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Unification. An overview Need for Unification Ranked alfabeths and terms. Substitutions Unifiers and mgus Martelli Montanari Algorithm. Why unification ?. A  P  P  B A  B. In propositional logic two clauses may resolve if they have two complementary literals.

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  1. Unification • An overview • Need for Unification • Ranked alfabeths and terms. • Substitutions • Unifiers and mgus • Martelli Montanari Algorithm Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming

  2. Why unification ? A  P P  B A  B • In propositional logic two clauses may resolve if they have two complementary literals. • In the propositional case, two literals are the same if they have the same proposition (negated in exactly one of them). • In first order logic, the situation is more complex, due to the existence of variables. We may assume that variables are universally quantified. • In this case, to apply resolution, the proposition do not have to be the same in the complementary literals belonging to two clauses. • Intuitively, since the variables are universally quantified and may be replaced by any “objects”, the predicate must refer to the same objects. For example q(X)  p(X,b) P(a,Y)  r(Y) q(a) r(b) Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming

  3. Term Universe • Informally, the purpose of unification is to find what the common objects are. Such goal may be acomplished by purely syntactic means, through processing of the terms appearing in the common predicates. • A term is composed of one or more symbols from • Variable symbols (convention: starting with upper case) • Alphabet is a finite set Σ of symbols (convention: starting with lower case) • To every symbol a natural number  0 is assigned (its arity or rank). • Σ(n) denotes the subset of Σ with arity n • A symbol with arity 0 (belonging to Σ(0)) is a constant. • Given a set of variables V and a ranked alphabet of function symbols F, the term universe TUF,V (over F and V) is the smallest set T of terms such that a) V T b) fT, if f  F(0) c) f(t1,t2, ... ,tn)  T if f F(n) and t1,t2, ... , tnT Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming

  4. Ground terms and Herbrand Universe • The set of variables appearing in a term t is denoted by Var(t) • Var(t) : set of variables in term t • A term is ground if it contains no variables • t is ground : Var(t) =  • If F is a ranked alphabet of function symbols, then HUF, the Herbrand Universe over F, is the set of terms that can be formed without variables • HUF: TUF,  • Example: Given F = {a, f/1, g/2} it is HUF = = { a, f(a), g(a,a), g(a,f(a)), g(f(a),a), g(g(a,a),a), g(a, g(a,a)), f(f(a)), f(g(a,a)), g(f(a),f(a)), g(f(a),g(a,a)), g(g(a,a),f(a)), g(g(a,a),g(a,a)),... } • A subterm s of t, is a term that is included in t • s = sub_term(t) : s is a term that is a sub-string of t Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming

  5. Substitutions • Informally a variable (universally quantified) may be substituted by a term (with some constraints). More formally, given • V, a set of Variables • X V, a subset of variables to be substituted • F, a ranked alphabet a subtitution θ :  X→ TUF,V with x  θ(x) for any x X. • The following notation is commonly used for a substitution θ θ = {x1/t1, x2/t2, ... xn/tn }, where • X = {x1, x2, ... xn }, • θ(xi) = ti for every xi X • It is also convenient to define • Empty substitution ε :  n = 0 • θ is a ground substitution :  t1, t2, ... , tn are ground terms. • θ is a pure variable substitution:  t1, t2, ... , tn are variables. • θ is a renaming :  {t1, t2, ... , tn } {x1, x2, ... xn }. Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming

  6. Substitutions • For a subtitution θ it is also convenient to consider • The domain of the substitution is the set of variables to be substituted Dom(θ ) : {x1, x2, ... xn }. • The Range of the substitution is the set of terms for which the variable are substituted Range(θ ) : {t1, t2, ... , tn } • The Ran of the substitution is the set of variables appearing in these terms Ran(θ ) :  Var(Range(θ ) ) • The variables of the substitution are those in its domain or in its ran. Var(θ ) :  Dom(θ) Ran(θ ) • The projection of a substitution to a subset of its domain Y  Dom(θ ) θ | Y :  {y/t | y/t θand y  Y) Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming

