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21 st Centuries Literacy and Reading Instruction

21 st Centuries Literacy and Reading Instruction. Session 3 Fluency. Physical Cultural Social. Emotional Cognitive. Modeled. Shared. Vocabulary & Concept Development. Strategies. Guided. Collaborative. Classroom Environment. Word Recognition. Strategies.

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21 st Centuries Literacy and Reading Instruction

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  1. 21st Centuries Literacy and Reading Instruction Session 3 Fluency

  2. PhysicalCulturalSocial Emotional Cognitive Modeled Shared Vocabulary & ConceptDevelopment Strategies Guided Collaborative Classroom Environment Word Recognition Strategies Foundational Literacy Skills Strategies Strategies Fluency Strategies Comprehension Reading Model for the Wake County Public School System Independent

  3. Fluency is the ability to read text accurately, quickly, and with expression.

  4. Fluency is important because… it provides a bridge between word recognition and comprehension!

  5. Fluency develops gradually as students learn to…. combine sounds and letters to make words acquire words that can be read automatically learn to break up text into meaningful chunks in order to read with expression (phrasing) recognize that the rate of reading changes depending on the type of text and how familiar the topic and words are to the student

  6. Fluency is more than automatic word recognition. Children also need to be able to read with prosody and expression.

  7. Essential Components Accuracy and Automaticity of decoding processes • Readers decode words accurately. • Readers decode words effortlessly. • Teachers use accuracy rate as a way to determine the student’s independent, instructional, and frustration levels.

  8. Critical Levels for Automaticity

  9. Essential Components Reading Speed or Rate Readers read with an age or grade level appropriate rate. Reading speed is adjusted for purpose and text difficulty.

  10. Essential Components Expression and Prosody Readers read with smoothness, phrasing, and inflection. Comprehension Readers comprehend important ideas in connected text.

  11. Intonation/Inflection Teach students to recite the alphabet as a conversation, using punctuation to cue inflection and/or reciting the same sentence using different punctuation and/or placing stress on different words in the same sentence. Blevins 2001

  12. A BCD?EFG!HI?JKL.MN? OPQ.RST!UVWX.YZ! Dogs bark? Dogs bark! Dogs bark. I am tired. I am tired. I am tired.

  13. Readers become fluent from… exposure to rich and varied models of fluent reading. explicit feedback, guidance, and instruction. processing appropriately challenging and varied text. oral reading practice on a regular basis.

  14. What Should Students Read? Short passages Poetry Humorous texts Narrative and expository text Patterned or predictable text Familiar text

  15. Define explicitly the “Characteristics” of fluent reading for students. Fluent readers… • read what is on the page. • vary the speed. • make oral reading interesting. • retell what they have read.

  16. Model and demonstrate through read-alouds. Accurate Reading ----Inaccurate Reading Appropriate Speed---Inappropriate Speeds Smoothness -------- Hesitating, Halting Expressive ------- Monotone Appropriate Phrasing ----- Word-by-word

  17. Demonstrations/Modeling

  18. Guided Practice Select an appropriately challenging and engaging piece of reading. Start with… Choral reading- echo reading, unison, popcorn, mumble, line-a-child Then… Assess

  19. Choral Reading

  20. Line - A - Child

  21. Echo Reading

  22. Fluency: Self Assessment Charting Personal Progress

  23. Reader’s Theater

  24. Giggle Poetry “I Call First” “Get Out of Bed!” “Rules for the Bus” “Ish” http://www.gigglepoetry.com

  25. Assessing Fluency It is important to take time to collect data about our students’ fluency, and to use that data to drive instruction. K-2 – Running Records 3-5 – Dibels, Running Records

  26. Reading is like learning to ride a bike: if you go too slowly, you fall off. Susan Hall and Louisa Moats, Straight Talk About Reading

  27. 21st Century Literacy Tools

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