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Shifting to Informational Text: Deepening Our Understanding Professional Development Institute

Shifting to Informational Text: Deepening Our Understanding Professional Development Institute. January 1 0 th , 2012 UFT 52 Broadway New York. Please make a foldable!. WELCOME!. Outcomes. 1. Explore Shift # 3: The Staircase of Complexit y What makes a text complex for our students?

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Shifting to Informational Text: Deepening Our Understanding Professional Development Institute

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  1. Shifting to Informational Text: Deepening Our Understanding Professional Development Institute January 10th, 2012 UFT 52 Broadway New York

  2. Please make a foldable!


  4. Outcomes 1. Explore Shift # 3: The Staircase of Complexity • What makes a text complex for our students? • How do we scaffold up the staircase of complexity to support comprehension of informational text? 2. Add to Our Toolbox for Scaffolding Academic Language and Comprehension of Informational Text 3. Apply our Learning

  5. Agenda

  6. TOOLBOX FROM DECEMBER • Word Of The Day • Marzano Square • Vocabulary Quilt/ Thematic Word Wall • Text Structures For Sequence • Collaborative Vocabulary Grid • Gist Statement • Personal Vocabulary Journal • Semantic Map • I See, I Think, I Wonder • Narrative Input Story • Unison Reading • Collaborative Reading: Text Sequencing With Signal Words

  7. Share What We’ve Tried At your table, share one strategy that you tried with your students. • What was the strategy? • How did you adapt it? • What was the outcome? • Recommendations? Decide at your table who will share.

  8. What did you tell us?

  9. Narrative Input Strategy: Revisit Why do we revisit? Today’s focus: • Explicit language instruction: Past tense • Review and Reinforcement of Signal Words

  10. Break

  11. Stages of Language Acquisition and Learning

  12. Narrative Input Story

  13. RAN strategy: Tony Stead

  14. CCLS for ELA: A Study in Text Complexity Shift 3 Staircase of Complexity In order to prepare students for the complexity of college and career ready texts, each grade level requires a “step” of growth on the “staircase”. Students read the central, grade appropriate text around which instruction is centered. Teachers are patient, create more time and space in the curriculum for this close and careful reading, and provide appropriate and necessary scaffolding and supports so that it is possible for students reading below grade level. 14

  15. Reading Standard 10: Range and Complexity of Text Read and comprehend complex literacy and informational texts independently and proficiently

  16. Measuring Text Complexity: Three-Part Model 17

  17. Let’s Look at the Target Text Compare the two texts: • How do the text structures for Sequence and Cause & Effect differ in the two texts?

  18. Qualitative Complexity: Informational

  19. Steps for ELL Lesson • OVERVIEW of content. • CONNECT to prior knowledge • FRONTLOAD key vocabulary, concepts • READ and COLLABORATE • TALK AND WRITE to consolidate meaning. • SHARE by publishing or presenting Adapted from CREATE: Center for Research on the Educational Achievement of English Language Learners

  20. Academic Language Frames for: • Re-telling • Summarizing

  21. Sentence Generator

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