by NOP World

  5. Who has bought a car in the last six months? 30% 24% 25% 22% 22% 21% 20% 16% 13% 15% 12% 11% 10% 7% 5% 0% All 65+ Men 17-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 Women Base: All GB adults

  6. Net users are more likely to have bought a car in the last 6 months Base: All GB adults

  7. Sources Used

  8. The internet is 3rd most popular source used in decision making process Base: All GB adults who have bought a car in last 6mths

  9. The internet is 3rd most popular source used in decision making process Base: All GB adults who have bought a car in last 6mths

  10. And the No.1 Media Source ….. Base: All GB adults who have bought a car in last 6mths

  11. Extremely important rating 27% 22% 25% 27% 12% 8% The internet scores highest for importance Top sources ranked according to those scoring Extremely/Very important Base: All users who used … as an information source

  12. The net is usually the FIRST used source Total used 1st/2nd/3rd Source 1st used 2nd used 3rd used 57% 91% Internet 28% 6% 82% Friends’ advice 38% 26% 18% Car dealership personnel 26% 25% 33% 84% Car mags 22% 19% 28% 69% Consumer reports 19% 32% 24% 76% Base: All who used …. as an information source

  13. The role of the Internet

  14. Research is started on average threemonths prior to purchase Mean no. mths prior to purchase Base: All car purchasers using Internet for research

  15. The majority use the internet throughout the process Only at the very early stages Only once I had/have decided on a particular make/model of car Throughout Only towards the end of the decision making process Other/DK Base: All car purchasers using Internet for research

  16. 58% of Total Hrs Online accounts for over half the total research hours Mean No. Hrs Base: All car purchasers using Internet for research

  17. General car websites are most popular Base: All car purchasers using Internet for research

  18. What the car buyers said…. “Ability to compare many models in one place, to see all the options available” “If you get the right site you should receive impartial information” “You can easily see all the deals out there” “When I had my mind made up I went to the actual Toyota web site and it gave me loads of things I hadn’t thought of” “A vast amount of unbiased information”

  19. Car buyers using the internet are open to Influence Decisions made prior to online research: Base: All car purchasers using Internet for research

  20. BUT 42% will have changed their mind in at least one area as a direct result of online research …. Car buyers using the internet are open to Influence Decisions made prior to online research: Base: All car purchasers using Internet for research

  21. Decisions shifted after researching online % of those having made the decision prior to researching online Base: All who had made a decision on … prior to net research

  22. What did they use the Internet for? Base: All car purchasers using Internet for research

  23. How useful were the activities? Base: All who used each activity

  24. Price Comparison is considered the Most Useful Activity to Conduct Online Compare prices General research about make of car Compare makes/models of car Read vehicle reviews Research insurance options Research vehicle spec View images of car exterior Find a dealership View images of car interior Customise a vehicle Order a brochure Dealership quote Base: All considering the Internet useful to conduct activities online

  25. 59% 37% 30% Attitudes towards the use of the internet for car purchasing TOTAL DISAGREE TOTAL AGREE The Internet has had a significant impact on the decisions I have made about my recent vehicle purchase 14% In the future I would consider buying a new car online 29% In the future I would consider buying a used car online 41% Base: All car purchasers using Internet for research

  26. Advantages & disadvantages of the internet

  27. Perceived advantages of the internet Spontaneous mentions Base: All car purchasers

  28. What the car buyers said… advantages “It makes finding out stuff less pressurised and less intimidating” “The main advantages are that you don’t have to spend time searching garage forecourts or showrooms” “I can research any car I wish without all the leg work and annoying/pushy salesmen” “Fast access to information, easy to compare similar spec cars”

  29. Perceived disadvantages of the internet Spontaneous mentions: Base: All car purchasers

  30. What the car buyers said… disadvantages “Its not the same as seeing the car for yourself” “Can only really judge the vehicle in the flesh” “It doesn’t always give a true likeness, it’s easy to put up pictures of a better spec vehicle and to hide damage ” “You can’t get a feel for the car, especially if it is not new”

  31. Summary • A third of all adults who’ve bought a car in the last 6mths, used the internet in the decision making process. • The internet is the 3rd most popular source of information used in the car purchase decision making process. Only Car Dealers (52%) and advice from friends and family (38%) are more popular. • The internet is the no.1 MEDIA source of information for all car buyers - beating car magazines into 2nd place. • Nearly 7 out of 10 (68%) purchasers who used the net for car research claimed that it was extremely or very important making it the highest rated source of information

  32. Summary • When looking at the order that information sources were used, 57% of recent purchasers using the internet claimed it was the first source used with more than nine out of ten (91%) using it as either their first, second or third source. • Even though some purchasers claim to have made decisions before using the internet nearly half change their mind on some aspect of their purchase following online research. Insurance, dealer, price & model seem most likely to be reconsidered • Similarly, more than half (59%) of purchasers using the Internet agree that the Internet has had a significant impact on the decisions made about their recent purchase

  33. Summary • Price comparisons were the most popular activity conducted online by purchasers and were considered the most useful activity to conduct online • Saving time, price & model comparisons, easy access and lack of sales pressure were the most commonly mentioned advantages of researching car purchases online.

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