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Participating in the Web of Data

Participating in the Web of Data. Christian Heilmann / @codepo8 Senior Developer Evangelist Yahoo Developer Network http://developer.yahoo.com http://icant.co.uk http:// developer-evangelis m .com. Las Vegas, Nevada 17. March 2010. Pencils down!. http://delicious.com/codepo8/mix10.

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Participating in the Web of Data

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Participating in the Web of Data Christian Heilmann / @codepo8 Senior Developer Evangelist Yahoo Developer Network http://developer.yahoo.com http://icant.co.uk http://developer-evangelism.com Las Vegas, Nevada 17. March 2010

  2. Pencils down! http://delicious.com/codepo8/mix10

  3. Welcome to the web

  4. Professional web developer

  5. Joining the Enterprise crew http://www.flickr.com/photos/rspeed/4115466351/

  6. This is when things went wrong

  7. Joining the corporate world

  8. Hey ho, Web 2.0 *highfive*

  9. ...and it went wrong again.

  10. And now? The web as the platform The Mobile Web Geolocation

  11. Market changes leave a track

  12. People like to stick to a path...

  13. Time to shift down a gear... http://www.flickr.com/photos/neurolysis/3335080917/

  14. Finding the common denominator http://www.flickr.com/photos/kentbrew/3764641730/

  15. Tapping into the world of data http://www.flickr.com/photos/bixentro/2199711056/

  16. Why APIs work End Users Data Source Developers Application Programming Interface Other Apps

  17. Why APIs work End Users On-demand delivery of the needed data in the right format. Access of the data source only when needed - otherwise caching works. Data Source Developers Application Programming Interface Other Apps

  18. APIs made easy

  19. APIs made easy select {what} from {where} where {conditions}

  20. YQL examples select * from flickr.photos.search where text="donkey" and license=4

  21. YQL examples select * from craigslist.search where location="sfbay" and type="sss" and query="flower pot"

  22. YQL examples select * from google.news where q="healthcare"

  23. YQL examples select * from query.multi where queries in ( 'select * from nyt.article.search where query="healthcare"', 'select * from microsoft.bing.news where query="healthcare"', 'select * from google.news where q="healthcare"' )

  24. YQL examples select content from html where url="http://www.foxnews.com/" and xpath="//h2/a"

  25. YQL examples select * from google.translate where q in (select content from html where url="http://www.foxnews.com" and xpath="//h2/a”) and target="fr"

  26. YQL examples insert into wordpress.post (title, description, blogurl, username, password) values ("Test Title", "This is a test body", "http://yqltest.wordpress.com", "yqltest", "password")

  27. API for APIs http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql? q={query} &format=xml|json &callback={callbackfunction}

  28. APIs made easy http://developer.yahoo.com/yql • No time wasted reading API docs • Creating complex queries with the console. • Filter data before use • Fast pipes. • Caching + converting • Server-side JavaScript

  29. Government as a trailblazer?

  30. Conjuring APIs out of thin air

  31. Get the data in a good format.

  32. Then throw it onto “the cloud”

  33. And publish it in a simple format

  34. Then turn it into an API! select * from csv where url="http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=tpWDkIZMZleQaREf493v1Jw&output=csv" and columns="Year,City,Sport,Discipline,Country,Event, Gender,Type" and Year="1924"

  35. Spreadsheet to web service

  36. Some more examples

  37. http://icant.co.uk/goohoobi/index.php?research

  38. http://uk-house-prices.com/

  39. http://icant.co.uk/geomaker/index.php

  40. In summary... • We have the network and we have the technology. • We have people who work effectively with the tools they use. • We have a new generation coming who naturally use the internet and are happy with our web interfaces. • If we use our efforts 50/50 on new and building APIs and converters to get the data of the old the web will rock.

  41. Homework http://github.com/yql/yql-tables

  42. Learn more

  43. THANKS! Photos: flickr.com, oddlyspecific.com, thereifixedit.com, failblog.org, epicwinftw.com, the internets.

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