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PCI Positive Culture Initiative

PCI Positive Culture Initiative. Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities Director John Martin. What is the Positive Culture Initiative?. A statewide initiative launched by Director John Martin in 2008 that: Is intended to bring about lasting change within the DD system;

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PCI Positive Culture Initiative

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  1. PCIPositive Culture Initiative Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities Director John Martin

  2. What is thePositive Culture Initiative? A statewide initiative launched by Director John Martin in 2008 that: • Is intended to bring about lasting change within the DD system; • Shifts thinking away from behavior change through aversive measures and toward relationships that support good lives • Opens the door for new conversations about what people want and need from us.

  3. What Do We Want to Do Together? • Stir things up – Start a Movement throughout Oho • Help people get organized for change • Learn new practices, approaches and tools to create a more positive culture of support • Work toward policy change that will shift the field away from aversive practices and the current emphasis upon behavior management

  4. Away From Focusing exclusively on challenging behavior “Here’s how to do it” Importing outside experts Directed by DODD Toward Focus on building culture and practices that support good lives We can learn to do this together Identify and build our capacity Owned by a diverse group of people across Ohio Shift in Approach

  5. Initial Focus of Initiative Conscious decision not to implement rule change (aside from a ban on the use of prone restraint) but rather to focus on shifting the culture of our work toward creating better environments and healthier relationships.

  6. Initial Focus of the Initiative Efforts placed on shifting people’s belief systems through training, tools and resources to guide them toward a better way. Trainings included: • Overview of the Positive Culture Initiative • Gentle Teaching • Dangers of Restraint and Seclusion • Trauma-Informed Care

  7. Impact of Training Efforts • From October 2008 – March 2011: 9,550 people in Ohio have participated in training related to the Positive Culture Initiative

  8. Components of the Initiative

  9. Behavior Support Advisory Committee • Recommended the ban on prone restraints in 2008 • Created Crisis Intervention and Prevention Assessment Tool in 2009 to evaluate crisis intervention programs from a positive culture perspective; Developed training curriculum • Collected data on the use of restraint and seclusion in 2009 and 2010 to assess progress toward positive practices • Developing guidebook in 2011 to outline Ohio’s approach toward a positive culture

  10. Conveners Group A group of community leaders brought together around a vision of creating a positive culture that drives decisions being made about services to people in Ohio

  11. Role of the Conveners To lead local Network groups to create a shared understanding of what the desired culture would look like – and what is possible within their communities.

  12. Accomplishments of the Conveners • Established local Network groups throughout Ohio and convened community discussions • Developed a resource book for use in leading discussion about culture shift • Hosted the first annual statewide event in 2009 to model positive community conversations • Supporting local Network groups to host regional events in 2011 to connect local leaders and inspire change

  13. Purpose of Local Networks To create local ownership and take action together to make a difference for people within the scope of their communities.

  14. Collaboration with Other Systems • Led Ohio’s efforts to ban the use of prone restraint across all Ohio state departments • Led the Ohio Policy Committee on Restraint and Seclusion to draft a statewide policy outlining requirements related to risk identification, tracking and training relative to these practices across 14 state departments • Ongoing collaboration and cross-training with MI/DD systems through the CCOE leaders • Policy work and shared philosophical discussions related to supporting people with autism through the Interagency Work Group on Autism

  15. Contact Pam Berry Senior Policy Advisor Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities Pam.Berry@dodd.ohio.gov (614) 301-2992

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