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Palatalization. 2012.04.01 Minjae. Palatalization: - In linguistics , palatalization , also palatalisation , may refer to two different processes by which a sound, usually a consonant , comes to be produced with the tongue in a position in the mouth near the

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  1. Palatalization 2012.04.01 Minjae

  2. Palatalization: - In linguistics, palatalization, also palatalisation, may refer to two different processes by which a sound, usually a consonant, comes to be produced with the tongue in a position in the mouth near the palate. - The front of the tongue may articulate against or near to the hard palate. Such a raising of the front of the tongue towards the palate (palatalization) is an essential part of the [ʃ,ʒ] sounds in English words, such as ‘she’ [ʃ] and ‘measure’ [ʒ] , being additional to an articulation made between the blade of the tongue and alveolar ridge; or again, it is the main feature of the [j] sound(/y/) initially in ‘yield’ [An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English] 3rd edition A.C. Gimson (Professor of Phonetics, University college London) Definition

  3. Phonetics: • Articulation: • Consonant: • Vowel: • Alveolar ridge: • Palate: • Hard Palate: • Soft Palate: • Alveolar ridge: • Velum: study of speech sounds, relating to the sound of a word or to the sound that are used in language the action of producing a sound or word clearly p, f, n, t etc. a, e, i, o, u etc. Vocabulary

  4. /k, g/ + [i, e] + + Key /k, g/ Impression Car Impress /ʧ, ʤ, ʃ, ʒ/ + [j] /t, d, s, z/

  5. Key [ki:] Car [kɑ:(r)] [ki: kɑ:(r)] + Keep [ki:p] Calm [kɑ:m] [ki:p kɑ:m] + Give [gɪv] Gun [gʌn] [gɪv gʌn] + Get [get] Garlic [gɑ:rlɪk] [get gɑ:rlɪk] + Tea [ti:] Took [tuk] [ti: tuk] + [s] [ʃ] Impress [ɪmpres] Impression [ɪmpreʃn] Obsess [əbses] Obsession [əbseʃn] Digress [daɪgres] Digression [daɪɡréʃən] Race [reɪs] Racial [reɪʃl] Office [ɒfɪs] Official [əfɪʃl] Space [speɪs] Spacious [speɪʃəs] Quest [kwest] Question [kwestʃən] In A Word

  6. S  ʃ Z  ʒ T  ʧ d   ʤ His shoes [hiz ʃuz]  [hiʒ ʃuz] Nice shirt [nais ʃ3:rt]  [naiʃ ʃ3:rt] Miss you [mɪs juə]  [mɪʃ juə] John’s shorts [dʒɑ:nz ʃɔ:rts]  [dʒɑ:nʒ ʃɔ:rts] Buzz you [bʌz juə]  [bʌʒə] Last year [lӕst jɪr]  [lӕsʧər] Told you [toʊld juə]  [toʊlʤə] Got you [ɡɑ́t juə]  [ɡɑ́ʧuə] Would you [wʊd juə]  [wʊʤuə] What’s your [hwʌ́ts jʊr] [hwʌ́ʧʊr] Hit you [hɪt juə]  [hɪʧuə] In Two Words

  7. Which one is palatalized? 1) Garlic [gɑ:rlɪk] 2) Get [get] 1) Digression [diɡréʃən] 2) Digress [daɪgres] 1) Efficacy [efɪkəsi] 2) Efficacious [efɪkeɪʃəs] 1) Quest [kwest] 2) Question [kwestʃən] 1) Gradual [grӕʤuəl] 2) Grade [greɪd] • Please read the words and record yourself to recognize whether the word is palatalized or not-palatalized Exercise 1

  8. Key /k/ (2) Impress /s/ (1) Took /t/ (3) (1) (2) (3) Racial /ʃ/ (2) Last year /ʧ/ (2) Exercise 2 (3) Calm /k/ (2) Would you /ʤ/

  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palatalization http://en.citizendium.org/wiki/Palatalization http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/439192/palatalization http://www.translationdirectory.com/articles/article1804.php http://cherish0324.blog.me/10106400270 http://www.enotes.com/topic/Palatalization http://blog.naver.com/faithbelief?Redirect=Log&logNo=80012097322 http://therussianblog.wordpress.com/2012/02/18/palatalization-in-russian/ 1) [An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English] 3rd edition A.C. Gimson (Professor of Phonetics, University college London) 2) [A Course in Phonology] Iggy Roca/Wyn Johnson (University of Essex) 3) [영어음성학] 이용재 고려대학교 교수 (고려대학교 출판부) 4) [An Introduction to Phonology] Francis Katamba ([현대 음운론 입문] 조학행/이덕배 외 옮김/한신문화사) Reference

  10. Thank You!!!

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