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Math Acceleration Pilot

Math Acceleration Pilot.

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Math Acceleration Pilot

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  1. Math Acceleration Pilot

  2. All students in the self-contained gifted classes at Charles R. Beaudoin, Gardiner, W.H. Morden and Sam Sherratt were assessed for possible inclusion in this pilot.A total of 36 students were selected for the online accelerated learning experience. These 36 students completed their Grade 8 Math program in semester one (September 2013 – January 2014) and began the online Grade 9 Academic Math course in February 2014.

  3. Math Acceleration Pilot

  4. Our Students“I like the pace and the independence”“I would rather go too fast than too slow”“The online environment was challenging”

  5. Our Students“This is not for every student”“You have to have great time management, stress tolerance, flexibility, focus and self-discipline”

  6. Our Students“The presence of my teacher is 15 times better than watching a You-tube video”

  7. Our Students“Even though I will complete Grade 8 and 9 Math in one year, I worry that it has gone in one ear and out the other”

  8. Parents“The Grade 9 online course is a positive challenge for my child.” “I appreciate the pace that the Grade 8 and 9 programs offers”“The experience has helped my child apply and develop further organization and independent work skills”

  9. Parents“For students who it suits, it’s excellent”.“I hope they have mastered the concepts to be ready for Grade 10 Math”

  10. Parents“Having a small peer group to work through the program was crucial and necessary for my child’s success in the program.”

  11. Staff“The assessment process proved to be effective as it resulted in the selection of students who demonstrated strong math skills and learning skills necessary to succeed in an independent online learning environment.”“The pace of learning in the Grade 8 and the Grade 9 online experience was seen as offering challenge for the selected students.”

  12. Staff“The online experience was a tool for learning – not an enrichment program.”

  13. Staff“Gifted students require opportunities for critical thinking challenges, peer discussion and debate as well as opportunities to apply, analyze, synthesize and evaluate their ideas and the ideas of others. ““The Grade 8 compacted program and the Grade 9 online program offer limited opportunities to meet these needs.”

  14. SummaryStudents in this pilot and their parents saw the pace of the Grade 8 and 9 Math programs as engaging and challenging. Given the achievement and attitude of most of the selected students, it would appear that the criteria used for the selection of students was appropriate.

  15. SummaryStaff saw that the elements of critical thinking and opportunities to apply, analyze, synthesize and evaluate ideas of others missing from this learning experience. These items are an integral part of gifted education in Halton.The assessment process was extremely labour intensive for a variety of HDSB staff. (School Programs and Student Services staff, classroom teachers, school administrators, System Principal for School Programs)The cost of $46,000.00 for 36 students does not qualify for a secondary student grant. The two sections to staff the Grade 9 online course were taken from HDSB secondary staffing allocation.

  16. ConclusionThis opportunity should continue to be considered for students in the self-contained intermediate gifted placement, assessed by parents and staff as having the appropriate ability and learning skills for subject acceleration, to work beyond grade level in mathematics. Expansion of this math acceleration pilot outside of the self-contained gifted classes is not feasible for reasons reviewed in this report.Other strategies for enrichment could be considered for students on a case-by-case basis through School Resource Team consultation.A re-examination of the Grade 7 and 8 mathematics program should occur to ensure that we provide a challenging and engaging mathematics program for HDSB intermediate students, particularly those with exceptional math skills.

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