  7. Application of Substitutions • A few notational conventions and definitions are commonly used when a substitution θ is applied • If x is a variable and x Dom(θ), then xθ: θ(x) • If x is a variable and x Dom(θ), then xθ: x • f(t1, t2, ... , tn )θ: f(t1θ, t2θ, ... , tn θ) • t is an instance of s :  there is a substitution θwith sθ = t • s is more general than t : t is an instance of s • t is a variant of s :  there is a renamingθwith sθ = t • Lemma 2.5 • t is a variant of s iff t is an instance of s and s is an instance of t. Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming

  8. Composition of Substitutions • During a resolution proof, several substitutions are performed in sequence, in which variables are successively replaced by terms with other variables. The notion of composition captures the intuition of end result of these substitutions. Definition (2.6) • The composition of substitutions θ and σis defined as (θσ) x : x (θ)σfor every variable x • Lemma (2.3) Letθ = {x1/t1, x2/t2, ... xn/tn }, σ = {y1/s1, y2/s2, ... ym/sm }. Then θσ can be constructed from the sequence x1/t1 σ, x2/t2 σ, ... xn/tn σ, , y1/s1, y2/s2, ... ym/sm • By removing all bindings xi/ti σwhere xi = ti σ • By removing all bindings yj/sj where yj  {x1, x2, ... xn} • By forming a substitution from the resulting sequence. Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming

  9. An Ordering of Substitutions • A substitution restricts the values a variable may take, and the more so, when more substitutions are applied in sequence. This augmented restriction is captured by the ordering of substitutions. Definition (2.6) • Let θ and σbe substitutions. Then θ is more general than σ: σ = θfor some substitution . (equivalently, σis a specialisation of θ , or θ can be specialised to σ). • Examples: • θ = {x/y} is more general thanσ = {x/a, y/a} since for = {y/a} it isσ = θ. Since,y = a, thenθ = {x/yσ , y/a} = {x/a, y/a} = σ. • θ = {x/y} is not more general thanσ = {x/a}, since every  such that θ = σshould contain a pair y/a, and that pair should appear in θ . x/a  {x/y}   y/a    y  Dom(σ ) = Dom (θ) Intuitively,σ = {x/a} can be specialised to {x/a, y/b} butθ = {x/y} cannot, so θcannot be more general thanσ. Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming

  10. Unifiers • The resolution of two clauses does not require the occorrence of complementary literals that are equal (apart from the negation) but rather that the complementary literals are applicable to the same objects. Hence, the terms in the literals must be unifiable, i.e. equal after performing some substitution. Definition (2.9) • Given substitutionθ and terms s and t • θ is a unifier of s and t : sθ = tθ. • s and t are unifiable : sθ = tθfor someθ. Many unifiers may exist between two terms, but it is specially interesting (e.g. in resolution) to consider the most general unifier (mgu). • θ is a mgu of s and t : sθ = tθ s σ = t σ σ = θfor some. • The definition of unifiers for pairs of terms, may be extended for sets of pairs of terms. Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming

  11. Most General Unifiers • The literals to be unified may have more than one argument. The following definitions are relevant in this case. • Let s1, s2, ... , sn, t1, t2, ... , tn, be terms; si≈ ti denote the (ordered ) pair (si, ti); and E = {s1 ≈ t1, s2≈ t2, ... Sn≈ tn }. Then • θ is a unifier of E: siθ = tiθ for all i 1..n. • θ is an mgu of E: σis a unifier of E σ = θfor some. • Sets E and E’ are equivalent :  θ is a unifier of E θ is a unifier of E’ • E = {x1 ≈ t1, x2≈ t2, ... xn≈ tn } is solved :  • xi, xj are pairwise distinct variables (1  i  j,  n) • no xi, occurs in tj(1  i, j,  n) Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming

