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Math Coaches/Contact Meeting December 14, 2012 Course Descriptions/Learning Goals

Math Coaches/Contact Meeting December 14, 2012 Course Descriptions/Learning Goals. Florida’s CCSS Implementation Plan. Phase 1 (2011-2012). Phase 2 (2012-2013). Full Implementation Grade K Begin Implementation of Literacy Standards in ALL Content Areas for Grades 6-12

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Math Coaches/Contact Meeting December 14, 2012 Course Descriptions/Learning Goals

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  1. Math Coaches/Contact Meeting December 14, 2012 Course Descriptions/Learning Goals Bureau of Curriculum & Instruction

  2. Florida’s CCSS Implementation Plan • Phase 1 (2011-2012) • Phase 2 (2012-2013) • Full Implementation Grade K • Begin Implementation of Literacy Standards in ALL Content Areas for Grades 6-12 • Begin Implementation of Rich and Complex Text and Informational Text for Grades K-12 • Phase 3 (2013-2014) • Full Implementation Grades K-1 (BCPS K-2) • Full Implementation of Literacy Standards in ALL Content Areas for Grades 6-12 • Continue Implementation of Rich and Complex Text and Informational Text for Grades K-12 • Phase 4 (2014-2015) • Full Implementation Grades K-2 • Implementation of a Blended Curriculum (CCSS and Supplemental NGSSS Aligned to FCAT 2.0 and EOCs) for Grades 3-12 • Continue Implementation of Rich and Complex Text and Informational Text for Grades K-12 • Full Implementation Grades K-12 • PARCC Assessments Aligned to CCSS Bureau of Curriculum & Instruction

  3. Curriculum Mapping in Layers Course Requirements and Standards “Chunks” or Big Ideas Major Learning Goals Progression Scales for Major Learning Goals • Identify major learning goals for a specific course by integrating across content areas and “chunking” the standards into a few big ideas • Develop a projected timeline for instruction by mapping the major learning goals across the semester or year as appropriate for the course Progress Monitoring Assessments • Describe the learning progressions and develop a scale or rubric for at least one of the major learning goals for the course • (Day 2) • Describe at least one assessment item that is appropriate for each of the levels beginning with Level 2 on the learning progression scale • Draft a blueprint for future progress monitoring assessments based upon the curriculum map (or pacing guide) and anticipated learning progressions • (Day 2) Bureau of Curriculum & Instruction

  4. Current Way of Work • Given the full implementation of Florida’s NGSSS what three words might we use to describe instruction in Florida? • Standards-Based Instruction • What often guides the development of our curriculum maps or pacing guides? • Test Item Specifications • What tools might we use to monitor the progress of our students? • Focus Mini-Assessments (Benchmark Assessments) Bureau of Curriculum & Instruction

  5. Florida Transitions toCommon Core State Standards Next Generation Standards Common Core Standards Standards-based instruction facilitated by learning goals Big ideas and learning goals guide the development of curriculum maps Learning progressions or scales describe expectations for student progress in attaining the learning goals Assessments used to monitor student progressare aligned directly to the learning progressions or scales Teaching big ideas narrows the focus and allows students to delve deeper for a greater depth of understanding • Standards-based instruction • Test item specifications guide development of curriculum maps • Focus mini-assessments aligned to individual benchmarks and used to monitor student progress • Teaching benchmarks in isolation results in long lists of tasks to master Bureau of Curriculum & Instruction

  6. Common Core State Standards for Mathematics • Domainsare larger groups of related standards. Standards from different domains may sometimes be closely related • Clustersare groups of related standards. Note that standards from different clusters may sometimes be closely related, because mathematics is a connected subject. • Standardsdefine what students should understand and be able to do.

  7. Domains for K-12

  8. High School Conceptual Categories • Number and Quantity (N) • Algebra (A) • Functions (F) • Modeling (*) • Geometry (G) • Statistics and Probability (S)

  9. Florida’s Numbering ofthe Common Core State Standards MACC.7.RP.1.1 Subject Grade Domain Cluster Standard MACC.912.N-RN.2.3 Subject Grade Category Domain Cluster Standard

  10. MACC.7.RP Ratios and Proportional Relationships • MACC.7.RP.1 Analyze proportional relationships and use them to solve real-world and mathematical problems • MACC.7.RP.1.1 Compute unit rates associated with ratios of fractions, including ratios of lengths, areas and other quantities measured in like or different units. For example, if a person walks 1/2 mile in each 1/4 hour, compute the unit rate as the complex fraction ½/¼ miles per hour, equivalently 2 miles per hour. Domain Cluster Standard

