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Sentence Types

Sentence Types. Simple Sentence. Independent Clause (Subject + Predicate) The dog barked at the mailman. He screamed. The cat ran under the table. Compound Sentence. Two or More Independent Clauses Comma and Coordinating Conjunction Semicolon Semicolon and Conjunctive Adverb and comma

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Sentence Types

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sentence Types

  2. Simple Sentence • Independent Clause (Subject + Predicate) The dog barked at the mailman. He screamed. The cat ran under the table.

  3. Compound Sentence • Two or More Independent Clauses • Comma and Coordinating Conjunction • Semicolon • Semicolon and Conjunctive Adverb and comma The dog barked at the mailman, and he screamed. The dog barked at the mailman; he screamed. The dog barked at the mailman; however, the cat ran under the table.

  4. ___,Coordinating Conjunction ___. For And Nor But Or Yet So FANBOYS

  5. ___; Conjunctive Adverb,___. accordinglyafterwardalsoanyhowanywayas a resultat lastat the same timebesidescertainlyconsequentlyearliereventuallyfinallyfor examplefor instancefurtherfurthermorehencehoweverin additionin any caseincidentallyindeedin factin shortinsteadin the meantimelaterlikewisemeanwhilemoreovernamelyneverthelessnextnowon the contraryon the other handotherwiseperhapssimilarlysostillsubsequentlythat isthenthereforethus

  6. Complex Sentence • One Independent Clause and One or more Dependent Clause • Dependent Clauses start with Subordinating conjuctions. • D,I or ID When the dog barked at the mailman, he screamed. The mailman screamed when the dog barked at him.

  7. Subordinating Conjunctions That Which Who Whom Whose How If What Whatever When Whenever Where Wherever Whether Whichever Whoever Why While After Although As As if As long as As soon as As though Because Before In order that Provided that Since So that Than Though Unless Until

  8. Compound-Complex Sentence • Two or more Independent Clauses • One or more Dependent Clauses Because the dog barked at the mailman, he screamed, and the cat ran away.

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