  12. Most General Unifiers Lemma (2.15) If E = {x1 ≈ t1, x2≈ t2, ... xn≈ tn } is solved, thenθ = {x1/t1, x2/t2, ... xn/tn }, is an mgu of E. Proof: • xi θ = ti= ti θ • For every unifierσof E, it is xiσ = ti σ. But ti= ti θand so xiσ = xi θ σ; for every i 1..n. Additionally, xσ = xθ σ = xfor every x {x1, x2, ... , xn}. Hence,σ = θ σ and θis thus more general thanσ. • Once the unification of predicates and terms with more than one argument is defined, it is important to obtain an algorithm to perform the unification of two terms. • In fact, it is easier to define an algorithm that unifies a set of pairs of terms – the Martelli – Montanari algorithm. Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming

  13. Martelli – Montanari algorithm Martelli-Montaneri algorithm (MM) Let E be a set of pairs of terms. As long as it is possible, choose nondeterministically a pair in E and perform the appropriate action: • f(s1,s2, .. , sn) ≈ f(t1,t2, .. , tn) → replace, in E, by s1≈t1, s1≈t1 , ... , sn≈tn • f(s1,s2, .. , sn) ≈ g(t1,t2, .. , tn) where f  g → halt with failure (clash) • x ≈ x → delete the pair • t ≈ x where t is not a variable → replace by x ≈ t • x ≈ t where x  Var(t) and x occurs in some other pair → perform substitution { x / t }in those pairs • x ≈ t where x  Var(t) and x  t → halt with failure (occurs check) The algorithm terminates when no action can be performed. Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming

  14. Martelli – Montanari algorithm Theorem 2.16 If the original set has a unifier, the algorithm MM successfully terminates and produces a solved set E´ that is equivalent to E; otherwise the algorithm terminates with failure. Proof Steps: • Prove that the algorithm terminates. • Prove that each action replaces the set of pairs by an equivalent one. • Prove that the algorithm terminates with failure, then the set of pairs at the moment of failure has no unifiers*. • Given 2, the set E’ is equivalent to E, so E also has no unifiers • Prove that if the algorithm terminates successfully, the final set of pairs is solved**. • By lemma 2.15, if the final set of pairs is solved, then it is an mgu. Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming

  15. Substitution Ordering • Before going through each of the steps, the notion of well-founded orderings must be defined for relations on sets. • Intuitively, even if the set is infinite, an well founded relation guarantees that the sets can be ordered so that they have an “initial” element. • First some definitions on relations Definitions • R relation on set A: R  A  A • Rreflexive: (a,a)  Rfor alla  A • Rirreflexive: (a,a)  Rfor alla  A • Rantisymmetric: (a,b)  Rand (b,a)  Rimplies that a = b. • R transitive: (a,b)  Rand (b,c)  Rimplies that (a,c)  R. Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming

  16. Lexicographic Ordering • The lexicographic ordering<n (n>1) is defined inductively on the set Nn of n-tuples of natural numbers. • Base Clause (a1) <1 (b1) : a1 < b1 • Inductive Clause (a1, a2, ... , an+1) <n+1 (b1, b2, ... , bn+1) :  (a1, a2, ... , an) <n+1 (b1, b2, ... , bn) ; or (a1, a2, ... , an) = (b1, b2, ... , bn) and an+1<n bn+1 • Examples: (5,3,9) <3 (5,3,11), (1,4,8) <3 (2,3,5). • The lexicographic ordering (Nn, <n) is well-founded • Irreflexive partial ordering (irreflexible and transitive) with • Lowest element : (0,0, ..., 0) Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming

  17. Well founded orderings • Once defined the basic properties of relations some properties may be defined on the orderings they induce in particular sets.. Definitions • (A, R)is a (reflexive) partial ordering : R is a reflexive, antisymmetric, and transitive relation on A • (A, R)is a irreflexive partial ordering : R is a irreflexive and transitive relation on A • (A, R)is well-founded ordering : R is a irreflexive partial ordering; and there is no infinite descending chain ... a2 R a1 R a0. Examples Partial Orderings : (N, ), (Z, ), (({1,2,3,4}), ) Irreflexive partial Orderings: (N, <), (Z, <), (({1,2,3,4}), ) Well Founded: (N, <), (({1,2,3,4}), ) Not Well Founded: (Z, <), Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming

