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Kingdom of Cambodia Nation Religion King

Vocational Training Center Group Assignment for semester 1. Kingdom of Cambodia Nation Religion King. Class : P4A, Group: 3 Deadline : February 07, 2011 Group Members:. Group Members:. AM Sotheary GaM suFarI F [ RbFan ]

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Kingdom of Cambodia Nation Religion King

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Vocational Training Center Group Assignment for semester 1 Kingdom of CambodiaNation Religion King Class: P4A, Group: 3 Deadline: February 07, 2011 Group Members:

  2. Group Members: • AM SothearyGaMsuFarI F [RbFan] • EANG LayheaneGog​ ឡៃehog​​ F [GnuRbFan] • LEAK Kunthealak´ Kn§a ​​F [GñkbgÐaj] • SUM Theara ​​​​​​ស៊ុមធារ៉ាF [Gñkkt´Rta] • PHAT Panhapat បញ្ញា​​​​​​​​ M [GñkbkRsay] • MOUNG Nary emagNarIM [GñkRtUtBinitü]

  3. 1-KNna • a • b • c 2-KNna • a • b • c 3-KNna • a • b • c

  4. 4-KNna • a • b • c 5-KNna • a • b • c 6-KNna • a • b • c

  5. 7-ebIsinfñaMlab 1LGaclabel​​I​ ផ្ទៃ12m 2 eKRtUvkarfñaMlabdUcxageRkam • a edayelIផ្ទៃRtUvkarfaMñlab1L RtUvkarfñaMlab ? eyIgman • b edayelIផ្ទៃ12m 2RtUvkarlab1L ​​ 0.1875 RtUvkarfñaMlab ? eyIgman • c edayelIépþRtUvkarfñaMlab1L RtUvkarfñaMlab ? eyIgman

  6. . 8-tagcMnUnxageRkamCaTRmg Scientific notation • a • b • c 9-tagcMnUnxageRkamCaTRmg Scientific notation • a • b • c 10-tagcMnUnxageRkamCaTRmg Scientific notation • a • b • c

  7. 11-tagcMnUnxageRkamCaTRmg Scientific notation • a • b • C 12-cemøIy គេត្រូវការរយះពេលសំរាប់កាត់សក់ • a ដោយជាងកាត់សក់20mn nigកត់សក់ 8mn • b).កាត់និងកក់សក់ភ្ញៀវ 8nak´ • c). kat´Etminkk´sk´ePov9 nak´

  8. edaymnusümñak´kat´sk´RtUvcMNay20mn 13-​រកតំលៃសរុបក្នុងករណីគឺ • a • b • c 14រកម៉ោងដែលគេកក់សក់អោយភ្ញៀវ • KI nak´ • KI nak´ • KI nak´

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