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Are some people born clever, and others born stupid? Or is intelligence developed

( 十一 ). Are some people born clever, and others born stupid? Or is intelligence developed by our 1 and our experience? Strangely enough, the answer to these questions is yes. 1. A. education B. environment C. university D. relationship.

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Are some people born clever, and others born stupid? Or is intelligence developed

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  1. (十一) Are some people born clever, and others born stupid? Or is intelligence developed by our 1 and our experience? Strangely enough, the answer to these questions is yes. 1. A. education B. environment C. university D. relationship 1.B 下文就是谈环境对智力开发的影响, 如a child who lives in a boring environment will develop his intelligence…词语复现。

  2. To some extent our intelligence is given to us at birth, and no amount of education can make a genius out of a child born with 2 intelligence. 2. A. musical B. social C. high D. low 2. D 与a genius相对, 应是a child born with low intelligence。

  3. On the other hand, a child who lives in a 3 environment will develop his intelligence less than one who lives in rich and varied 4 . 3. A. boring B. exciting C. worsening D. changing 4. A. communities B. villages C. surroundings D. countries 3.A 与rich and varied相对应是boring, 反义同现。 4.C 比较对象应是同类事物, 与environment相对应的应是surroundings,同义词复现。

  4. Thus the 5 of a person’s intelligence are fixed at birth, whether or not he reaches those limits will depend on his environment. This view, now held by most experts, can be 6 in a number of ways. 5. A. measure B. limits C. degree D. development 6. A. decided B. obtained C. found D. supported 5. B 由后文的those limits可知, 这是指“一个人的智力的限度或范围”, 故选B。原词复现; 与下文中的their degree of intelligence的degree是同义复现。 6. D 逻辑搭配上看, 观点(view)应是得到“支持”。

  5. It is easy to show that intelligence is to some extent something we are born with. The closer the 7 relationship between two people, the closer they are likely to be intelligent. 7. A. blood B. friend C. brother D. relative 7. A 由上文的a person’s intelligence are fixed at birth, 生活常识, 以及下句与之相对的unrelated people可知, “血缘”关系越近的两个人智力水平也越接近。blood 与unrelated反义同现。

  6. Thus if we take two unrelated people at random from population, it is likely that their degree of intelligence will be completely 8 . 8. A. different B. close C. irrelevant D. invisible 8. A 由上文的条件句中“从茫茫人海中随意找两个不相关的人”可知, 这两个人的智力程度是完全“不同的”。与上文的closer是反义词同现。

  7. If, on the other hand, we take two identical twins, they will very likely to be as 9 as each other. Relations like brothers and sisters, parents and children, usually have similar intelligence, and this 10 suggests that intelligence depends on birth. 9. A. stubborn B. reliable C. intelligent D. diligent 10. A. helpfully B. entirely C. clearly D. strongly 9. C 因上下句或上下文谈的都是智力, 所以这里是指双胞胎的 “智力” 很可能是相同的。 10. C 前半句所述事实已“清楚地”表明, 智力程度是由先天所决定的。

  8. Imagine now that we take two identical twins and put them in different environments. We might send one, for example, to a university and the other to a 11 where the work is boring. 11. A. school B. factory C. village D. country 1.B 由where the work is boring可知,选B。

  9. We would soon find differences in intelligence 12 , and this indicates that environment as well as 13 plays a part. 12. A. gathering B. producing C. testing D. developing 13. A. work B. custom C. birth D. education 12. D 由第一段中的is intelligence developed和develop his intelligence可知, 这里是指将双胞胎放在不同环境下其智力“开发”是不相同的。同词复现, 或搭配(开发智力)。 13. C 前文所述的出生相同的双胞胎在不同环境下, 智力开发也不相同, 说明“环境”与“出生”对人的智力都起作用。

  10. This 14 is also suggested by the fact that people who live in close contact with each other, but who are not related at all are likely to have 15 degree of intelligence. 14. A. conclusion B. statement C. judgment D. condition 15. A. different B. similar C. meaningful D. considerable 14. A 指前句 “环境与出生对人的智力都起作用” 这个“结论”。 15. B 句意:这一结论也可用以下事实来说明:相互密切接触(环境相同)但毫无关联的人(出生不同)也会有相似的智力程度。