  18. Algorithm MM terminates 1. MM terminates (1) • Let the following denotations apply • Variable x solved in E:  x ≈ t  E, and this is the only occurrence of x in E • Uns(E) : number of variables in E that are unsolved • lfun(E):  number of occurrences of function symbols in the first components of pairs in E • card(E):  number of pairs in E • Let us consider tuple (Uns(E) , lfun(E), card(E)). To prove termination of MM, it is sufficient to prove that each action in MM reduces this tuple. From the well-foundness of 3 tuples, the recursion must terminate (in the worst case, it cannot go below the lowest element). Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming

  19. Algorithm MM terminates 1. MM terminates (2) • Let us consider tuple (u,l,c) = (Uns(E) , lfun(E), card(E))to show that the MM operations except b) and f), leading to failure, always lead to a lower tuple. • f(s1,s2, .. , sn) ≈ f(t1,t2, .. , tn) → replace, in E, by s1≈t1, s2≈t2 , ... , sn≈tn (u,l,c) → (u-k, l-1, c+n-1) for some k  1..n • x ≈ x → delete the pair (u,l,c) → (u-k, l, c-1) for some k  0..1 • t ≈ x where t is not a variable → replace by x ≈ t (u,l,c)→(u-k1, l-k2, c) for some k1 0..1 andk2 1 • x ≈ t where x  Var(t) and x occurs in some other pair → perform substitution { x / t } in those pairs (u,l,c)→(u-1, l+k, c) for some k 1 Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming

  20. Algorithm MM is correct • MM replaces the set of pairs by an equivalents set a) f(s1,s2, .. , sn) ≈ f(t1,t2, .. , tn)→ replace, in E, by s1≈t1, s1≈t1 , ... , sn≈tn c) x ≈ x→ delete the pair d) t ≈ x where t is not a variable→ replace by x ≈ t • This is clearly true for actions a), c) and d) above. For action e) e) when x ≈ t where x  Var(t) and x occurs in some other pair → perform substitution {x/t }in those pairs consider E  {x ≈ t } and E{ x/t }  {x ≈ t } then θ is a unifier of E  {x ≈ t } iff (θ is a unifier of E) and xθ= tθ iff (θ is a unifier of E {x/t} ) and xθ= tθ iffθ is a unifier of E {x/t} {x ≈ t } Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming

  21. Algorithm MM Result • If MM terminates with failure, then the set of pairs at the moment of failure has no unifiers • In MM terminates with failure, the last action taken in E’ was either b) or d). • f(s1,s2, .. , sn) ≈ g(t1,t2, .. , tn) where f  g → halt with failure (clash) • x ≈ t where x  Var(t) and x  t → halt with failure (occurs check) • Given the definition of unification, there must be no unifier of E’. Any substitution θ applied to f(s1,s2, .. , sn) θwould result in a term with functor f, not g, so no unifier θ exists. No substitution θ may contain a pair x/t where x  Var(t) and x  t, as would be needed to unify x and t. Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming

  22. Algorithm MM Result • If the algorithm terminates successfully, the final set of pairs is solved • When algorithm MM terminates, with success, no left components of the pairs in E’ are functions (otherwise, actions a) or b) or d) would apply). a) f(s1,s2, .. , sn) ≈ f(t1,t2, .. , tn)→ replace, in E, by s1≈t1, s1≈t1 , ... , sn≈tn d) t ≈ x where t is not a variable→ replace by x ≈ t • All pairs in E’ are in the form x ≈ t, where x is a variable. Furthermore t  x (otherwise action c) would apply) c) x ≈ x→ delete the pair • No pair other than x ≈ t contains variable x, otherwise action e) would apply e) x ≈ t where x  Var(t) and x occurs in some other pair → perform substitution { x / t } in those pairs • Hence, E’ has the form E’ = {x1 ≈ t1, x2≈ t2, ... xn≈ tn }, where xi Var(tj), for 1 i  j n, and is thus in solved form. Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming

