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  2. Well Ways MI Recovery ‘I have made more progress in 8 weeks so far in this program and working together with PHaMS supporting me than what I have since when I was 8 years old and started seeing counsellors, psychologists, psychiatrists, medication over a 12 year process leading up till now’ ‘For the first time I acknowledged that I am more than my illness. It is only a small part of who I am’

  3. Staff Information Session Outline • What is Well Ways MI Recovery? • Goals and Objectives • Peer Education Approach • Program Structure • Participant Recruitment

  4. Well Ways Suite

  5. What is Well Ways MI Recovery? • Developed in 2006 by MIFV it is a research-based peer education program for people who have a mental illness • Consists of an initial information session followed by 9 weekly sessions of up to 3 hours • Delivered nationally by MIFV and in partnership with organisations • Trained facilitators who have livedexperience of mental illness, lead the group sessions, normally co-facilitated by 2 facilitators • Sessions involve informal but structured learning, group discussions, videos, practical demonstrations and problem solving

  6. What is Well Ways MI Recovery? ‘Well Ways MI Recovery is a refreshingly real and thoughtfully designed recovery education program, developed for and by people with a lived experience of being diagnosed with a mental illness. This is not a one size fits all picture of recovery but both a window into and a toolkit for exploring ‘recovery possibilities’ (Flick Grey, Our Consumer Place).

  7. MI Recovery MI Recovery offers participants the opportunity to develop: • Knowledge about mental illness • A renewed sense of self, with awareness of internal and external resources, and personal potential • An understanding of stigma and strategies to counteract its influence • Knowledge of, and responsibility for managing triggers and early warning signs, through lifestyle approaches (personal medicine) and relapse intervention strategies • A personal recovery action plan, activating steps towards goals

  8. Recovery Framework MI Recovery’s Goal is to Empower Participants to embrace and live the ‘recovery journey’ “Recovery is a deeply personal, unique process of changing one’s attitudes, values, feelings, goals, skills, and/or roles. It is a way of living a satisfying, hopeful and contributing life even within the limitations caused by illness. Recovery involves the development of new meanings and purpose in one’s life as one grows beyond the catastrophic effects of mental illness.” (W.A. Anthony 1993, ‘Recovery from mental illness: the guiding vision of the mental health system in the 1990s, Innovations and Research, 97:586-594)

  9. Intentional Peer Support • The Four Tasks: • Connection: being authentic, listening closely and developing trust. Relationship terms are discussed and negotiated. • World view: appreciating how we’ve come to know what we know, and accepting peoples’ different backgrounds and experiences, and different world views. • Mutuality: mutually working together to learn new knowledge and develop new approaches • Moving towards: moving out of what’s comfortable and familiar, towards new ways of being in recovery • Three Principles • Learning versus Helping • Relationship versus the Individual • Hope and Possibility versus Fear

  10. MI Recovery facilitators • Why Peer Education? • A large body of evidence demonstrates that Peer Educators: • Provide reputable leadership because they have ‘been there’ • Are authentic models for recovery, providing inspiration and hope • Validate the experience of mental illness • Create a culture of camaraderie and support among the group • Incorporates Adult Learning Principles

  11. Peer Education Integrates two domains of knowledge and experience

  12. Session Outlines

  13. Participant Requirements • To be eligible to participate in MI Recovery a person must be able to: • Identify their own willingness and ability to participate in a recovery oriented change-process • Identify hopes, dreams and recovery goals • Commit to full participation • Accept assistance from MI Recovery facilitators if there are any needs that may hinder participation • Nominate a support person

  14. Participant Resources Participant Logbook

  15. Support Person • Participants are required to nominate a support person, who they meet with weekly to share their learnings and experience of the program and review their recovery goals. • They will be assisted to identify a support person in the initial sessions • If participant cannot nominate a community based support person,(e.g. family member, friend) they can nominate a key worker to play this role, as a last resort option or can be given a support person through MIFV’s Helpline

  16. Participant recruitment • 10-12 participants is the optimum number for a MI Recovery program • Preferable that theinformation session hosts aprox. 15+ potential participants • Marketing materials such as brochures and flyers are available through MIFV

  17. Evaluation Outcomes • La Trobe University’s evaluation of the program in 2011- • 2012 yielded statistically significant results demonstrating • that the program enables substantial outcomes for • participants in the areas of illness management, • empowerment, general health and stigma reduction.

  18. Evaluation Outcomes • Questionnaires at four time points, utilising the following scale -Empowerment scale -Internalised stigma of mental Illness scale -Connectedness scale -Illness management and recovery scale -General health questionnaire • Exploration of psychological constructs contributing to recovery outcomes

  19. Evaluationoutcomes • Research shows significant improvement over time • No significant change from information session to beginning of session 1 • Significant change shown from MI Recovery session 1-8 • Higher scores indicate stronger endorsement of feelings of empowerment • Significant change shown from Questionnaire 2 (Q2)-Questionnaire (Q3) • 29 items measured subjective experiences of stigma. • Subscales included Alienation, Stereotype Endorsement and Stigma Resistance • Research shows a significant reduction of Internalised Stigma over time, particularly between Q1 & Q2

  20. Evaluation Outcomes • Questions such as: Have you recently felt under strain? • Result shows significant improvement over time • Significant change occurred from Q2 – Q3 • A 15 item scale designed to measure illness management, and recovery focused attitudes and behaviors of participants • Means scores from Q1 – Q4 show significant change.

  21. Recognition & testimonials • In 2013 the Well Ways MI Recovery program was awarded the • 'Gold Award for a Support Program or Service' under • the‘Australian New Zealand Mental Health Service Achievement • Awards’. • ‘It’s been beneficial in the sense that I have managed to communicate some of my life experiences and not feel embarrassed, ashamed or concerned about negative feedback. I have also been able to listen and learn that with my MI I am with people who understand. It has been positive towards understanding my illness. In some ways accepting and knowing that support is there if needed within the group. Thank you Here's to life and Living’ (MI Recovery Participant)

  22. Recognition & testimonials • ‘I was honoured to facilitate and be part of a group that held • so much information about recovery but just didn’t realise • they held it’ (MI Recovery Peer facilitator) • ‘My life has changed beyond recognition, it has educated me • and inspired me to take control of my illness to some extent, • although I know I have more to do. I’ve also realised my • potential to apply myself to becoming a mental health worker • in some aspect. I’m more confident and happier in my skin’ • (MI Recovery Participant).

  23. Questions? • Any questions?

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