  11. (十二) Our lives are shaped by the kind of surroundings we place ourselves in, the people that we allow to influence us, and the goals we give ourselves. If we only 1 and take no action, then we get no further. But if we plan, set a 2 and take action then our life takes a different shape. 1. A. plan B. dream C. response D. study 2. A. table B. goal C. schedule D. watch 1. B 根据本句的后半部分and take no action,可知是dream, and前后是并列的逻辑关系。 2. B 根据本句前部分的plan和第三段第一句的goal setting,可以推断选B。

  12. Now, the important parts of goal setting, though, go beyond just writing down a goal statement and thinking that somehow your goal will be 3 . To write a goal is only a 4 part of the way forward. 3. A. reached B. set C. missed D. written 4. A. significant B. primary C. minor D. major 3. A 本句中somehow意为以某种方式, 本句中介词beyond后面接两个动名词形式一个是writing…和thinking… 。本部分意为“然而, 目标的设定远远超出只是写下目标的陈述以及超出认为在某种方式上你的目标将会实现(reach)”。 4. C 写下目标只是一个小部分而已。

  13. The rest of the elements (要素) of how to reach that goal must also be stated 5 and with a definite time frame to each step. This means that you must develop a 6 plan of action where each action step is detailed on what you must do, when and how and how much time it will take. 5. A. correctly B. clearly C. effectively D. definitely 6. A. simple B. complicated C. specific D. detailed 5. B 如何实现目标必须清楚的表述。故选B clearly。 6. D 根据本句后面的where each action step is detailed, 可知应该设定一个详细的计划。

  14. If you do not make your plan detailed in this way and set specific target dates for 7 , you will simply not be creating any kind of expectation in your mind or urgency that helps keep you moving. 7. A. completion B. invitation C. expectation D. discussion 7. A 本部分意为设定特定的完成日期, completion意为“完成”。

  15. Sometimes, even when you are following your action plan, you will run into a snag (小困难). Snags are 8 and you should realize this before you even get started. 8. A. serious B. common C. terrible D. avoidable 8. B 根据后文的These snags, though, should be viewed only as little inconveniences可知这些困难是通常的, 常见的。故选common。

  16. These snags, though, should be 9 only as little inconveniences; these inconveniences are meant for you to 10 and move forward again. 9. A. faced B. overcome C. viewed D. met 10. A. share B. solve C. understand D. suffer 9.C 因be viewed as意为“被看做是……”。 10. B 本句中be meant for sb to do…意为注定要给某人做……resolve 意为“解决”。

  17. These little 11 are those that most people cannot overcome because they simply 12 using the excuse that their goal was never meant to be. 11. A. problems B. excuses C. mistakes D. differences 12. A. start B. fear C. quarrel D. quit 11. A 根据上文的snags及inconveniences可以推断出是problems同义词重现。 12. D 根据前面的most people cannot overcome the problems是因为他们退出 (quit); using the excuse that their goal was never meant to be作状语表示方式。

  18. Show that you are 13 ; show that you have the 14 and determine to keep going and you will demonstrate to yourself and everyone around you that you are really devoted to 15 that which you have set out in your goal statement. 13. A. different B. intelligent C. responsible D. upset 14. A. duty B. ability C. devotion D. indication 13. A 根据上一句的most people….这里用different表示你和那些人是不同的,你不会退出。故选A。 14. C 根据后面的you are really devoted to可知you have the devotion。be devoted to doing 致力于……, devotion对某事的执着、奉献。

  19. Show that you are 13 ; show that you have the 14 and determine to keep going and you will demonstrate to yourself and everyone around you that you are really devoted to 15 that which you have set out in your goal statement. 15. A. admitting B. memorizing C. demonstrating D. achieving 15. D achieving意为“实现, 达到”。空格后的that 是指示代词, 指代前面的plan和goal, 其后接一个which引导的定语从句。

  20. (十三) Happy memories are pleasant; sad memories are painful. So what helps us remember the good moments and 1 the bad ones? 1. A. depress B. forget C. challenge D. drown 1. B 此处与remember构成对比关系, 因此此处选remember的反义词forget。depress意思是“使沮丧”, challenge意思是“挑战”, drown意思是“淹没”。

  21. The answer is a mixture of personality, gender and the 2 someone uses to make sense of their feelings. 2. A. exercise B. decision C. tips D. methods 2. D 阅读至此处时,并不能马上推敲出答案。 但根据第二段However, the way men and women try to deal with bad memories…可得知, 本文从三方面介绍如何帮助人们记住美好的记忆和忘记不愉快的记忆。第三方面则是人们对待不愉快记忆的方式 (the way), 与选项D意思贴近。