  11. MACC.912.N Number and Quantity • MACC.912.N-RN The Real Number System • MACC.912.N-RN.2 Use properties of rational and irrational numbers • MACC.912.N-RN.2.3 Explain why the sum or product of two rational numbers is rational; that the sum of a rational number and an irrational number is irrational; and that the product of a nonzero rational number and an irrational number is irrational. Domain Cluster Standard Category

  12. Please refer to sample lesson! The New “Look and Feel” of Instruction with Common Core SAMPLE LessonM/J Mathematics 2 – Rational Numbers Bureau of Curriculum & Instruction

  13. Learning Goal Students demonstrate proficiency with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of rational numbersexpressed using decimals and fractions, and they are able to explain their thinking at a conceptual level. Bureau of Curriculum & Instruction

  14. Objective Students demonstratefluency* when performing operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) with benchmark fractions and their decimal equivalents. Benchmark fractions include tenths, eighths, sixths, fifths, fourths, thirds, and halves. *Fluency is the ability to compute flexibly, accurately,efficiently, and appropriately. http://youtu.be/ZFUAV00bTwA Bureau of Curriculum & Instruction

  15. Essential Question Why is it important to build a sound foundation in your conceptual understanding of operations with fractions, and why is it just as important to recognize benchmark fractions and their decimal equivalents? Bureau of Curriculum & Instruction

  16. Performance Task Jeri and Tawny were both presented with the same problem; yet, they arrived at two different answers. Their complete responses are shown below. • Jeri simply wrote ) = 1 • Tawny showed considerably more details and wrote 3 (0.) = (0.) + (0.) + (0.) = 0. Who has the correct answer and why? Bureau of Curriculum & Instruction

  17. Discuss It! • Based upon this lesson, how might you describe the new “look and feel” of instruction with Common Core? Bureau of Curriculum & Instruction

  18. Curriculum Mapping in Layers Course Requirements and Standards Bureau of Curriculum & Instruction

  19. Step 1 - Course Descriptions • General Information • Course Code • Title • Credit • Graduation Requirement • Course Length • Critical Areas of Focus or General Description • NGSSS Requirements for 2013-14 Assessments • Related Benchmarks • Common Core Literacy Standards • Common Core Mathematical Practices • Common Core Mathematics Standards Bureau of Curriculum & Instruction

  20. Critical Areas of Focus • Look at the 2013-2014 Course Description for your selected grade level/course • Read each critical area/unit • As a group, summarize the main idea of each critical area in 1 – 2 sentences. Bureau of Curriculum & Instruction

  21. Grade 7 Math - Critical Areas of Focus M/J Math 2 Course • Developing understanding of and applying proportional relationships • Developing understanding of operations with rational numbers and working with expressions and equations in one variable • Solving problems involving scale drawings and informal geometric constructions, and working with two- and three- dimensional shapes to solve problems involving area, surface area, and volume • Drawing inferences about populations based on samples Bureau of Curriculum & Instruction

  22. Curriculum Mapping in Layers Course Requirements and Standards “Chunks” or Big Ideas Bureau of Curriculum & Instruction

  23. Step 2 - “Chunking” • Begin with the course descriptions and standards and benchmarks. • “Chunk” the critical area into smaller major areas of focus. • Sort the standards and/or benchmarks contained in the course description based upon these major areas of focus (there will likely be some overlapping of standards). Bureau of Curriculum & Instruction

  24. Algebra 1 – Critical Area #2 In earlier grades, students define, evaluate, and compare functions, and use them to model relationships between quantities. In this unit, students will learn function notation and develop the concepts of domain and range. They explore many examples of functions, including sequences; they interpret functions given graphically, numerically, symbolically, and verbally, translate between representations, and understand the limitations of various representations. Students build on and informally extend their understanding of integer exponents to consider exponential functions. They compare and contrast linear and exponential functions, distinguishing between additive and multiplicative change. Students explore systems of equations and inequalities, and they find and interpret their solutions. They interpret arithmetic sequences as linear functions and geometric sequences as exponential functions. Bureau of Curriculum & Instruction

