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Biology Bingo

Biology Bingo. Chloroplast. This is the main organelle responsible for photosynthesis. Abiotic Factor. This is the term for something that is non-living. Homeostasis. The maintenance of a constant internal state in a changing environment. Lichen.

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Biology Bingo

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Biology Bingo

  2. Chloroplast This is the main organelle responsible for photosynthesis

  3. Abiotic Factor This is the term for something that is non-living

  4. Homeostasis The maintenance of a constant internal state in a changing environment

  5. Lichen This is a mutualistic relationship between fungus and a photosynthetic partner

  6. Transcription This is the process in which DNA is rewritten as mRNA that occurs in the nucleus of a cell

  7. Taxonomy This is the study of classifying organisms

  8. Carrying Capacity This is the maximum number of organisms that can be supported in a given area at a specific time

  9. Enzyme This is a type of protein that speeds up chemical reactions What can denature these?

  10. Cell Wall This is a supportive and rigid structure found outside of the cell membrane in plants, bacteria, fungi, and some protists

  11. Metaphase In this phase of mitosis, the chromosomes line up across the equator of the cell

  12. Carbohydrates This macromolecule is the prime energy source for cells that is made up of simple sugars Where can we find these?

  13. Carnivore This type of heterotroph only consumes meat or flesh

  14. Exoskeleton This is the term for an outer skeletal structure found mainly in arthropod body plans such as crabs, insects, lobsters, etc… It is also usually composed of chitin

  15. Capsid The protective protein coat found in all viruses

  16. Dicot This type of angiosperm possesses two cotyledons in the seed, net-like leaf venation, and flower parts that occur in multiples of 4 or 5

  17. Diploid This term refers to an organism that possesses two sets of chromosomes; one from mom, one from dad

  18. Immigration When a population moves into an area

  19. Gamete Another word for sex cell What are some examples?

  20. Electron This is the negatively charged particle that floats around the nucleus of an atom

  21. Taiga This biome is marked by coniferous trees (evergreen), animals such as moose, caribou, beavers, bear, cold winters and mild springs Located in the northern portion of the North Hemisphere

  22. Pseudopod This is what amoeba protists use to move and feed with; extensions of cytoplasm

  23. Adenine This is the nitrogen base that bonds with thymine in DNA; it bonds with uracil in RNA

  24. Passive Transport This is the type of cellular transport that does not require energy Moves from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration What are some examples?

  25. Habitat An area where an organisms lives

  26. Cellular Respiration The process by which cells produce energy from carbohydrates; atmospheric oxygen combines with glucose to form water and carbon dioxide

  27. Anaerobic This term means not requiring oxygen

  28. Phototropism A plant’s response to move toward light

  29. Community A group of various species that live in the same habitat and interact with each other

  30. Natural Selection The process by which individuals that are better adapted to their environment survive and reproduce more successfully than less well adapted individuals do

  31. Heterozygous This term describes an individual that has two different alleles for a trait

  32. Hypertonic This term describes a solution whose solute concentration is higher than the solute concentration inside a cell More water inside the cell than outside the cell Cell shrinks

  33. Eukaryote An organism that is made of eukaryotic cells with nuclei and organelles

  34. Point Mutation A mutation in which only one nucleotide or nitrogenous base in a gene is changed

  35. Adaptation The process of becoming adapted to an environment; an anatomical, physiological, or behavioral change that improves a population's ability to survive

  36. Chemoautotroph An organism that synthesizes organic compounds by using inorganic compounds instead of light

  37. ATP An organic molecule that acts as the main energy source for cell processes; composed of a nitrogenous base, a sugar, and three phosphate groups

  38. Succession The replacement of one type of community by another at a single location over a period of time What are the two types? What is the difference between the two?

  39. Phenotype An organism's appearance or other detectable characteristic that results from the organism's genotype and the environment

  40. Codon In DNA, a three-nucleotide sequence that encodes an amino acid or signifies a start signal or a stop signal

  41. Species A group of organisms that are closely related and can mate to produce fertile offspring

  42. Covalent Bond A compound that is formed when atoms share electrons

  43. Heterotroph/Consumer An organism that must consume or find energy/food from elsewhere

  44. DNA Helicase This enzyme unzips the two strands of DNA during replication

  45. Invertebrate An animal that does not possess a backbone What are some examples?

  46. Endosymbiosis A mutually beneficial relationship in which one organism lives within another

  47. Parasitism A symbiotic relationship where one organism benefits by harming another organism (host)

  48. Desert This biome has little rainfall throughout the year and high temperatures during the day and low temperatures at night; most animals are nocturnal and small in size; there is little vegetation here What does nocturnal mean?

  49. Protein An organic compound that is made of one or more chains of amino acids and that is a principal component of all cells Functions include structure and also comprises enzymes

  50. Crossing Over The exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes during meiosis

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