  22. Once in a survey, scientists invited 71 3 , 38 women and 33 men, to fill out a questionnaire. From their answers to the 4 , scientists were able to work out their personalities and more than 100 memories of each person. 3. A. volunteers B. testers C. conductors D. competitors 4. A. forms B. questions C. puzzles D.experiments 3. A 该题可运用排除法, tester意思是“出题者, 测试者”, conductor意思是“领导者”, competitor意思是“竞争者”, 均不符合语境。volunteer意思是“志愿者”, 此处指“自愿参与调查问卷的人”。 4. B 根据前一句出现的关键词questionnaire(调查问卷), 不难得出此处是指问题(question)的答案。

  23. From analyses of differences between personality and 5 , they found that people who were outgoing and confident were more likely to 6 pleasant experiences than bad ones. 5. A. experiences B. gender C. memory D. answers 6. A. experience B. prefer C. expect D. recall 5. C 根据前一句提示:work out their personalities and more than 100 memories of…, 得知这里是指性格(personality)与记忆(memory)之间的差异。 6. D 根据第8题设空所在句子出现的recall提示, 此处也应该选择recall, 表示“回想起……”。

  24. People who were sensitive, greedy and selfish tended to 7 think about bad memories. Both men and women with these 8 also recalled more bad memories. 7. A. instantly B. initially C. frequently D. unnoticeably 8. A. answers B. memories C. weaknesses D. personalities 7. C 因frequently意思是“经常地”, instantly意思是“马上、立刻”,initially意思是“开始地”, unnoticeably意思是“不知不觉地”, 故选C。 8. D 与第二段第3句personality对应, these personalities指前一句所提到的sensitive, greedy and selfish。

  25. However, the way men and women try to deal with bad memories is quite 9 . 9. A. strange B. Unique C. different D.effective 9. C 根据下文提到的男性和女性对待记忆的不同方法, 因此此处选different。

  26. For men, to remain optimistic so as to think about a bad memory 10 can lead to recall more pleasant memories but suppressing the bad memories brings neither 11 memories nor bad ones. 10. A. positively B. specially C. occasionally D. appropriately 11. A. upset B. tough C. easy D. pleasant 10. A 此处呼应该句的optimistic, 表示:保持乐观的态度,以致在回想起不愉快记忆时也能够积极面对, 这样可以回想起更多愉快的经历。 11. D 该句的前半部分在讲述a bad memory与pleasant memories之间的相互转化关系, 再根据neither …nor的语境提示, 此处应该选与bad意思相反的词, 只有选项D合适。

  27. For women, 12 the bad memories usually brings an even lower mood than before, which means that women are more likely to suffer from depression than men. 12. A. recollecting B. suppressing C. missing D. showing 12. A 此处讲述女性对不愉快记忆的处理方法, 与前一句讲述男性处理不愉快记忆的方法形成对比并相互呼应, 因此选择recollect(回想、回忆), 与前一句的think about, recall均对应。

  28. Those 13 people, as it is mentioned before, usually women, recollect unpleasant memories and 14 they feel sad. 13. A. depressed B. bad-tempered C. poor D. stupid 13. A 根据as it is mentioned before以及usually women 的提示, 此处可在前文找到提示和依据。这里与前一句women are more likely to suffer from depression than men对应,因此选depressed(沮丧的),意思是:正如前文所提到的, 那些沮丧的人, 通常是女性, 会想起不愉快的经历,因此她们会感到很伤心。

  29. Those 13 people, as it is mentioned before, usually women, recollect unpleasant memories and 14 they feel sad. 14.A. previously B. consequently C. unexpectedly D. surprisingly 14. B 因recollect unpleasant memories与they feel sad构成因果关系,因此选B,consequently表示“因此、结果”。previously意思是“之前、先前”, unexpectedly意思是“意外地”, surprisingly意思是“惊讶地”。

  30. Scientists suggest the best ways to deal with bad memories are to be 15 , never stay in a bad mood for too long and try to think about our memoires from a positive angle. 15. A. forgetful B. outgoing C. courageous D. sensitive 15. B 根据第二段第3句所提到的有助于人们记得愉快记忆的性格特征 (outgoing, confident), 此处应该选B。

  31. (十四) We all struggle for excellence in whatever we do. To achieve this we set high standards of performance. The road to 1 is however not the right path to success and fulfillment. 2 a shoe lace if you can. 1. A. goal B. achievement C. perfection D. standard 2. A. Untie B. Lessen C. Improve D. Overlook 1. C 根据however的提示,此处选perfection与第一句的excellence对应, 并与前两句构成转折关系。该句意思是:然而, 通向完美之路并不等于通向成功和满意的道路。 2. A Untie 意思是“松开”, 该句意思是:可以的时候, 松一松鞋带, 因为下句提到了, “要学会接受自己的不完美”。

