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National Honor Society

Information for new NHS Members Sign in. Take a Handbook and initial under the “received” column. Take a calendar of NHS dates. National Honor Society. Induction of Absent Members Please come forward to recite the NHS oath:. National Honor Society.

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National Honor Society

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Information for new NHS Members Sign in. Take a Handbook and initial under the “received” column. Take a calendar of NHS dates. National Honor Society

  2. Induction of Absent Members Please come forward to recite the NHS oath: National Honor Society

  3. Raise your right hand and repeat after me: I pledge myself to uphold the high purposes of the National Honor Society to which I have been selected; I will be true to the principles for which it stands; I will be loyal to my school; And will maintain and encourage high standards of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. National Honor Society

  4. The purpose of this meeting is familiarize the new members with the policies, procedures and expectations of the National Honor Society. Introduction of sponsors and officers National Honor Society

  5. Service Obligations Each semester you must earn at least 14 individual points. 1 pt = ½ hour of service Individual service must be documented on the service record and signed. Forms are kept in a drawer on the shelf in Mrs. Malik’s room. National Honor Society

  6. Service Obligations Each semester you must earn at least 14 individual points. 1 pt = ½ hour of service Individual service must be documented on the service record and signed. Forms are kept in a drawer on the shelf in Mrs. Malik’s room. National Honor Society

  7. Each semester you must earn at least 8 chapter points. 1 pt = ½ hour of service Adopt-a-Highway is our major chapter project and is held the Saturday after the monthly meeting. You must have a signed permission slip which are located in Mrs. Malik’s room. Other service opportunities are offered on a monthly basis. National Honor Society

  8. Sign-up Sheets Sign up sheets are located under the NHS banner by Mrs. Malik’s door. When you sign up for an activity, you have made a commitment to be there. If an emergency happens and you cannot make it, you must find someone else to take your place. If you don’t, the points you would’ve earned may be deducted from your current points total. National Honor Society

  9. Points are due near the end of the semester. See the calendar for the specific date and time. Students that do not turn in the points on time will be placed on probation and 4 penalty points are added. Failure to complete the points at this time will result in a dismissal hearing. Seniors who have not completed and submitted the required spring points on time will NOT wear the NHS stole at graduation. National Honor Society

  10. Membership Guidelines When you were inducted you took an oath to maintain high standards of scholarship, leadership, service and character. You are a role model for the school. National Honor Society

  11. Demerits and Dismissal Any member that falls below the standards of scholarship, leadership, character or service may be dismissed from the Communications Arts chapter of the NHS. A member is expected to maintain an active role in service and leadership to the school and community. National Honor Society

  12. Demerits Missing a meeting without an acceptable a excuse= 1 demerit. Late Service Points= 1 demerit. An “N”= 1 demerit. Each “U”= 2 demerits. National Honor Society

  13. Demerit Consequences 1st demerit = warning letter 2nd = probation 3rd = dismissal National Honor Society

  14. Failing a class results in a dismissal hearing. Violation of criminal law or school regulations may result in immediate dismissal without warning or probation. These include, but are not limited to: DWI, stealing, cheating, truancy, destruction of property, possession, selling or being under the influence of drugs or alcohol at school or a school-related function. National Honor Society

  15. Dismissals The member receives a hearing or dismissal letter. The Faculty Council meets with pertinent individuals to decide if there are grounds for dismissal. At the hearing, the member shall have the opportunity to present his/her defense. A letter stating the Council’s decision is sent to the member. National Honor Society

  16. Other Information Officers are elected in April or May for the following year. An application must be completed. Dues=Each member shall pay dues in the amount of $8.00. Each new member must complete and turn in the Bylaws and Handbook Acknowledgement before the January meeting. (Read it.) National Honor Society

  17. The NHS bulletin board with sign-up sheets is located outside the Mentorship lab wall. All NHS forms are picked up AND returned to the drawers on the shelf in Mrs. Malik’s room. National Honor Society

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