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SRB and iRODS @ CC-IN2P3

SRB and iRODS @ CC-IN2P3. Jean-Yves Nief Pascal Calvat. Overview. SRB: Status. A couple of examples. Prospects. iRODS: Developments. Test beds. Project in production: digital library. Moving from SRB to iRODS ?

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SRB and iRODS @ CC-IN2P3

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  1. SRB and iRODS @ CC-IN2P3 Jean-Yves Nief Pascal Calvat

  2. Overview • SRB: • Status. • A couple of examples. • Prospects. • iRODS: • Developments. • Test beds. • Project in production: digital library. • Moving from SRB to iRODS ? • JUX (Java Universal eXplorer): GUI in Java for many protocols like iRODS, SRB. SRB and iRODS @ CC-IN2P3

  3. SRB in Lyon SRB and iRODS @ CC-IN2P3

  4. SRB and iRODS hardware and software @ CC-IN2P3 • 14 SRB servers (130 TB of disk space): • Sun v480, v20z, v440 (Sparc III) and Thumpers x4500 (AMD Opteron). • OS: Solaris 9 and Solaris 10. • Almost all the instances on SRB v3.5.0. • Interfaced with our MSS: HPSS v5: • Scripts developed to handle automatic migration/purge of compound resources (disk cache/tape archive). • MCATs: using Oracle 10g. • Going to add RHEL4 machines (Linux) for MCATs enabled servers. SRB and iRODS @ CC-IN2P3

  5. Example in HEP: BaBar • Data import from SLAC to Lyon. • SRB being used since 2004 in production. • Fully automated: • New files created are registered in the SLAC catalog database. • Client application in Lyon: detection of files missing in the Lyon catalog database + transfer of these files. • Automated error recovery. • Up to 5 TB / day (max. rate observed). • Usual rate: 2-3 TB / day (during production periods) • 700 TB imported so far (since 2004), 700,000 files. • Until end 2008, volume x2. SRB and iRODS @ CC-IN2P3

  6. (2) (1) (3) HPSS/Lyon HPSS/SLAC SRB MCAT SRB MCAT SRB SRB SRB Example in HEP: BaBar Import agents SRB Import agents SRB SLAC zone CC-IN2P3 zone SRB and iRODS @ CC-IN2P3

  7. Examples in astrophysics and astroparticles • Underwater: Antares • in the pampa: Pierre Auger Observatory • At the top of the mountain: SuperNovae Factory in Hawaii SRB and iRODS @ CC-IN2P3

  8. Example in biology: BioEmergence • European projects involving 5 countries. • Embryogenesis: zebra fish. • 2 microscopes now (several in the future): amount of data could be huged (PB scale). • Data pushed from the microscopes into the SRB. • SRB integrated within their workflow. • CC-IN2P3: core of the system. SRB and iRODS @ CC-IN2P3

  9. LIGO CC-IN2P3 Cascina Bologna Virgo Visualize data on the WAN through SRB • Interferometer for gravitational waves detection (in production: 60 TB / y). • Need for a reliable data distribution system. • Distribute Ligo data (same experiment in the US) to the european sites: CC-IN2P3 and Bologna. • Have been using bbftp so far. • SRB has replaced bbftp: • Bookkeeping system. • Interface with HPSS. • Handling of Ligo small files. Pull Virgo + Ligo data from Lyon Merge Ligo small files during data import on the CC-IN2P3 server side Push raw data to CC-IN2P3 SRB and iRODS @ CC-IN2P3

  10. SRB @ CC-IN2P3 • MCATs performance enhancement: • Reindexing made automatically on a weekly basis. • Issues with Oracle performances: • Some oddity in the way Oracle optimized requests. • Request analyzis done on all the MCATs on a daily basis.  Not completly resolved. • SRB: big consumer of Oracle resources. • Need to separate Oracle instance for the MCATs. SRB and iRODS @ CC-IN2P3

  11. SRB prospects @ CC-IN2P3 • More than 10 projects using it: • SRB: critical part of their computing system. • Clients on Linux, Mac OSX, Windows, Solaris, AIX (Blue Gene) from Europe, USA. • Daily traffic can be quite big: • Hundreds of thousands of connections per day. • Some projects with more than 200,000 connections per day at peak rate. • Bandwidth peak rate: several Gbits/s. • Will reach 1 PB of data referenced and handled by SRB in 2008. • Need to strengthen the service (add extra MCAT servers). SRB and iRODS @ CC-IN2P3

