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FLUKA Collaboration Meeting

FLUKA Collaboration Meeting. G.Battistoni Jul 10 th 2010. today’s meeting (formal presentations). Giuseppe: Introduction Alfredo: Work for the next FLUKA release Vasilis : Advanced FLUKA course Geometry editor for FLUKA

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FLUKA Collaboration Meeting

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  1. FLUKA Collaboration Meeting G.Battistoni Jul 10th 2010

  2. today’s meeting (formal presentations) Giuseppe: Introduction Alfredo: Work for the next FLUKA release Vasilis: Advanced FLUKA course Geometry editor for FLUKA Max Sioli: C.R. application developmentsFrancesco B.: SIT Mary Chin: From ENDF to P ENDF for FLUKA Hannes: DPMJET and LHC data Larry: News from Houston

  3. IP and agreements Agreement and license to Siemens successfully accomplished

  4. To be discussed: • Achievement of goals for 2010 • Plans for 2011 • Papers • Conferences

  5. The FLUKA international Collaboration M.Brugger,F. Cerutti,A. Ferrari, S. Roesler, G. Smirnov, C. Theis, S. Trovati, Hei.Vinke, Hel. Vincke, V.VlachoudisCERN A. Fassò, J. VollaireSLAC, USA J. RanftUniv. of Siegen, Germany G. Battistoni, F. Broggi, M. Campanella, E. Gadioli, A. Mairani,S. Muraro, P.R. SalaINFN & Univ. Milano, Italy L. SarchiaponeINFN Legnaro, Italy M. Carboni, C. D’Ambrosio, A. Ferrari, V. Patera, M. Pelliccioni, R. VillariINFN Frascati, Italy M.C. MoroneINFN & Univ. Roma II, Italy A. Margiotta, M. SioliINFN & Univ. Bologna, Italy K. Parodi, F. SommererHIT, Heidelberg, Germany A. Empl, L. PinskyUniv. of Houston, USA ?, NASA-Houston, USA S. RolletARC Seibersdorf Research, Austria M. Lantz Sweden TO BE WELL DEFINED FOR 2011 5

  6. Main goals for 2010 • Code development • Tools development • Main events: • Beginner Course (Venezuela) • Workshop+Advanced Course (Portugal) • INFN part: new proposal after FLUKA2 • Fundamental conferences • Collaboration papers

  7. Short course at CNAO (Pavia) • 3 full days • 7 students • Teachers: G.B, A. Mairani, S. Muraro

  8. Responsabilities

  9. Responsabilities

  10. So far in 2010 Succ. downloads: 249 requests to be evaluated:157 Users cancellations: 3 Source requests: 12User updates: 3 Totoal no. of questions/answers in fluka-discuss: 425

  11. Situation of 2010 conferences Worshop at CERN on Life Science applications: We succeeded in having reports containing FLUKA MCNEG: (Katia) Talk at Satif (Paola)

  12. The Monte Carlo code FLUKA in Ion Therapy: Status & Outlook G. Battistoni on behalf of the FLUKA collaboration PHYSICS FOR HEALTH IN EUROPE WORKSHOP (Towards a European roadmap for using physics tools in the development of diagnostics techniques and new cancer therapies) 2-4 February 2010

  13. MonteCarlo benchmarking: validation and progress • T.T.Boehlen, M.Brugger, F.Cerutti, A.Fassò, A.Ferrari,M.V. Garzelli, E.Lebbos, A.Mairani, S. Roesler, P.R.Sala, M.Santana-Leitner, G.Smirnov, V.Vlachoudis CERN, Geneva, Switzerland INFN, Milan, Italy SLAC Granada U. and INFN SATIF10, CERN

  14. Other FLUKA related talks at Satif Activation and neutronics studies for the CERN n_TOF facility with the FLUKA Monte Carlo code LEBBOS, Elias Shielding aspects of the new nELBE photo-neutron source FERRARI, Anna Radiation Protection Aspects of the SPES facility at LNL SARCHIAPONE, Lucia Shielding and activation calculations for a 3-10 PW ELI high intensity laser facility FERRARI, Anna Activation studies for a beta-beam Decay Ring (DR): residual dose rates during maintenance and airborne activity. Ms. TROVATI, Stefania

  15. Papers We are not yet producing collaboration papers Andrea Mairani et al.: “The FLUKA Monte Carlo code coupled with the local effect model for biological calculations in carbon ion therapy” Accepted in PMB!!!

  16. Recent issues Status of FLUKA_VMC problem FLUKA_VMC has been limited to Alice After a painful delay, a technical meeting has been dedicated to examine bugs in FLUKA_VMC HARP paper A CERN preprint appeared: benchmark of FLUKA and GEANT4 to HARP data Moreover a technical error was done! Requirements to the users in License ignored Art. 8 of agreement ignored CERN ignored our complaints

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