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Announcement. Pembimbing : Abd. Aziz, S.Pd, S.Pd.I. Oleh : (01) Abd. Basith Kamaluddin (04) Ah. Sahrul Hikam (10) Delvi Rizqi Ramadini (20) Muh. Syahirul Mubarok (30) Walidah Utami Putri (31) Widya Fathiyah. Announcement.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Announcement Pembimbing : Abd. Aziz, S.Pd, S.Pd.I Oleh : (01) Abd. Basith Kamaluddin (04) Ah. Sahrul Hikam (10) Delvi Rizqi Ramadini (20) Muh. Syahirul Mubarok (30) Walidah Utami Putri (31) Widya Fathiyah

  2. Announcement In announcement, we always meet some verbs. So, for make announcement we need many verb. Example verb that often used in announcement Verb Continue

  3. The part of announcement • Tanggal, waktu, dan tempat • Isi • Pengirim • Penerima • Date, time and place • Content • Writer • Receiver

  4. Announcement is an announce offical about news, and something for knowing people. Usually in aboard for easy people to see or with spoken. Pengumuman adalah pemberitahuan resmi tentang berita dan sesuatu supaya diketahui orang banyak. Biasanya ditempelkan pada papan yang mudah dilihat orang atau diumumkan secara lisan.

  5. Verb is (grammar) word which shows an action, being or feeling, etc.

  6. Attend : menghadiri Goal : tujuan Join : mengikuti Present : kehadiran Invite:mengundang Bring : membawa Prepare : menyiapkan Hope : harap Gather : berkumpul Come : datang Hold :mengadakan Prize :hadiah On time :tepat waktu Visit:mengunjungi Announce:pemberitahuan Celebretion:merayakan Share : Mengisi Guest : Tamu Party : Pesta The word wich is often used in anuoncement

  7. The kinds of announcement:-Study tour - Contest - Test- Getting rapport- Maulid nabi- Performance- Help wanted

  8. Example of announcement Study tour announcement Verb that used in study tour announcement

  9. Go : Pergi Follow : Mengikuti Travel : Perjalanan Study : Belajar Do : Melakukan Stay : Bermalam Check in : Mendaftarkan diri Visit : Mengunjungi Invite : Mengundang Observe : Mengamati Knowledge : Pengetahuan Payment :Pembayaran Agreement: Persetujuan Program : Program Tourism place: Tempat wisata Facility : Fasilitas Hope : Berharap Example:

  10. Study tour To :Guardian of VIII class SMPN 1 Bungah In the place Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb. We announce to guardiance of VIII class SMPN1 Bungah that, our school will be hold ”study tour”, for VIII class student’s to some places in Jogjakarta, there are: • Borobudor temple • Keteb ( flame mountain observe) • Yogyakarta place • “ pintar “ yard • Prambanan temple • Malioboro

  11. This program will be hold on12-14 march 2010 and the fee is for about Rp. 395.000,00 every students.facilities : 1. Transportation 2. Extravagan bus 3. 7x for eating 4. Stay in hotel 5. The ticket for allturismobjects. 6. The guidance to arrange report and fee formaking the report.We hope Mr/Mrs give promise to our students for joining this program and the last day for paying 6 march 2010 to each guardian class.

  12. Such our announce, thanks for your attention and your cooperation we says thank you very much. May our God always protect we all… Amin.Wassalamu’laikum Wr.Wb. Bungah, 15 January 2010 Head Master The Leader of Committee SMPN 1 Bungah Drs. H. Muhtadi, M.Pd.I Sudiyono, S.Pd. Thank you

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