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A a a ppl e a p e w a tch

A a a ppl e a p e w a tch. B b b ea ch b a ll b a b y b i b. C c c o l o rs c i r cl e. 3. 2. 3. D d d i n o s au r d o g d a d. E e e l e ph a nt e r a s e r. F f f i sh f a c e f i n. 2. G g g ui t a r g i r a ff e. H h

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A a a ppl e a p e w a tch

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A a apple ape watch Bb beach ball baby bib Cc colors circle 3 2 3

  2. Dd dinosaur dog dad E e elephant eraser F f fish face fin 2

  3. G g guitar giraffe H h horse hanger I i itchy ice 3 2 2

  4. J j jump jester K k kangaroo key L l lion lollipop

  5. M m mice moon N n nine nurse O o octagon oval two 2 3

  6. P p pop penguins Ququ queen quarter R r rainbow red rose

  7. Ss sun stars is, as, has T t triangle turtle tic tac toe U u umbrella unicorn bush 2 2 2 2 3

  8. V v violin volcano W w walrus web X x fox x-ray

  9. Y y yarn yak Y y gymnast fly bunny Z z zipper zoo 2 3

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