  25. Algebra 1 “Chunking” Sample Critical Area 2: In earlier grades, students define, evaluate, and compare functions, and use them to model relationships between quantities. In this unit: • Students will learn function notation and develop the concepts of domain and range. They explore many examples of functions, they interpret functions given graphically, numerically, symbolically, and verbally, translate between representations, and understand the limitations of various representations. • Students build on and informally extend their understanding of integer exponents to consider exponential functions. They compare and contrast linear and exponential functions, distinguishing between additive and multiplicative change. They interpret arithmetic sequences as linear functions and geometric sequences as exponential functions. • Students explore systems of equations and inequalities, and they find and interpret their solutions. Bureau of Curriculum & Instruction

  26. “Chunking” Standards • Students will learn function notation and develop the concepts of domain and range. They explore many examples of functions, they interpret functions given graphically, numerically, symbolically, and verbally, translate between representations, and understand the limitations of various representations. • MACC.912.A-REI.4.10 MACC.912.F-IF.1.1 • MACC.912.F-IF.1.2 MACC.912.F-IF.2.4 • MACC.912.F-IF.2.5 MACC.912.F-IF.2.6 • MACC.912.F-IF.3.7 MACC.912.F-IF.3.8 • MACC.912.F-IF.3.9 MACC.912.F-BF.1.1 • MACC.912.F-BF.2.3 MACC.912.F-LE.2.5 • LACC.910.RST.3.7 MACC.K12.MP.4.1 • MACC.K12.MP.7.1 MACC.K12.MP.8.1 Bureau of Curriculum & Instruction

  27. Curriculum Mapping in Layers Course Requirements and Standards “Chunks” or Big Ideas Major Learning Goals Bureau of Curriculum & Instruction

  28. Learning Goals, Scales, and Learning Activities • For more information: • https://www.floridaschoolleaders.org • https://www.floridaschoolleaders.org/resources/index.aspx Bureau of Curriculum & Instruction

  29. Step 3 - Learning Goals • The “Chunk” (Describes the integrated/related content standards students are expected to learn.) Students will learn function notation and develop the concepts of domain and range. They explore many examples of functions, they interpret functions given graphically, numerically, symbolically, and verbally, translate between representations, and understand the limitations of various representations. The Learning Goal (Defines what students should know and be able to do.) • Students demonstrate an understanding of function notation and the concepts of domain and range. They interpret functions given graphically, numerically, symbolically, and verbally, translate between representations, and understand the limitations of various representations. Bureau of Curriculum & Instruction

  30. State and Map Learning Goals • Select one learning goal to share with group and using chart paper record the learning goal and “chunked” standards. Bureau of Curriculum & Instruction

  31. Mapping Learning Goals Learning Goal 1 Learning Goal 2 Learning Goal 3 Learning Goal 4 Bureau of Curriculum & Instruction

  32. State and Map Learning Goals • Begin the mapping process to identify when these learning goals will be taught using 2013-2014 Curriculum Map. Bureau of Curriculum & Instruction

  33. 2013-2014 M/J Mathematics 2 Curriculum Map

  34. Resources • Florida Common Core • http://www.fldoe.org/schools/ccc.asp • http://www.fldoe.org/schools/BlastOff.asp • Common Core State Standards for Mathematics • http://www.corestandards.org • Solution Tree • http://files.solution-tree.com/pdfs/Reproducibles_CCMLG/repros/table%202.2mathematicalpractices--look-forsasclassroomindicators.pdf • CPALMS • http://www.floridastandards.org • The Teaching Channel • https://www.teachingchannel.org • Illustrative Mathematics • http://illustrativemathematics.org/ • Inside Mathematics • http://www.insidemathematics.org/index.php/common-core-standards • Progressions Documents • http://ime.math.arizona.edu/progressions

  35. Resources • Figure This • http://figurethis.org/index.html • New York Times • http://learning.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/09/26/n-ways-to-apply-algebra-with-the-new-york-times/ • NCTM Illuminations • http://illuminations.nctm.org/ • NCTM Navigation Series • http://www.nctm.org/catalog/productsview.aspx?id=110

  36. Objectives for Day 1 – Status Check • Participants will: • Identify major learning goals for a specific course by integrating across content areas and “chunking” the standards into a few big ideas, and • Develop a projected timeline for instruction by mapping the major learning goals across the semester or year as appropriate for the course. Bureau of Curriculum & Instruction

  37. Reflections • What are you most excited by with the transition to CCSS? • What concerns you the most about the transition to CCSS? • How will you try to address these concerns? Bureau of Curriculum & Instruction

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