  32. Accept your imperfection as it is natural to make mistakes 3 . Getting too organized and perfect can only lead you on the way to an abnormal life. 3. A. frequently B. occasionally C. continuously D. instantly 3. B occasionally表示“有时候”, frequently表示“经常”, continuously表示“持续地, 不断地”, instantly表示 “马上、立刻”。 “偶尔犯一下错误是自然现象”, 只有选项 B符合逻辑。

  33. Setting standards beyond 4 and reason will only lead to depression and anxiety of failure and disappointment. 4. A. imagination B. recognition C. reach D. doubt 4. C beyond reach意思是“超出能力所及的”, 与beyond reason (不合理的)意思贴近。

  34. Imperfection 5 in our daily routine and the quicker we accept it, the better the case seems to be. When we weigh the 6 and minuses of life, we find the negatives far 7 the positives. 5. A. exists B. hides C. fails D. settles 6. A. pluses B. gains C. mistakes D. pains 7. A. affect B. block C. outweigh D. interrupt 5. A 通过本句后半部分“我们越是能够迅速接受不完美,事情似乎就会变得更好”, 可以推知“不完美存在于我们的日常生活中”, 因此我们需要接受它。 6. A pluses意思是“正面的东西、积极的东西”, 与该句的minuses对应。 7. C outweigh表示“比……重要, 比……多”, 与该句之前的weigh对应。

  35. One may feel overpowered by 8 relationships or eating disorders. You just have to be reasonable, by getting into 9 a less than perfect situation. 8. A. fundamental B. close C. harmful D. problematic 9. A. accepting B. improving C. believing D. changing 8. D feel overpowered和eating disorder提示, 此处应该选D, 表示“有问题的人际关系”, 与该句表示不良情况的语境相对应。 9. A 该句意思是: 人必须理智, 必须接受一种不完美的局面。此处与本句提及的reasonable以及下文提到的Imperfection is therefore a virtue相呼应, 提醒人们要学会理智地接受不完美的事情。

  36. Goals should be set more 10 . Imperfection is therefore a virtue. Enforcing too much stress into your daily activities can only give burden to your mental and physical health. Do not act as if your life depended on which color of socks you wore to office in the morning. 10. A. easily B. beneficially C. realistically D. thoroughly 10. C 此处与上一句reasonable相对应, 强调“目标应该定得合理现实些”。

  37. 11 on the positive side: your socks can’t be seen under your shoes! Life is really 12 if you are too organized. 11. A. depend B. live C. work D. look 12. A. meaningful B. stressful C. beautiful D. ridiculous 11. D “要看到积极的一面, 你的袜子在你的鞋子之中, 别人是看不见的。” “look on the …side意思是“看到……的一面”。depend on意思是“依靠、取决于”,live on意思是“以……生活,靠……生活”, work on 意思是“从事……工作”,均不符合语境。 12. B stressful表示“压力重的”,通过第二段倒数第三句(Enforce too much stress…)可以找到相应提示。

  38. Motivate yourself to lead an imperfect 13 life; do not focus on 14 and end products rather than accomplishments. 13. A. leisure B. normal C. powerful D. traditional 14. A. motivation B. necessity C. outcome D. perfection 13. B 全文呼吁人们要正视生活中的不完美现象, 并告诉人们偶尔犯错是很正常的现象, 因此选择normal, 表示“让自己过着不完美的正常生活吧”。此处也可以根据第一段倒数第2句找到提示。 14. C 选项C与end products意思接近, 该句意思是:不要仅仅盯着结果和成品, 要看到成绩。

  39. Finally, remember, great 15 have always acknowledged mistakes, failure and imperfection as a part of being human. 15. A. leaders B. artists C. performers D. achievers 15. D achievers意思是 “取得成就的人” (the persons who achieve/accomplish great success),与上一句accomplishment (成绩、成就)呼应。

  40. (十五) If you want your life to stand for peace and kindness, it’s helpful to do kind, peaceful things. One of my favorite ways to do this is by 1 my own helping rituals. 1. A. developing B. changing C. practicing D. acting 1. A 由动宾习惯搭配可知, “培养自己乐于助人的习惯”, 故选A。

