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Multimedia Tasking 2.0 ( MmT 2.0) for the Junior Secondary English Classroom

Multimedia Tasking 2.0 ( MmT 2.0) for the Junior Secondary English Classroom. A ‘Seed’ Project developed by the Regional NET Coordinating Team, NET Section, CDI, Education Bureau. Project Aims.

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Multimedia Tasking 2.0 ( MmT 2.0) for the Junior Secondary English Classroom

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  1. Multimedia Tasking 2.0(MmT 2.0) for the Junior Secondary English Classroom A ‘Seed’ Project developed by the Regional NET Coordinating Team, NET Section, CDI, Education Bureau

  2. Project Aims • The project aims to engage English language teachers in designing culminating multimedia tasks for modules in the school-based English language curriculum at Key Stage 3 (S1-S3).

  3. Project Aims • The multimedia tasks will be directly linked to curriculum aims, objectives and modules/units, and will involve students in writing digitally and creating multimedia projects using computer software and web applications.

  4. Project Aims • Various strategies for teaching writing, such as shared writing, process writing and multimodal writing/creating will be considered in the co-planning sessions with the support of the Regional NET Coordinators (RNCs).

  5. Summary of Objectives • For English teachers: • plan curriculum and design learning tasks involving digital writing; • implement strategies for teaching writing; and • use multimedia tools, e.g. computer software and web applications in their teaching.

  6. Summary of Objectives • For students: • practise writing skills in a digital environment; • collaborate on creating multimedia products in English; and • conduct self and peer assessment.

  7. Research Questions • How can the teaching of writing be enhanced by the use of technology? • How can students’ writing skills be enhanced by the use of technology?

  8. Exemplar • Task: Photo Story Presentation • Level: S1 • Course book: Oxford New Treasure Plus 1A • Theme: Unit 2 Dream School • Technology Tool: Photo Story 3

  9. Exemplar • Language items: • vocabulary related to school facilities • simple present tense / ‘there is/there are’ • prepositions of place • Writing skills: • mind-mapping / story-boarding • elaborating a description • revising, editing

  10. Exemplar • Task requirements: • Take photos of a facility/room in the school. • Create a digital story describing the photos. • Give one suggestion on improving the facility/room. • Upload the digital story to Google+ and give feedback to 3 classmates on their work.

  11. Other MmT Tasks • Exploring online safety issues • Creating a personal profile for Google+ • Creating films with Movie Maker • Presenting tourist interviews with Prezi • Analysing camera shots and angles with Prezi • Writing a film review with Google Docs • Surveying gaming habits with Google Form

  12. Culminating Tasks

  13. Culminating Tasks

  14. Looking Forward • MmT 2.0 is a refurbished two-year seed project. • Emphasis will be placed on: • Teaching and learning of writing in a digital environment using various strategies; and • Authentic practice and application of newly learned language items.

  15. Implementation

  16. Implementation • Schools participating for two years can choose from two implementation models in 2015-16.

  17. Expected Participation • All English classes in one year level participate in the project. • Regularly scheduled meetings are arranged for all teachers to co-plan lessons and instructional materials. The first co-planning meeting will be scheduled in June 2014. • Effective supervision and monitoring are provided by the school senior management to ensure the success of the project.

  18. Expected Participation • An MmT Coordinator (preferably a middle manager, e.g. Assistant Panel Chairperson) is appointed to assist with the implementation of the project. • Access to IT facilities, e.g. MMLC, and support from the school IT technician(s) are provided. • Project reflection and evaluation are conducted at the end of each school year.

  19. Support for School • School-based professional development • Regularly scheduled co-planning meetings • Collaborative development of teaching materials • Opportunities for co-teaching • Lesson observations/demonstrations and debriefings

  20. Support for School • Online platform for teacher collaboration and sharing, e.g. Edmodo, Google Communities • Reflection and evaluation meetings

  21. Application • Application due date: 28 February 2014 (Fri) • Please submit a detailed proposal about how the project will enhance learning and teaching at your school. • Vetting meetings will be scheduled in March at prospective MmT 2.0 ‘Seed’ Project schools to discuss application proposals.

  22. Contact Information • Mr William CHENG, SCDO (NET) • Phone: 3549 8339 • Email: williamchcheng@edb.gov.hk • Mr Stephen COOLEY, RNC • Phone: 3549 8361 • Email: cooley@edb.gov.hk

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