  23. Examples • Some non-trivial examples (from SICStus Prolog, where variables are written in upper case) | ?- f(X,b) = f(a,Y). X = a,Y = b ? ; no |?- f(X,f(b)) = f(g(a,Y),Y). X = g(a,f(b)), Y = f(b) ? ; no | ?- f(X,f(b,Z)) = f(g(a,Y),Y). X = g(a,f(b,Z)), Y = f(b,Z) ? ; no | ?- X = f(Y), Y = f(a). X = f(f(a)), Y = f(a) ? ; no | ?- X = f(Y,Z), g(a,Y) = g(Z,b). X = f(b,a),Y = b,Z = a ? ; no Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming

  24. Unifiers Size Can Be Exponential • Example: | ?- f(X1) = f(g(X0,X0)). X1 = g(X0,X0) ? ; no | ?- f(X1,X2) = f(g(X0,X0),g(X1,X1)). X1 = g(X0,X0), X2 = g(g(X0,X0),g(X0,X0)) ? ; no | ?- f(X1,X2,X3) = f(g(X0,X0),g(X1,X1),g(X2,X2)). X1 = g(X0,X0), X2 = g(g(X0,X0),g(X0,X0)), X3 = g(g(g(X0,X0),g(X0,X0)),g(g(X0,X0),g(X0,X0))) ? ; no. ... • In this case, the “size” of variable Xi, in terms of occurrences of X0, is: size(X1) = 2 size(X2) = 22 = 4 size(X3) = 23 = 8 ... size(Xn) = 2n Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming

  25. Strong MGUs Definition • Substitution θ is Idempotent : θ θ = θ • :Mgu θ of terms s and t is strong : σ is mgu of s and t  σ = θσ Theorem 2.16 An mgu is strong iff it is idempotent. Proof : Let θ be a strong mgu. Since θ is a strong mgu, for any unifier σ it is σ = θ σ. In particular, for unifier θ, we have θ = θ θ. Hence θ is idempotent. Let θ be an idempotent mgu. Then, for any unifier σ there is some λ such that σ = θ λ. But since θ is idempotent it is σ = θ λ = (θθ) λ = θ ( θ λ) = θ σ. Hence, θ is strong. Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming

  26. Strong MGUs Examples • The mgu θ = {x/y, y/x} of two identical terms is not strong. Indeed, θ θ = {x/y, y/x } ° {x/y, y/x} = {x/x, y/y, x/y, y/x} = ε • Substitution θ1 = {x/u, z/f(u,v), y/v} is Idempotent { x/u, z/f(u,v), y/v } ° { x/u, z/f(u,v), y/v } = { x/u, z/f(u,v), y/v, x/u, z/f(u,v), y/v } = { x/u, z/f(u,v), y/v } = θ1 Substitution θ2 = {x/u, z/f(u,v), v/y} is not Idempotent { x/u, z/f(u,v), v/y } ° { x/u, z/f(u,v), v/y } = { x/u, z/f(u,y), v/y, x/u, z/f(u,v), y/v } = { x/u, z/f(u,y), y/v } θ2. • The following lemma justifies a simple test to check whether a substitution mgu is idempotent. Lemma: A substitution θ is idempotent iff Dom(θ)  Ran (θ) 1 =  Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming

  27. Relevant MGUs Definition • Mgu θ of terms s and t is relevant :  Var(θ )  Var(s)  Var(t) Informaly, a relevant mgu does not introduce new variables. All mgus produced by the Martelli-Montanari algorithm are relevant. Moreover Theorem 2.22 (Relevance) Every idempotent mgu is relevant. Proof : in [Apt, 1997] Note that the converse is not true, i.e. Not all relevant mgus are idempotent. For example θ = {x/y, y/x}, which is a relevant mgu of terms s = f(x,y) and t = f(x,y), is not idempotent. As observed before, θ θ = ε, and ε is the mgu btained from the MM algorithm when presented with E = { f(x,y) ≈ f(x,y) }. Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming

