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Focus Group for Renewable Energy

Focus Group for Renewable Energy. Draft Background Documentation. Goal:. To develop EcoRegion policy recommendations on Renewable Energy, which are one of the main output s of the EcoRegion project.

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Focus Group for Renewable Energy

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  1. Focus Group for Renewable Energy Draft Background Documentation Focus Group on Renewable Energy | Tonderski, Winiecki, Wójcik | Oslo Conference - presentation of MIG

  2. Goal: • To develop EcoRegion policy recommendations on Renewable Energy, which are one of the main outputs of the EcoRegion project. Focus Group on Renewable Energy | Tonderski, Winiecki, Wójcik | Oslo Conference - presentation of MIG

  3. Method CURRENT ENERGY FUTURE ENERGY Strategy Implementation Strategy Implementation Strategy Implementation BSR ECOREGION RECOMMENDATION Focus Group on Renewable Energy | Tonderski, Winiecki, Wójcik | Oslo Conference - presentation of MIG

  4. Current Status of Energy Sector in BSREU POLICY – CLIMATE & ENERGY The Climate and Energy package includes the following acts: • Directive 2009/28/EC – Renewable Energy Sources • Directive 2009/29/EC – Emission Trading Scheme • Directive 2009/30/EC – Fuel Quality Directive • Directive 2009/31/EC – Carbon Capture and Storage • Decision No 406/2009/EC – on the effort of Member States to reduce theirgreenhouse gas emissions. • Regulation (EC) No 443/2009 - reduction of CO2 emissions from Light Duty Vehicles. Focus Group on Renewable Energy | Tonderski, Winiecki, Wójcik | Oslo Conference - presentation of MIG

  5. Current Status of Energy Sector in BSREU POLICY – Mix of measures • Supporting the transition towards a 100% renewable energy economy through all EUpolicy areas • Less is more – an ambitious energy efficiency and energy savings framework • Effective and full implementation of the new RES Directive (2009) in all EU-27Member States • Binding renewable energy targets for 2030 • Full liberalization of the energy market • Phasing out all subsidies for fossil and nuclear energy and introducing an EU-widecarbon tax • Electricity infrastructure – moving towards SuperSmartGrids • Hybrid energy solutions and virtual power plants • Heating and cooling – measures to awaken the sleeping giant • New transport solutions • Smart-Energy Cities 2050 • Smart-Energy Buildings 2050 – constructing a better climate Focus Group on Renewable Energy | Tonderski, Winiecki, Wójcik | Oslo Conference - presentation of MIG

  6. Current Status of Energy Sector in BSREU BSR STRATEGY • Proposed actions: • Build more and better energy infrastructures to reduce the isolation of the Baltic States • Integrate the energy markets • Establish plans for policies and actions for energy efficiency and renewable energy sources • Transfer knowledge on CHP/DH • Co-operation on low-carbon technologies • Challenges • Countries need to be interconnected • Energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies should be improved Focus Group on Renewable Energy | Tonderski, Winiecki, Wójcik | Oslo Conference - presentation of MIG

  7. EU BSR STRATEGY Focus Group on Renewable Energy | Tonderski, Winiecki, Wójcik | Oslo Conference - presentation of MIG

  8. Future of Energy Sector in BSRVISION • Make the BSR energy production based on RES. • Make the BSR energy management - SMART. • Make the BSR energy consumption as low as possible. Focus Group on Renewable Energy | Tonderski, Winiecki, Wójcik | Oslo Conference - presentation of MIG

