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ARCHITECTURE HISTORY. Arch.Eng. Shireen Abdelrahman. ال معــــــابــد TEMPLES. Egyptians Temples. Architecture Style of Temples. Egyptians Temples. Temple of Luxor. Egyptians Temples. Temple of Luxor. Egyptians Temples. Temple of Luxor. Temples Parts.

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  1. ARCHITECTURE HISTORY Arch.Eng. Shireen Abdelrahman

  2. المعــــــابــد TEMPLES

  3. Egyptians Temples Architecture Style of Temples

  4. Egyptians Temples Temple of Luxor

  5. Egyptians Temples Temple of Luxor

  6. Egyptians Temples Temple of Luxor

  7. Temples Parts • Halls are for worshipللعبادة especially at the feastsفي الأعياد but interior rooms were locked for priests للكهنةfor rituals offerings for kings and godsلطقوس القرابين للملوك و الآلهة . • Sanctuary roomsغرف الملاذ which contain gods statusتماثيل الآلهة were locked forkings and priestsالكهنة heads who present the offerings يقدمون القرابين,spreading water, and making-up burnings يحرقون البخور. • There were six main parts of ancient Egyptian temples built during theNew Kingdomperiod. These parts are: • The pylonالصرح • The courtyardالفناء • The hypostyle hallصالة الأعمدة الكبرى • The second hall الصالة الثانية • The sanctuary الملاذ • The sacred lake البحيرة المقدسة

  8. Temples Parts sanctuary second hall hypostyle courtyard pylon sacred lake

  9. Luxor City • Luxor city (Wast)-670km from Cairo is the most important city situated at the Nile and contains 30% of the world Archeologyعلم الآثار • It has the most important archeological buildings like al-Karnak, Luxur, Kings valley and other hundreds of old Egyptians archeological elements. • The Greek called it the city of the one hundred door

  10. Luxor City Luxor- Dead City

  11. Temple of Luxor-1405-1367BC • The temple of Luxor ( south sanctuary) is located at 3km south from Karnak where the temple of the Thebe Triangleتيبي مثلث آمون Amon-Ra (the hiddenالخفي ) and his wife Mut (the mother) and their sun Khonsu (god of moon) and other gods like Hathour, Abonite, and Amon-mean. It was also a center for many religions like pharaohs, Christians and Muslims. • The temple of Luxor was joined to the temple of Karnak by a long stone-paved dromosدرومز , a drome and a processional avenueشارع موكبي flanked by sphinxesمحاط بالتماثيل with rams headمع رأس كبش .The distance between two temples is 9km. • The construction was basically commissioned byكان البناء بتكليف من Amenhotep III who started it at the 18th and 19th . and Ramses II who completed it adding the porticoes courtyardفنا أروقة with its axis moved eastwardsبمحوره الذي يتجه نحو الشرق . The architect was probably Amenophis son of Hotep.

  12. The area of the temple is 16000m2. • Amenhotep 1400BC erects most of the buildingsينصب معظم المباني . • Thotmoses III 1500BC erect the three rooms for thebe triangle • at Ramses court. • Totankhamon do the drawings of Amon and Obeat Feast, • and Or- Mohb, and city , also participate the construction. • Alexander the Great build room for Amon at the middle of the Sanctuary. الاسكندر الاكبر بنى غرفة لآمون في وسط الحرم الشريف

  13. Temple of Luxor • The great pylon of Ramses II الصرح العظيم • The great court of Ramses II, which includes a shrine to Thutmose III • ويضم ضريح تحتمس الثالث . • 3. The mosque of Sufi Shaykh Yusuf Abu al-Hajjajمسجد الصوفية للشيخ يوسف أبو حجاج • 4. The Pylon and colonnade of Amonhotep III. الصرح و الأعمدة لأمنحتب الثالث • 5. The court of Amonhotep Iiمحكمة امنحتب الثاني • 6. Hypostyle hallصالة الأعمدة الكبرى • 7. The chapel of Alexander the Greatكنيسة الاسكندر الأكبر • 8. Holy of Holies – Sanctuary قدس الأقداس – الحرم

  14. Temple of Luxor

  15. 1.The Pylon

  16. pylon, the obelisk المسلة and the first courtyard was constructed by Ramesses II. • The great pylon of Ramses II-an avenue of human headed sphinxes of over (3 km) once connected the temples of Karnak and Luxor. This was used once a year in a festival during which the image of Amon traveled from Karnak to visit his southern dominionالمنطقة الجنوبية. It was at Luxor temple that he was transformed into Min the god of fertilityاله الخصوبة • The first pylon and the colossi of Ramesses II In Luxur Temple was erected by Ramesses II and it is the typical style of New Kingdom temples.و هو الأسلوب النموذجي للمعابد في المملكة الحديثة • The pylon is 65m heigh. In ancient times the pylon was preceded by two obelisks, two seated colossiمجالس ضخمة and two pair of standing colossi. • Today only the left obelisk is still standing. The other was taken to Paris in 1833 and placed in Place de la Concorde on the 25th October 1836.الباقي فقط حتى الآن المسلة الواقفة أمامه اما الباقي أخذت الى باريس

