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厂情范例: 青 海 铝 厂 Qinghai Aluminum Smelter

青海铝厂是中国有色金属工业总公司直属企业,位于青海省省会西宁市北部。 青海铝厂总设计生产规模为年产铝锭 20 万吨,.

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厂情范例: 青 海 铝 厂 Qinghai Aluminum Smelter

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  1. 青海铝厂是中国有色金属工业总公司直属企业,位于青海省省会西宁市北部。青海铝厂总设计生产规模为年产铝锭20万吨,青海铝厂是中国有色金属工业总公司直属企业,位于青海省省会西宁市北部。青海铝厂总设计生产规模为年产铝锭20万吨, Located in the northern part of Xining, the capital of Qinghai Province, Qinghai Aluminum Smelter (QAS) is directly invested by All-China Nonferrous Metals Industrial Corp and has an annual capacity, theoretically speaking, of producing 200 000 MT of aluminum in ingot form. 厂情范例: 青 海 铝 厂Qinghai Aluminum Smelter

  2. 分两期建设,一期10万吨工程于1985年4月开工建设,1987年12月投产。主体工艺设备160KA铝电解槽3汇集代表了世界铝电解工业80年代初期技术水平; The first phase with a yearly outturn of 100 000 MT started in April, 1985 and was brought to completion December, 1987. The core technology adopted, i.e., 160KA electrolytic tank represents the state-of-art technical level of the worldwide aluminum industry during the initial years of the 1980s.

  3. 在铝电解作业中,打壳、下料由计算机自动控制,出铝、换极由多功能机械化机组完成。全厂主要生产工序实现了机械化、自动化,计算机网络覆盖生产调度、经营管理各个系统。在铝电解作业中,打壳、下料由计算机自动控制,出铝、换极由多功能机械化机组完成。全厂主要生产工序实现了机械化、自动化,计算机网络覆盖生产调度、经营管理各个系统。 With this core hardware available, the whole process of aluminum feeding and residue breaking are computerized. Hot metal collection and anode replacing are also handled by multifunctional cranes. From sophisticated systems with automatic diagnostics and data accumulation computerization in the management scene, QAS is fully committed to productivity improvement and quality of finished products.

  4. 1992年青海铝厂生产铝锭7.2万吨,1993年生产9万吨。主要产品有:重熔用铝锭,多种铸造铝合金,变型铝合金和铝用碳素制品。产品均按国家标准组织生产,畅销全国27个省市,并远销印度尼西亚、马来西亚、日本等国家地区。 In 1992, QAS came out with an annual output of 72 000 MT and the production quota had been increased to 90 000 MT for 1993. QAS now offers a full range of high grade aluminum products, remelting ingots, cast alloys and anode, engineered and manufactured in strict compliance with national standards. Products bearing the trademark of QAS enjoy a good repute at home and are well sold to Indonesia, Malaysia and Japan.

  5. 建厂以来,青海铝厂企业发展逐年上升,成为青海省利税大户。1991年、1992年连续两年在中国500家大型工业企业竞争中榜上有名。目前青海铝厂生活小区设施完善,各类服务性行业一应俱全。建厂以来,青海铝厂企业发展逐年上升,成为青海省利税大户。1991年、1992年连续两年在中国500家大型工业企业竞争中榜上有名。目前青海铝厂生活小区设施完善,各类服务性行业一应俱全。 Since 1987, QAS has grown into a major contributor of the province’s revenues. Consecutively in 1991 and 1992, QAS has been listed in China’s honor roll of Five Hundred Key Enterprises. QAS’s neighborhood has been a model of self-sufficiency which features a complete set of basic amenities geared towards making life truly rewarding for highland builders.

  6. 青海铝厂二期员工设计编制总数为2 944人,生产人员比例占82%,非生产人员比例占18%,设计全员劳动生产率为34.68吨/人、年, Phase two is planned to employ a 2 944-person staff among which the blue collar accounts 82% while the managerial personnel, 18%. The designed productivity per worker is 34.68 MT per year.

  7. 基建总投资为115 700万元,单位投资11 570元。设计投资利润率为22.3%,投资利润率为15%,设计投资回收期为投资产后6.73年。 In the gross investment of 1.157 billion Yuan RMB, 90% comes from the Central Government and the rest of !0% fund is self-pooled. The actual earning rate will be 15% compared to the designed profit rate of 22.3%. All the capital involved will be recovered seven years after the project is commissioned.

  8. 凭借一流的产品质量,客户第一的服务宗旨,青海铝厂已在国内外拥有良好的企业形象和声誉,同时,得天独厚的能源优势,雄厚的专业技术人才队伍,为青海铝厂展示了更加广阔的前景。凭借一流的产品质量,客户第一的服务宗旨,青海铝厂已在国内外拥有良好的企业形象和声誉,同时,得天独厚的能源优势,雄厚的专业技术人才队伍,为青海铝厂展示了更加广阔的前景。 From particularly favorable energy resources as well as our knowledgeable engineering base and our strong dedicated and skilled labor force, we’ve won fine reputation at home and abroad and we share the common commitment to quality and service — the two top priorities of perennial importance in days past, in days ahead.

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