  12. iRODS developments @ CC-IN2P3 • Tests scripts (JY + Thomas): • icommand test script: extensive test of the binary commands in order to track bugs (both client and server side problems).  To do: include all the new options and new icommands. • Loading test of the system: launch n test scripts in // on the same machine. • To do: ability to launch process on other servers ? (but too specific to a given site: passwrodless ssh etc…). SRB and iRODS @ CC-IN2P3

  13. iRODS developments @ CC-IN2P3 • Host based access control micro-service: • User id, group id. • Hostname or range of IP adresses. • Improved firewall implemented at the iRODS level. SRB and iRODS @ CC-IN2P3

  14. iRODS developments @ CC-IN2P3 • Load balancing micro-services (JY + Jean Aoustet): • Load balancing system: • At a given time, choose the least loaded server to put/get data or do any other operation. • Have to be used wisely: • It only makes sense for identical servers on the same site! • Gather metrics on each server (CPU load, network activity, memory usage, swap, disk occupancy etc…). • Store into iCAT. • Can also be used for monitoring purposes. SRB and iRODS @ CC-IN2P3

  15. iRODS data server Perf script Perf script Perf script Perf script iRODS data server iRODS data server DB iRODS data server Load balancing system • Ask each server for its metrics: rule engine cron task (msi). 2. Performance script launched on each server. iRODS iCAT server 3. Results sent back to the iCAT. 4. Store metrics into iCAT. 5. Compute a «quality factor» for each server stored in an other table: r.e. cron task (msi). SRB and iRODS @ CC-IN2P3

  16. Future developments • HPSS driver: assessment by Thomas Kachelhoffer (HPSS v6)  in progress. • Handling MSS resources with the protocol of your choice: • RFIO, pftp etc… • Easy way to plugin a MSS without writing a driver. • Kind of universal driver. • Micro-services for: • Handling accentuated letters in files and directory names registered into iRODS (eg: Windows world). • Anonymization of DICOM files in biology. SRB and iRODS @ CC-IN2P3

  17. NCSA CC-IN2P3 SDSC iRODS test beds • With KEK (see Yoshimi talk): data transfer. • LSST: • Telescope in Chile: first light in 2014. • Big challenge for data processing. • USA + Chile for now. France starting to get involved. • Computing: data management studies (DC 2 and 3). (now also Indiana and Chile) SRB and iRODS @ CC-IN2P3

  18. iRODS first production instance • Just starting. • Digital preservation area: • Scan old documents and put them into iRODS. • 4-5 users at the moment: transparent access to the documents from various platforms. • ~ 1-2 TB expected for this year. • Needs: • Propagation of ACLs to newly created collections. • Windows support for the icommands. • GUI interface (standalone or Web). • iRODS fits their needs. SRB and iRODS @ CC-IN2P3

  19. Moving from SRB to iRODS ? • No plans yet. • Will slowly moved the existing SRB projects to the new system starting in 2010 or a bit earlier. • Needs to be confident that all the bits and pieces are there before the switch: • MSS integration: one of the key thing. • Probably brand new projects could start directly onto iRODS in 2008 such as Digilib. SRB and iRODS @ CC-IN2P3

  20. Future plans for iRODS • Continue developments: • Focus on MSS integration. • Load balancing. • CC-IN2P3 starting to be involved with Arts and Humanities projects: • Fedora and iRODS interface to be studied. • New projects to start directly on iRODS: • 1 more candidate this year. SRB and iRODS @ CC-IN2P3

  21. JUX: a Java explorer • Java Universal eXplorer: developed by Pascal Calvat (CC-IN2P3). • Based on JSaga APIs: • Saga (Simple Apis for Grid Application): OGF specs. Common set of APIs to interact with middleware (storage, job tasks). • JSaga: implementation of Saga by Sylvain Reynaud, CC-IN2P3. • Plugins developped for various protocols like SRB and iRODS (using Jargon). • JUX can connect to various protocols providing the plugin is available. • Still under development: first version released soon. SRB and iRODS @ CC-IN2P3

  22. Acknowledgement • Thanks to: • Pascal Calvat (JUX), Jean Aoustet (Load Balancing), Thomas Kachelhoffer (tests + HPSS).. • Wilko Kroeger (SLAC): BaBar. • Yoshimi Iida (transfer tests + iCAT stress tests). • Links: • JSaga (Sylvain Reynaud): http://grid.in2p3.fr/jsaga SRB and iRODS @ CC-IN2P3

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