  17. The great pylon of Ramses II

  18. Temple of Luxor or Temple of Amon-Ra (Temple of Amenhotep III).The first pylon seen from the dromos.

  19. المسلات A. The obelisks • An obelisk was a tall, narrow block of stone with a pyramid shape at the top. The pyramid was often coveredwith metal to reflect the rays of the sunلتعكس أشعة الشمس . The top of an obelisk represented the land on which the first rays of the sun fell الجزء العلوي من مسلة تمثل الأرض التي سقطت عليها اشعة الشمس • (the 'primevalmound التلة البدائية ( • In Luxor Two (75m) obelisks once accompanied them but today only one remains the other stands in the Place De La Concorde in Parisموجودة في ساحة الكونكورد في باريس .

  20. The entrance with the courtyard of Nectanebo and the pylon of Ramesses II.

  21. Obelisk at the temple of Luxor Obelisk at the temple of Karnak

  22. Partially cut monolithic Obelisk, محاجر الجرانيت أسوان granite quarries, Aswan

  23. B.Ram-headed sphinx تمثال برأس الكبش

  24. Doromos (Approach) with sphinxes, west side.

  25. Avenue of human-headed sphinxes at the temple of Luxor

  26. Ram-headed sphinx at the temple of Karnak

  27. C. Statuesتماثيل

  28. 4. Statues

  29. Statues of Ramesses II at the temple of Luxor

  30. The Colossi of Memnon are all that remains of the burial temple of Amenhotep III which was largest of all the west bank of Nile in Thebes طيبة . • The Colossi of Memnon, 20m high monolithic sandstone blockكتلة متراصة من الحجر الرملي , were standing in front of the first pylon of the temple as if they were guards of the templeحراس للمعبد .

  31. The statue of Queen Tiyi, wife of Amenhotep III,

  32. The Colossi of Memnon

  33. The Colossi of Memnon

  34. 2. The great court of Ramses II • The great Court of Rameses II is (57 m) long and (51 m) wide which three sides has double row of columns with closed papyrus البرديcapitals and statues of Osirisاوزوريس in the intercolumns. • Seventy four papyrus columns, with bud capitals surround it and in the Northwest corner of the court there is a shrine to Thutmose III وهناك مزار لتحتمس الثالث , while in the southern part of the court there are a number of standing colossi of Ramses II. The court to the east is now partly occupied by the Mosque of al-Hajjaj حاليا محتلة جزئيا بمسجد الحجاج .

  35. West colonnade of the courtyard of Ramesses II. View from south. The background is the first pylon.

  36. · The courtyard of Ramesses II, view from south-The portico of the temple of Tuthmosis IIIرواق معبد تحتمس الثالث , first pylon

  37. · The courtyard of Ramesses II, southwest corner

  38. 3.The mosque of Sufi Shaykh Yusuf Abu al-Hajjaj • In the 19th century, French archaeologists discoveredاكتشف that beneath the mosqueتحت المسجد that was built around Sufi Shaykh Ynsuf’s Abu al-Hajjaj tomb, a vast temple lay buried. معابد مدفونة • As the temple was excavated the mosque was left intact and is still in use today كما تم حفرها المعبد المسجد الذي لم يتأثر ومازال قيد الاستخدام اليوم • . Therefore, from ancient times, through the Christian period and into the present this patch of earth has been a place of devout worship الورع و العبادة

  39. The mosque of Sufi Shaykh Yusuf Abu al-Hajjaj

  40. 4. The Pylon and colonnade of Amonhotep III • View from the courtyard of Amenhotep III, background is the first pylon. • The great colonnade of two rows of seven bell-shaped columnsعلى شكل جرس , which are 18m high, is 52m long and surrounded by a thick stone wall. The circumference of the bell is 10mمحيط الجرس هو 10 متر . • The hypostyle hallصالة الأعمدة الكبرى , the courtyard of Amenhotep IIIفناء امنحتب الثالث , the great colonnade and the first pylon from the foreground to the background. The second pylon and the north columns of the courtyard of Amenhotep III are lost ضاعت و اندثرت .

  41. 5.The Courtyard The courtyard was a large open room without a roof. The outer walls showed scenes of the pharaoh in battleأظهرت مشاهد للفرعون في معركة . The inner walls showed the pharaoh making offerings to the gods and goddesses. People were only allowed to enter the temple courtyard on festival days.

  42. 5.The Courtyard

  43. This column was carved to look like a palm tree. In the earliest temples, columns would have been made from real trees. Later, some stone columns like this one were carved to look like palm trees Courtyard at the temple of Edfu

  44. Temple of Amenhotep III; The courtyard of Amenhotep III and the colonnade

  45. Temple of Amenhotep III; the colonnade

  46. The Colonnade of Amenhotep III

  47. The Colonnade of Amenhotep III

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