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CSE 494/598 Spring 2009 Mobile Health and Social Networking

CSE 494/598 Spring 2009 Mobile Health and Social Networking. Class 2 Thursday, January 22, 2009. Today. Survey review Android review Android SDK First homework. Survey Review. Let’s see what you said…. I am expecting to learn in this course. Pervasive and ubiquitous computing principles

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CSE 494/598 Spring 2009 Mobile Health and Social Networking

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  1. CSE 494/598 Spring 2009Mobile Health and Social Networking Class 2 Thursday, January 22, 2009

  2. Today • Survey review • Android review • Android SDK • First homework

  3. Survey Review Let’s see what you said…

  4. I am expecting to learn in this course • Pervasive and ubiquitous computing principles • Capabilities, inner workings and limitations of mobile devices • Applications for mobile devices • Mobile/wireless network standards • Developing mobile applications for latest devices • Fundamentals of wireless embedded devices • Mobile system design principles • Interface design, ergonomics and human factors • State of the art in mobile devices and standards • Future of this domain • What are the challenges hindering evolution of mobile devices • Security issues • How to improve health (and in general) life with these technologies

  5. My concerns about this course are • What’s more than what I already know • Not enough collaboration with fellow students (x2) • Language limitations • Might not count toward my credit hours • Too much workload (x2) • Too much or too advanced programming required and too little learning (x2) • Not adequate background (x2) • Not practical or application-oriented

  6. Therefore…my wishes for this course are • Teach me more than what I already know • Apply some collaborative learning • Be easy to understand • Count toward my degree requirements • Have reasonable workload • Require not too much programming • Require little background knowledge • Be practical and application-oriented

  7. I learn through the following methods none=0, limited=1, somewhat=2, a lot=3, extremely=4

  8. I am interested in those mobile computing domains none=0, limited=1, somewhat=2, a lot=3, extremely=4

  9. Internet & wireless connectivity Email / handle multiple accounts Calling Texting SMS and MMS Advanced IM GPS and smart navigation Music & video Merge various and diverse address schemes Maps Provide laptop-equivalent capabilities Entertainment software Calendar & organizer Adaptive to context/situation Waterproof Ample storage Health monitoring Face recognition Voice recognition Intuitive interface Location-based services Multitasking / multiprocessing Connectivity to appliances Sync-able with my computer I want my smart device to have the following features and capabilities • Personal security • Be fast • Comfortable • Pretty • VoIP • Tactile keyboard • Large screen Touchscreen • Lots of software availability • Easy to program and use • Long battery life • Lightweight • Good speakers • Shake-resistant parts • Lots of sensors • Quality camera • Expandable storage

  10. Be a better professional Weather info Entertainment Personal Organizing, prepare my schedule based on my habits and to-do list, keep me on schedule Personal Health care, help my doctors Multimedia collection organizing Keeping in touch with and locate friends Help me learn my friends Exercise and sports Remember my passwords Share files and documents Stock market activities Whatever I do on my laptop Travel, maps and navigation Everything Help me find solutions to my problems Keep me updated with emails in an easy and intuitive way Cooking Coursework Photo editing and sharing Keep track and a log of what I do Control my appliances Keep track of my child and his/her condition Document authoring/editing I want to do to the following tasks/activities with my smartphone

  11. The Google Android Open Handset Alliance Technology overview

  12. Overview of talk • Background history of Android • Open Handset Alliance • Overview of features and architecture • Industry response • Notable available Apps • Future

  13. Android: Background history • In July 2005, Google acquired Android, Inc., a small company that developed software for mobile phones • In the following months, the former “Android, Inc.” team started working on a Linux-based OS for mobile devices • By the end of 2006, media and press was filled with news about Google entering the mobile market. • In November 2007, the Open Handset Alliance was announced. • OHA’s first project: Android.

  14. Open Handset Alliance:Mission statement • Building a better phone for consumers Today, there are 1.5 billion television sets in use around the world. 1 billion people are on the Internet. But nearly 3 billion people have a mobile phone, making it one of the world's most successful consumer products. Building a better mobile phone would enrich the lives of countless people across the globe. The Open Handset Alliance™ is a group of mobile and technology leaders who share this vision for changing the mobile experience for consumers. • Innovating in the open Each member of the Open Handset Alliance is strongly committed to greater openness in the mobile ecosystem. Increased openness will enable everyone in our industry to innovate more rapidly and respond better to consumers' demands. Our first joint project as a new Alliance is Android™. Android was built from the ground up with the explicit goal to be the first open, complete, and free platform created specifically for mobile devices. [source http://www.openhandsetalliance.com/oha_overview.html]

  15. Mobile Operators China Mobile Communications Corporation KDDI CORPORATION NTT DoCoMo, Inc. SOFTBANK MOBILE Corp. Sprint Nextel T-Mobile Telecom Italia Telefónica Vodafone Semiconductor Companies AKM Semiconductor Inc Audience ARM Atheros Communications Broadcom Corporation Ericsson Intel Corporation Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. NVIDIA Corporation Qualcomm Inc. SiRF Technology Holdings, Inc. Synaptics, Inc. Texas Instruments Incorporated Handset Manufacturers ASUSTeK Computer Inc. Garmin International, Inc. HTC Corporation Huawei Technologies LG Electronics, Inc. Motorola, Inc. Samsung Electronics Sony Ericsson Toshiba Corporation Software Companies Ascender Corp. eBay Inc. Esmertec Google Inc. LivingImage LTD. Nuance Communications, Inc. OMRON SOFTWARE Co, Ltd. PacketVideo (PV) SkyPop SONiVOX Commercialization Companies Aplix Corporation Borqs Noser Engineering Inc. TAT - The Astonishing Tribe AB Teleca AB Wind River Open Handset Alliance: Members