  9. GOOD PRACTICIES Focus Group on Renewable Energy | Tonderski, Winiecki, Wójcik | Oslo Conference - presentation of MIG

  10. Implementation of the Energy StrategyGOOD PRACTICIES Energy Efficiency: Commercial use of by-products Energy - Low-energy: wooden buildings Renewable combined heat and power (CHP) generation in Neustrelitz Renewable Energy supply for the village of Feldheim Forest - Recycling: Wood ash Forest - Bioenergy: Wood fuel development Industry - Innovations: Climate technologies School education - Energy: Measurement and reduction of energy consumption Industry - Innovations: Competition for Environmental Innovation Transport - Planning: Sustainable Urban Transport Planning (SUTP) School education - Energy: Check of energy use School education - Energy: Insulation of buildings Industry - Energy: Ashes from power plants as fertilizers for energy forests (a closed loop) Industry - Public procurement Life cycle cost assessment Transport - New fuels: Biogas production and new city buses Transport - Policy: Reduced parking fees to promote clean vehicles Maritime Transport: Shore connected electricity supply to vessels in port Industry: Large heat pump for district heating with natural refrigerant R717 (ammonia) Education - Reduction of greenhouse gases form transport Tourism – Fair and Sustainable Festival: Roskilde Festival in Denmark • Energy - Efficiency: Metering of energy consumption • Energy - Bioenergy from waste: Biogas upgrading facility • Energy – Energy for transport: Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) • Energy - Bioenergy from waste: Installation for collection and utilization of landfill gas • Energy - RES for buildings: Solar panels on residential buildings • Renewable Energy Sources: Wind power - Offshore wind farm • Energy - Planning: Sustainable Energy Action Plans for urban areas • Energy - Energy from waste: Inceneration • Renewable Energy Sources: Wave energy - innovative system for power plant • Energy - Efficiency: Reconstruction of an apartment building • Renewable Energy Sources: Wind energy - Planning of impact on birds • Energy - Planning: Sustainable Energy Action Plans in rural municipalities • Energy - Efficiency: Renovation of apartment building • Energy - Bioenergy from waste: Biogas production model • Energy - RES for transport: Hydrogen fuel • Energy - RES for buildings: Biomass fired district - usage of excess heat for cooling • Energy - RES for buildings: Biogas Village managed by local cooperative • Energy - Bioenergy from waste: Pilot agricultural biogas plant • Energy - Efficiency: city lighting • Energy - RES for transport: E-mobility (Electric Vehicles) • Energy - Education: Educational and Competence Centre for bioenergy • Energy - Bioenergy from waste: Co-digestion of municipal waste & energy crops • Energy - Network: Centre for environmental technology Focus Group on Renewable Energy | Tonderski, Winiecki, Wójcik | Oslo Conference - presentation of MIG

  11. Implementation of the Energy StrategyGOOD PRACTICIES Focus Group on Renewable Energy | Tonderski, Winiecki, Wójcik | Oslo Conference - presentation of MIG

  12. Implementation of the Energy StrategyINTERREG PROJECTS SBP BSR Energy Efficient and Integrated Urban Development Action "Longlife - Sustainable, energy efficient and resource saving residential buildings with consideration of unified procedures and new and adapted technologies" Regional Mobilizing of Sustainable Waste-to-Energy Production The Baltic Sea Region Bioenergy Promotion Project Baltic Biogas Bus CLEAN BALTIC SEA SHIPPING • Wind energy in the BSR 2: Demonstrators - the Upgrade (WEBSR2 Upgrade) • Wind energy in the BSR - the extension (WEBSR 2) • South Baltic Offshore Wind Energy Regions (South Baltic OFFER) • Increasing Energy Saving though Conversion LED lighting in Public Space (LED) • Sustainable RES-CHAINS in the South Baltic Region (RES-CHAINS) • Intermodal Cross-border passenger transport solutions supporting region al integration of interface regions (Interface) Focus Group on Renewable Energy | Tonderski, Winiecki, Wójcik | Oslo Conference - presentation of MIG

  13. Implementation of the Energy StrategyINTERREG PROJECTS Central Europe Renewable Energies for Zero Emission Transport In Europe Green Urban Transport Systems TROLLEY - Promote Clean Public Transport Energy Savings in Urban Quarters through Rehabilitation and New Ways of Energy Supply Transboundary Geothermal Energy Resources of Slovenia, Austria, Hungary and Slovakia Reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions in cities across Central Europe Strengthening the energetic use of biomass in Central and Eastern Europe by establishing a standardised transnational consulting net for regions Fostering the sustainable usage of renewable energy sources in Central Europe - putting biomass into action Paving the way for self-sufficient regional energy supply based on sustainable energy concepts and renewable energy sources Sustainable and efficient Energy for Rural Regions Effecitive development of dispersed renewable energy in combination with conventional energy in Regions Cities on Power Sustainable and Innovative European Biogas Environment Renewable Energies for Zero Emission Transport In Europe Good Governance in Energy Efficiency Interreg IV C • Capital regions integrating collective transport for increased energy efficiency • Cooperative approaches to transport challenges in Metropolitan Regions • Renewable Energies Transfer System • Renewable Energy Regions Network • POWER • MORE4NRG • Cooperating 2 Foster Renewables and Energy Efficiency • European networks, experience and recommendations helping cities and citizens to become Energy Efficient • Low-Carbon Economy Regions • Improve regional policies for bio-energy and territorial development • Capital regions integrating collective transport for increased energy efficiency • Cooperative approaches to transport challenges in Metropolitan Regions Focus Group on Renewable Energy | Tonderski, Winiecki, Wójcik | Oslo Conference - presentation of MIG

