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Protestant Reformation

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Protestant Reformation

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    3. Infallible - always right Leader of the church Closest man to God Special relationship High power

    4. Baptism Reconciliation Communion (Eucharist) Confirmation Holy Orders Anointing the Sick Matrimony

    5. Started with St. James an apostle Catholic - need faith and good works Can get you into heaven Corporate works Spiritual works

    6. Pardoned sinners from performing penalty Could get you into heaven Signed by Pope Luther opposed indulgences Johann Tetzel Sold by priests

    8. Born November 10th, 1483 Born in Eisleben, Germany Parents Hans and Margaret Wanted Martin to be a lawyer Became a monk/teacher Taught at the University of Wittenberg

    9. Popes pursued worldly affairs Corrupt leaders Priests and monks were poorly educated Some married, drank and gambled Church stealing money Sale of indulgences

    10. Good works can’t earn salvation Only faith can earn salvation Teachings based on Bible All people with faith were equal Pope and church tradition false authorities Don’t need Priest to interpret Bible

    11. Formal statements Attacked sale of indulgences Tacked to Wittenberg Church Copied down and spread Began Reformation

    12. Humanism: focus on human potential/achievements Could win salvation by faith People know what’s right/wrong Individual relationship

    14. Influenced by German Priest Martin Luther Studied law and philosophy Married Idellete de Bure Influenced by humanistic schools Leader of Geneva Lived to be 55

    15. God chooses few to be saved Has known since beginning of time Elect = saved people Influenced by Luther’s teachings Humans cannot earn salvation

    16. Calvin was a strong believer Religious figures in power Studied at the University of Paris Views were very controversial Geneva – Calvin was leader

    17. John Knox helped spread Calvinism Brought back to Scotland Presbyterians Influenced many Protestant churches Huguenots

    18. Can be examined world-and-life view Viewed as a stand for human life Both involve one with the Church Personal beliefs of the individual

    20. Wanted to divorce Catherine of Aragon Pope would not annul Holy Roman Emperor Charles V Broke from Catholic Church Married Anne Boleyn

    21. Parliament in 1592 Ended Pope’s power in England Approved Act of Supremacy Henry VIII head of England’s Church

    22. English Reformation for personal reasons Henry VII wanted divorce European continent for religious reasons Luther had problems with church

    23. Returned England to Protestantism Created moderate state church Pleased both Catholics and Protestants People still pushed for church reforms

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