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Investor Presentation - Co.name - CEO - Date

This investor presentation provides an overview of Co.name, including its unique offering, market opportunity, competition, go-to-market strategy, management team, financial projections, and use of funds.

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Investor Presentation - Co.name - CEO - Date

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Investor Presentation < co. name > < CEO > < date > (Recommend to add logo, an image, or tag line)

  2. Introduction (Possibly the same as the Title Slide) Co. name What does your company do (high-level)? Provide a real-world setting/example the audience can relate to. Include your company Logo Introduce yourself Important – number your slides, helps in getting feedback

  3. Market Opportunity What is the pain (cost) associated with this problem? How is the market solving the problem today? Cite evidence of the market need and pain. Be quantitative. Support points with relevant market research data.

  4. Company Overview How do you Uniquely solve the problem/pain? Unique offering, value proposition, or positioning Mission / Vision

  5. Market Opportunity What are the market segments that make up your market and how big are they ? Total Market and Addressable Market (those to whom you can sell or reach) Show priority order and justification for those segments that you are pursuing. (Hint: Pursuing too many markets is unrealistic and prevents focus.)

  6. Products and Services (or Offering Name) Explain clearly your business model - How you make money. What you sell. And to whom. Indicate the development status of the products. Briefly include a typical pricing model for initial and recurring revenue.

  7. Competition & IP Position Who else is providing solutions to this problem? Where do you rank against/amongst them? How are you different/better? What is your IP? Do you have a proprietary and defensible position? Hint: Don’t say, “You have no competition.”

  8. Go-to-Market How will/do you go-to-market ? How will you drive revenues? How will you reach your customers and convince them to buy? What partnerships are necessary? Include any partnerships, customer deals, contracts, channels, etc.

  9. Management Team Who is committed to your company ? What is their relevant experience/expertise? Highlight if there any serial entrepreneurs on the team.

  10. Financials Assuming you receive the funding you need, what do you anticipate revenues to be Year 1 through Year 5? A chart showing revenue and EBITDA over 5 years is typical. Include any key assumptions for revenue drivers (units sold, unique viewers) Highlight key milestones. Highlight breakeven, cash flow positive. Can more money help you scale faster and become profitable sooner?

  11. Use of Funds How much money have you raised so far? How much money are you asking for now? How will you use the new funding? List major categories for Use of Funds Very positive if CEO has own money in Hint: a graphic showing co. phases/stages with required funding works well here, and ties into previous chart financials

  12. Summary Review the problem that your solution solves and the importance of it in the marketplace. Review your unique value proposition. Emphasize the dedication or experience of your team. Ask for the money.

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