  14. Implementation of the Energy StrategyINTERREG PROJECTS Focus Group on Renewable Energy | Tonderski, Winiecki, Wójcik | Oslo Conference - presentation of MIG

  15. Identification of Recommedations CURRENT ENERGY FUTURE ENERGY Production Management Consumption BSR ECOREGION RECOMMENDATION Focus Group on Renewable Energy | Tonderski, Winiecki, Wójcik | Oslo Conference - presentation of MIG

  16. BSR Recommendations - PRODUCTION • Promote unique BSR potential in BIOENERGY • Goal: To make Bioenergy one of the main contributors in the RES for the entire region. • Proposed actions: Promoting Bioenergy on the national levels sharing regional experiences. • Potential project areas: • Technological development in Biogas & Biofuels, • Supporting funding scheme for Bioenergy Investments, • Transfering Know-How from Western to South-Eastern part of the BSR, • Adressing all aspects of sustainability in energy production (environmental, economical, social) Focus Group on Renewable Energy | Tonderski, Winiecki, Wójcik | Oslo Conference - presentation of MIG

  17. BSR Recommendations - PRODUCTION • Utilise unique regional potential in WIND ENERGY; • Goal: To make Wind Energy one the two main contributors in the RES for the entire region. • Proposed actions: Promoting Wind Energy (Particularly OFFSHORE) on the national levels sharing regional experiences. • Potential project areas: • Supporting funding scheme for Wind Energy Investments, • Connecting BSR with supergrid to enable easier incorporation of Wind Energy to networks, • Transfering Know-How from Western to South-Eastern part of the BSR, • Adressing all aspects of sustainability in energy production (environmental, economical, social) Focus Group on Renewable Energy | Tonderski, Winiecki, Wójcik | Oslo Conference - presentation of MIG

  18. BSR Recommendations - MANAGEMENT • Regional Solidarity in Managing Joint Energy Challanges; • Goal: To make the BSR safe and secure energy market. • Proposed actions: Promoting coordination of the national policies/programmes with the BSR energy strategy. • Potential project areas: • Developing political recognition of regional energy security through solidarity. • Supporting cooperation of national authorities responsible for energy issues, • Transfering best practicies in energy management between all parts of the BSR, Focus Group on Renewable Energy | Tonderski, Winiecki, Wójcik | Oslo Conference - presentation of MIG

  19. BSR Recommendations - MANAGEMENT • Smart Management of Existing Energy Resources; • Goal: To make the best (smart) use of the produced energy in the BSR. • Proposed actions: Promoting Smart Technologies in the entire region. • Potential project areas: • Technological development in Smart Energy Management Technologies, • Supporting funding schemes for Smart Grids, Smart Meetering, etc, • Creating platform for incorporating the most advanced Know-How in the BSR, • Develop in the BSR the most advanced Smart Network in the World Focus Group on Renewable Energy | Tonderski, Winiecki, Wójcik | Oslo Conference - presentation of MIG

  20. BSR Recommendations - CONSUMPTION • Reducing Energy Consumption by Citizens • Goal: To reduce heat and electric energy consumption in the BSR. • Proposed actions: Promoting individual energy saving activites • Potential project areas: • Supporting development of energy saving technologies for individuals, • Supporting funding schemes for sustainability for individuals, • Developing education schemes in the BSR, Focus Group on Renewable Energy | Tonderski, Winiecki, Wójcik | Oslo Conference - presentation of MIG

  21. BSR Recommendations - CONSUMPTION • Reducing Energy Consumption by Industries and Agriculture • Goal: To reduce industrial energy consumption in the BSR. • Proposed actions: Promoting industrial energy saving activites • Potential project areas: • Promotion of BAT focused on the energy saving, • Developing tax reduction schemes for industries , • Developing joint industrial training programmes in the BSR, • Promoting success-cases with economical benefits. Focus Group on Renewable Energy | Tonderski, Winiecki, Wójcik | Oslo Conference - presentation of MIG

  22. BSR Recommendations - CONSUMPTION • Promoting Use from Renewable Energy Sources • Goal: To promote use of RES energy in the BSR. • Proposed actions: Promoting energy generated from RES • Potential project areas: • Supporting schemes of RES in different countries in the BSR, • Developing education and training programs in the BSR on how to buy energy from RES, Focus Group on Renewable Energy | Tonderski, Winiecki, Wójcik | Oslo Conference - presentation of MIG

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