  41. These little acts of 2 are opportunities to be of service and reminders of how good it feels to be kind and 3 . 2. A. rudeness B. happiness C. kindness D. carelessness 3. A. grateful B. helpful C. successful D. hopeful 2. C 据句上文,是指这些“善意的”帮助他人的小小的行为, 故选C。kindness与kind是同根词复现。 3. B 据第一段最后一句“我最喜欢的一种方式是培养自己乐于助人的习惯”可知,应用helpful。与helping是同根词复现。

  42. We live in a rural area of the San Francisco Bay Area. Most of what we see is beauty and nature. One of the 4 to the beauty is the litter that some people throw out of their 5 as they are driving on the rural roads. 4. A. exceptions B. devotions C. additions D. inventions 5. A. doors B. bags C. seats D. windows 4. A 与前面提到的这种美景不太和谐的垃圾(litter)是一种“例外(exceptions)”。 5. D 从此空后的“as they are driving on the rural roads”可知,有人驱车行驶在乡间小路上时随手从车窗(windows)往外扔垃圾,故选D。

  43. One of the few 6 to living out the boondocks (偏僻地区) is that public services, such as litter collection, are less 7 than they are closer to the city. 6. A. advantages B. conveniences C. drawbacks D. benefits 7. A. considerable B. available C. visible D. beneficial 6. C 由“住在偏远地方”和are less …than (不如……)可知,是指“缺点,不利条件(drawbacks)”,故选C。 7. B 由句意“诸如垃圾的收集这样的公共服务,就不如靠近市区那样容易得到(available)”,可知应选B。

  44. A helping ritual that I practice 8 with my two children is picking up litter in our surrounding areas. We’ve become so 9 to doing this that my daughters will often say to me in lively voices, “There’s some litter, Daddy, stop the car!” 8. A. directly B. regularly C. rarely D. seriously 9. A. devoted B. attached C. addicted D. accustomed 8. B 据a helping ritual“乐于助人的习惯”和后面的often可知:作者和他的两个孩子“经常”做的一件事就是捡拾他们周围地区的垃圾, 故选B。 9. D 从后句作者的女儿经常要求作者停车捡拾垃圾, 可知他们捡垃圾是习以为常的, 表示“变得习惯于做某事”是become accustomed to doing sth, 故选D。

  45. And if we have time, we will 10 pull over and pick it up. It may seem 11 , but we actually enjoy it. 10. A. always B. seldom C. often D. never 11. A. common B. strange C. funny D. nice 10. C 据前半句And if we have time …, “只要时间来得及……”可知作者他们有时间就会“经常”停下车来捡垃圾, 故选C。 11. B 特意停下车来捡垃圾, 在别人看来可能是“不可思议的(strange)”, 但我们的确乐意做这样的事,故选B。

  46. We pick up litter in parks, on sidewalks, 12 anywhere. Once I even saw a complete stranger picking up litter close to where we live. He smiled at me and said, “I saw you doing it, and it seemed like a good idea.” 12. A. practically B. specially C. hardly D. equally 12. A 从句意“我们在公园里, 人行道上, 几乎任何地方捡拾垃圾。”可知, 应选A, practically“几乎, 实际上”。

  47. Picking up litter is only one of an endless supply of possible helping rituals. You might like 13 a door open for people, visiting 14 elderly people in nursing homes, or shoveling snow off someone else’s driveway. 13. A. watching B. kicking C. holding D. showing 14. A. friendly B. lonely C. lovely D. leisurely 13. C 为别人开门“hold a door open for people”, 故选C。Hold “握住;固定住”。 14. B 据此空后半句elderly people in nursing homes “敬老院的老人”, 可知应选B,lonely“孤独的, 孤单的”。

  48. Think of something that seems effortless yet helpful. It’s funny, personally 15 , and can be a good example. And everyone benefits. 15. A. offering B. receiving C. giving D. rewarding 15. D 据作者乐于助人的善意行为(文章最后一句And everyone benefits, “每个人都会从中受益”)可知作者认为“这真的很有趣, 自己也会很有成就感, 也为别人树立了榜样。”故选D, rewarding“值得做的, 令人满意的”。

  49. (十六) “FINAGLE(欺骗)” is not a word that most people associate with science. One reason is that the image of the scientist is of one who always collects data in a fair 1 for truth. In any debate over intelligence, schooling, energy, the 2 “science says” usually convinces opposition. 1. A. search B. hope C. rush D. need 2. A. clause B. slang C. idiom D.phrase 1. A 因search for truth表示“追求真理”。 2. D 因science says是一个短语。

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