  16. Technology overview • Features • Dalvik virtual machine – the user-level application VM • Integrated browser - based on the open source WebKit engine • 2D and 3D Graphics support • Database support • Media support for common audio, video, and still image formats (MPEG4, H.264, MP3, AAC, AMR, JPG, PNG, GIF) • GSM Telephony (hardware dependent) • Bluetooth, EDGE, 3G, and WiFi (hardware dependent) • Camera, GPS, compass, and accelerometer (hardware dependent) • Supporting libraries • System C library - BSD-based • Media Libraries - based on PacketVideo's OpenCORE (MPEG4, H.264, MP3, AAC, AMR, JPG, and PNG) • Surface Manager - manages access to the display subsystem • LibWebCore - a modern web browser engine • SGL - the underlying 2D graphics engine • 3D libraries - an implementation based on OpenGL ES 1.0 APIs • FreeType - bitmap and vector font rendering • SQLite • SDK • including an emulator, debugging tools, memory and performance profiling, and an Eclipse plug-in.

  17. Industry response • Open Handset Alliance keeps growing • Companies such as ARM, Sony Ericsson, Toshiba and Vodafone only recently joined • T-Mobile released G1 in October 2008. • Kogan Technologies, an Australian technology manufacturer, has announced Android-compatible handsets • In September 2008, Motorola confirmed that it was working on hardware products that would run Android. • Huawei Technologies is planning to launch smartphones that would run Android in Q1 2009. • Lenovo is working an Android-based mobile phone that supports the Chinese 3GTD-SCDMA standard. • HTC is planning a "portfolio" of Android based phones to be released summer of 2009. • Sony Ericsson is planning to release an Android based handset in the summer of 2009. • Samsung plans to offer a phone based on Google's Android operating system in the second quarter of 2009. • GiiNii Movit Mini is a Internet device based on Google's Android operating system. • Apple: • In July 2008, released iPhone 3G in a broader market than iPhone 1.0 • In March 2008, Apple publicly released the iPhone SDK. Developers still have to pay a fee • Applications • Lots of new applications released through the Android Market

  18. Notable Android applications • Android Developer Challenge winners • Cab4me – location-based request for a cab. • Compare Everywhere – scan barcodes and compare prices with nearby stores. • Locale – automatically change the mode of your phone depending on the location. • Wertago – what’s hot tonight? Where are my friends? And who am I going to meet at that bar? • PhoneBook 2.0 – a secure, contextual and social address book. • Piggyback – start and organize carpools. • BioWallet – biometric-based authentication • Em-Radar – Weather updates and keeps family and friends connected in cases of public emergency. • Android Market picks • Loopt – automated, location-based social networking app • Mobile Banking – Android app by Bank Of America • Pro Football Live - … • Wikitude – Mobile global travel guide • Amazonmp3 – Amazon mp3 front-end for Android

  19. To sum up: the nature of Android • Industry standard for mobile phone O/S • platform-independent development • Hides the platform details • Open Source • More attractive to expand to other devices • Open Market • Promotes wide use of the standard • support for built-in sensors • Accelerometer, digital compass • support for GPS • Location-based services • Provides wireless connectivity • 3G/EDGE, wifi, Bluetooth • Backed by a consortium of semiconductor, software and mobile operator companies; lead by Google • It is going to be around for a while • More android phones to follow

  20. Future of Android • What would you like to see in Android 2.0 spec? • Support for more built-in sensors? • Weather: Temperature, humidity, barometer? • Health: pollution levels, UV level etc? • Support for more wireless protocols? • ZigBee, WiMAX • What devices, other than smartphones, would you like to run Android?

  21. Developing your first app on Android “Hello, Android”

  22. Overview of Developing the first app • Download and install SDK • Download and install Eclipse • Walkthrough of “Hello, Android” • API specs • More on screen…

  23. End of class • Homework assignment • Develop an app on SDK (see next slide) • Online assignment • Answer online discussion question • Will be graded for participation and quality of response • Next class (January 27th) • Topic: Key concepts and challenges in mobile, pervasive and ubiquitous computing • Review material: Chapter 1 of the textbook

  24. Homework Assignment 1 • Develop a simple App that uses button clicks to change some displayed text of your choice • Due by Tuesday, January 27th • Deliverables • Source code (estimated length: 50 lines) • Run-time Screenshots • Hints • It consists of • A button view object • A text view object • It uses click events to update the appropriate texts • Look in the documentation for buttons, listeners and on-click actions • Use the XML-based layout to define and instantiate those view objects • Do the “Hello, Android” app and Notepad Tutorials first to get acquainted. • Don’t hesitate to customize it and add functionality • Make sure the basic functionality (i.e. button-activated text alteration) is included.

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