  28. Properties of MGUs The following theorems can also be proved and are useful later (see [Apt97]) Lemma 2.23 (Equivalence): Let θ1 be an mgu of a set of equations E. Then for every substitution θ2 , θ2 is an mgu of E iff θ2 = θ1ρ, where ρ is a renaming such that Var(ρ) Var(θ1) Var(θ2). Lemma 2.24 (Iteration) : Let E1 and E2 be two sets of equations. Suppose that θ1 is an mgu of E1, and θ2 is an mgu of E2θ1. Then θ1 θ2 is an mgu of E1  E2. Moreover, if E1  E2 is unifiable, then an mgu θ1 of E1exists and for any mgu θ1 of E1 there also exists an mgu θ2 of E2θ1. Corollary 2.25 (Switching) : Let E1 and E2 be two sets of equations. Suppose that θ1 is an mgu of E1, and θ2 is an mgu of E2θ1. Then E2 is unifiable, and for every mgu θ1’ of E2there exists an mgu θ2’ of E2θ1’ such that θ1’θ2 ’ = θ1 θ2 . Moreover, θ2’ can be so chosen such that Var(θ2’)  Var(E1)  Var(θ1’) Var(θ1 θ2). Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming

  29. Occurs Check in Prolog • The occurs check is usually not implemented (by default) in Prolog, since • It makes unification significantly harder • It happens quite rarely • Of course, unification behaves strangely when the occurs check is needed. For example, in SICStus, we may observe | ?- X = f(X). X = f(f(f(f(f(f(f(f(f(f(...)))))))))) ? ; no • Even worse | ?- X = f(X). X = f(f(f(f(f(f(f(f(f(f(f(... % LOOP <CTRL-C> • To avoid this incorrect beheviour, most Prolog systems provide the possibility of using correct, if innefficient unification. Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming

  30. Occurs Check in Prolog • In SICStus, the explicit unification between two terms S and T can be expressed either as • S = T, the default mode, incorrect implementation of unification; or • unify_with_occurs_check(S,T), correct implementation, inneficient. • Now, it is | ?- unify_with_occurs_check(X,f(X)). no | ?- unify_with_occurs_check(X,f(Y)). X = f(Y) ? ; no • It is up to the user to select the appropriate form. For example, the test or an empty difference list L could be simply expressed as T-T. But if the list is not empty, and containts n elements, then it takes the form [a1, a2, ... , an | T] - T in which case the default unification (without occurs check) would not work properly, since it would try to unify T with [a1, a2, ... , an | T] . Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming

  31. Occurs Check in Prolog • This behaviour can be observed with the rev_diff/2 predicate to reverse a difference list rev_diff(L-L,L-L). % incorrect version rev_diff([H|T]-Z,X-W):- % according to diff_cat Z \== [H|T], % C=X, D=W if Y = [H|D] rev_diff(T-Z,X-[H|W]). leading to the following interaction | ?- rev_diff0([1,2|T]-T,L). L = [1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1|...]-[1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1|...], T = [1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2|...] ? ; L = [2,1|_A]-_A, T = [2,1|_A] ? ;no • If the first clause is written instead as rev_diff(L-T,L-L):- unify_with_occurs_check(L,T). then the correct behaviour is observed | ?- rev_diff([1,2|T]-T,L). L = [2,1|_A]-_A, T = [2,1|_A] ? ;no Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming

  32. Exercises for the Week • Solve exercises below from [Apt97], chapter 2 • 2.1 (pag. 21); • 2.2 (pag. 21); • 2.3 (pag. 22); • 2.4 (pag. 24); • 2.5 (pag. 26); • 2.6 (pag. 33); • 2.8 (pag. 36); • Optionally • 2.9 (pag. 37); • 2.10 (pag. 39); Foundations of Logic and Constraint Programming

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