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GRAPH SPANNERS. by S.Nithya. Spanner Definition- Informal. A geometric spanner network for a set of points is a graph G in which each pair of vertices is connected by a “short” path. Spanner Definition-Formal(1).

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  1. GRAPH SPANNERS by S.Nithya

  2. Spanner Definition- Informal A geometric spanner network for a set of points is a graph G in which each pair of vertices is connected by a “short” path.

  3. Spanner Definition-Formal(1) • Let S be a finite set of points in the plane and let t>1 be a real number. • Let G=(S,E) be a (directed or undirected) graph with vertex set S in which edges are drawn as straight-line segments joining two vertices. • Let d_G(p,q) = Euclidean length • Let |pq| = Euclidean distance

  4. Spanner Definition-Formal(2) We say that G is a t-spanner for S, if d_G(p,q) < t |pq| for any two vertices p and q of S. The smallest value of t for which G is a t-spanner for S is called the stretch factor of G .

  5. SPARSENESS Let Weight (G) denote the sum of all edge weights of a n-vertex graph G Let Size (G) denote the number of edges in G. Then, • A graph is sparse in size if it has a few edges. • A graph is sparse in weight if its total edge weight is small.

  6. OBJECTIVE To keep stretch factors constant.

  7. Algorithm to Construct Spanners(1) Input : A weighted graph G, A positive parameter r. The weights need not be unique. Output : A sub graph G’.

  8. Algorithm to Construct Spanners(2) Step 1: Sort E by non-decreasing weight. Step 2: Set G’ = { }. Step 3: For every edge e = [u,v] in E, compute P(u,v), the shortest path from u to v in the current G’. Step 4: If, r.Weight(e) < Weight(P(u,v)), then, add e to G’, else, reject e.

  9. Algorithm to Construct Spanners(3) Step 5:Repeat the algorithm for the next edge in E, and so on. This algorithm is very simple and easy to implement and has many interesting properties.

  10. PROPERTIES(1) 1.G’ is a r-spanner of G. 2.Let C be any simple cycle in G’,then size(C) > r+1.This proves the size sparseness. 3.Let C be any simple cycle in G’ and let e be any edge in C, then Weight(C – {e}) > r.Weight(e) This proves the weight sparseness.

  11. PROOF(1) 4. MST(G) is contained in G’. Proof: Let the sequence { } = G0’,G1’,…,Gsize’ = G’. Let the sequence { } = M0,M1,…,Msize(E) = MST(G). In both the graphs ,at any stage the sub-graph will be a collection of connected components, which will finally become one component.

  12. PROOF(2) The only difference is that there will be no cycle in a Kruskal’s algorithm. To prove by induction, for all i, the number of connected components of Mi is the same as that of Gi’, and each component of Mi is contained in a corresponding component of Gi’. To prove this, let us assume that both algorithms are being run simultaneously.

  13. PROOF(3) Assume that the hypothesis is true for some i. Let the i + 1th edge to be considered be e = [u,v]. Case 1: u and v belong to the same component of Mi .Then e forms a cycle with Mi, and hence it is notincluded in Mi+1.Since they belong to the same component in Mi, by the hypothesis they also belong to the same corresponding component of Gi’.Now whether e is included or not in Gi+1’, the hypothesis remains true.

  14. PROOF(4) Case 2: u and v belong to different components of Mi.Then e does not form a cycle with Mi, and hence it is included in Mi+1.Here,2 components of Mi merge to form 1 component in Mi+1.By the hypothesis u and v belong to different corresponding components of Gi’.Thus,the distance from u to v in Gi’ is infinite. Thus e will be added in Gi+1’,the hypothesis remains true.

  15. PROOF(5) Since Msize(E) = MST(G), and Gsize’(E) = G’, the property, MST(G) is contained in G’, is proved.

  16. PLANAR GRAPHS Definition: A planar graph is one that can be drawn on a plane in such a way that there are no "edge crossings," i.e. edges intersect only at their common vertices.

  17. PROPERTY • If all the faces of an n-vertex connected planar graph G have sizes >= r, then Size(G) <= (n-2)(1 + (2/r-2)) Proof: If we traverse the boundary of each face and mark the edges encountered, every edge in the graph will be marked twice. Euler's formula for planar graphs states that n-m+f = 2,where

  18. PROOF(1) N  number of vertices. M  size of the graph. f  number of faces. Since the size of each face >= r, we have f.r<=2m.Thus, (m+2-n)r<= 2m, m(r-2)<=(n-2)r, m<=(n-2)(1+(2/r-2))

  19. FACTS This proof exists only when r <= 2n-2 because this is the maximum possible face size of a connected planar graph.

  20. APPLICATIONS • Unit edged spanners appear in distributed systems, communication network design and genetics. • Spanners are used to design routing tables in a communication network. • Designs synchronizers which is a distributed scheme that simulates synchrony on an asynchronous distributed system.

  21. CONCLUSIONS • The concept of Spanners were generalized. • Spanner algorithm was introduced. • Some lemma about arbitrary edge weighted graphs and planar graphs were proved.

  22. MOTIVATION • I am the only one doing this topic. • I read the papers and acquired most of the interest. • A very interesting concept on the whole.

  23. THANK YOU!!! (for putting up with me)

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