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Production of Ultra Slow Antiproton Beam and A Cusp Trap for ` H Synthesis

Sept.25-26, Villars Meeting. Production of Ultra Slow Antiproton Beam and A Cusp Trap for ` H Synthesis. Y.Yamazaki On behalf of MUSASHI Group, ASACUSA Collaboration. Why intense ultra-slow/trapped ` ps?. 1 . Atomic physics of "Heavy Electron" Ionization by ` p vs p

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Production of Ultra Slow Antiproton Beam and A Cusp Trap for ` H Synthesis

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  1. Sept.25-26, Villars Meeting Production of Ultra Slow Antiproton Beam and A Cusp Trap for `H Synthesis Y.Yamazaki On behalf of MUSASHI Group, ASACUSA Collaboration

  2. Why intense ultra-slow/trapped`ps? 1.Atomic physics of "Heavy Electron" Ionization by `p vs p `pA+ Formation : exchange between `p & e- `pA+ : A new probe of nuclear structure 2. Atomic physics of Antimatter `H Formation CPT symmetry with H vs `H (1S-2S, HFI, gravity) 3. Non-neutral plasma physics 4. Antimatter chemistry:`H2,`H+,`H2+ ,etc.

  3. Double ionization of He P (`p) + He  p (`p) + He++ + e- + e- a few body system just Coulomb force small "Z” weak perturbation however・・・  After 20years s+(`p)+s++(`p)=s+(p)+s++(p)by T.Morishita & S.Watanabe L.H.Andersen et al., PRL57 (1986)2147, PRA38(1988)395

  4. `pA Formation J.Cohen, Rep.Prog. Phys.67(04)1769 N.Yamanaka `p+H rpe  "n" controllable!! r`pp

  5. Annihilation of `p in `pA Branching ratio:nucleon distr. Recoil momentum: Fermi motion

  6. Dynamics of Non-neutral plasma with `ps Plasma heating & cooling feature `p :1x106, e-:3x108, DT~0.6eV, Dtrise~5sec, Dtcool~30sec N.Kuroda et al. (2,0) (3,0) Non-neutral plasma dynamics M.Fujiwara et al., PRL92(2004)065005 Separation of two component plasmas Antiproton plasma

  7. `H Production (1) `p + e+ `H + hn (2) `p + e+ + nhn `H + (n+1)hn (3) `p + e+ + e+ `H + e+ (4) `p + (e+e-) `H + e- (5) `p + A `H + e- + A Realized by ATHENA & ATRAP

  8. A new scheme to synthesize &trap`H: cusp B-field + octupole E-field No instability in the cusp field Magnetic bottle for neutral particles Relaxation time to 1S state of `H

  9. Trajectories of 0.086meV`H(1S) q=80o q=20o q=60o q=40o q= 5o sum

  10. Trajectories of 0.268meV`H(1S) `H beam focused, intensified by 400 times More than 99% spin polarized

  11. `p magnetic moment measurement Simultaneous confinements of `p, e+, AND `H Automatic cooling Intensity-enhanced Spin-polarized `H beam m`p determinationppm or better

  12. Antiproton Decelerator (AD) 3.5GeV/c100MeV/c(~5.3MeV)100keV10keV Kelvin 3digits 2digits 1digit 6digits AD: 26GeV/c 1.5x1013 p/pulse  3.5GeV/c 4x107`p/pulse  0.1GeV/c 3x107`p/pulse

  13. Further Deceleration Traditionally : 5.3MeV  10keV  sub eV Trap Foil degrader Efficiency: ~0.1% Now : 5.3MeV  100keV  10keV sub eV Vacuum Isolator Trap RFQD

  14. RFQD + LEBT 3415 5T Solenoid RFQD

  15. LEBT+MRT Multi-Ring Trap Harmonic potential Spheroidal plasma Rigid rotation

  16. Multi-Ring-Trap and Non-neutral Plasma Non-neutral plasma Rigid Rotation of Spheroid Compression T-dependent plasma mode

  17. Trapping, Cooling, Trimming, and Extraction El. Inj. El. Trimming 10keV `p Inj. Cooling El. Ejc. `p Compression `p Extraction

  18. Rotating Wall Compression of `p under UHV

  19. Ultra Slow`p Extraction Transported 3.5m downstream 3 small apertures* >30% efficiency * Differential pumping of 6 orders of magnitude

  20. Slow Extraction of Ultra -Slow `p Beam

  21. `p accumulation and extraction

  22. Ultra-slow `p beam in 2004 Stable trapping: More than 1 Million `ps per AD shot Extraction #: ~0.5 Million `ps per AD shot Extraction energy: 10-500eV Extraction duration: ~10sec Differential pumping of 6 orders of magnitude

  23. Ultra-Slow `p Beam from 2006 DC & Pulsed Ultra Slow `p Beam Time sharingdc/pulsed `p beam distributor

  24. Summary 1. Intense ultra slow `p beam is ready from 2006 2. New cross-disciplinary field will start 3. The cusp trap could be a potential candidate for the future `H study

  25. `H fraction to be trapped Assumption : `Hs in 1S state, MB-distribution

  26. LEBT+ Multi-Ring Trap RFQD Multi-wire 2D PSD Vacuum Isolation + 2D PSD

  27. Cooling Feature vs Electron Plasma Radius Cooled `ps locate only where cooling electron plasma exist

  28. Particles vs Antiparticles (e- vs e+) :cyclotron motion + Ps 13S1-23S1 cyclotron motion (p vs`p) :cyclotron motion +`pHe+(nl,n’l’) `pA x-ray :`p+p`n+n n vs`n

  29. Octupole trap +`p plug

  30. Secondary Electron Emission with Ultra Slow `p Beam

  31. Plugging of (anti)proton Sympathetically cooled with e+

  32. `H loss mechanism Majorana spin-flip e.g., ~10mK Na trapping ~1sec @ 10-8 Torr & 0.025T e+:108/cm3 Spin-flip induced by e++`H collisions

  33. Octupole trap +`p plug

  34. Multi-Ring Trap Non-neutral plasma Rigid Rotation Compression T-dependent plasma mode

  35. Hydrogen & Antihydrogen f1S-2S (H) = 2 466 061 413 187.2937 kHz (Phys.Rev.Lett.84(2000)3232) Proton charge radius :0.862(12)fm vs 0.877(24)fm nHF(H)= 1 420 405 751,766 7 ± 0,000 9 Hz m( H) = (2,792 847 337 ± 0,000 000 029) mN m(`H) = (-2,800 ± 0,008) mN

  36. Production Scheme Trapping/Cooling of Antiprotons AD  degrader foil  Penning Trap : ~0.1% AD  RFQD  Multi-ring Trap: 4%

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