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Kingdom: Protista

Explore the diverse world of protists, including zooflagellates, sporozoans, ciliates, euglenophytes, chrysophytes, diatoms, dinoflagellates, brown/red/green algae, and fungus-like protists. Learn about their characteristics, habitats, and human uses.

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Kingdom: Protista

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  1. Kingdom: Protista

  2. Eukaryotic • Most are unicellular • “Pond water critters” Phylum: Protista

  3. Animal-like Protists – 4 groups Zooflagellates– move with a tail called a flagella. Dinoflagellates – half are animal like and half are plant like protists Ex. Trypanosoma – (parasitic) causes African sleeping sickness.

  4. Example: Giardia – Parasite that causes infection of small intestines. DON’T DRINK POND WATER!!!

  5. Ex. Amoeba 2. Sarcodines – move and feed with pseudopods (false feet). Cytoplasmic streaming – cytoplasm flows and moves in the direction of the longest extension.

  6. Red blood cells w/ Plasmodium parasite shown 3. Sporozoans – all are parasitic. Move in your blood stream. Can’t move on their own. Example: Plasmodium which causes malaria.


  8. 4. Ciliates– move with hairs called cilia (100’s of oars on a ship). Phylum Ciliophora Example: Paramecium

  9. Plant-like Protists – 5 groups all are aquatic and most photosynthetic Euglenophytes – They have two flagella but no cell wall. Very similar to zooflagellates.

  10. Plant-like Protists 2. Chrysophytes –They have gold colored chloroplasts that store their food as oil.

  11. Plant-like Protists 3. Diatoms – they have cell walls made of silicon with intricate patterns. They look like two sides of a petri dish. They produce much of the world’s oxygen and live in the ocean. After they die the shells are used as abrasives in polishes and toothpaste.

  12. 4. Dinoflagellates – They have two flagella that wrap around the organism in grooves. Most are luminescent and when agitated they give off light. In the phylum Pyrrohyta which means fire plants.

  13. Some Dinoflagellates can cause red tides like the picture above.

  14. And Group 5… 5. Brown, Red and Green Algae – Brown – kelp, very large, up to 100m long

  15. Red – grow at great depths

  16. Green They can be microscopic but they exist in large amounts so they make water look green. VOLVOX

  17. Human Uses of Algae Can you guess what we use algae for every day?

  18. Human Uses of Algae Oxygen!! Lots Medicines – stomach ulcers, high blood pressure, arthritis Sushi Ice Cream Salad Dressing Pudding Candy Bars Syrup Eggnog

  19. More Human Uses of Algae Plastics Waxes Deodorants Paints Lubricants Agar

  20. Fungus-like Protists-1 group Slime mold – can get up to 1 meter, no definite form. Moves and engulfs bacteria and dead organic matter. Reproduces by sending up spores. Example: Plasmodium – forms a sheet or net.

  21. Funguslike Protists Water Molds Caused The Great Potato Famine(1846-1851) At least 1,000,000 people died of starvation or disease. More than 1,000,000 people migrated from Ireland to the United States

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