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Grid Computing Using Modern Technologies

Grid Computing Using Modern Technologies. A 3-Part Tutorial presented by: Mary Thomas Dennis Gannon Geoffrey Fox. Tutorial Outline. Part I: Mary Thomas (TACC/UT) Understanding Web and Grid portal technologies Building application portals with GridPort Grid Web services

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Grid Computing Using Modern Technologies

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  1. Grid Computing Using Modern Technologies A 3-Part Tutorial presented by: Mary Thomas Dennis Gannon Geoffrey Fox

  2. Tutorial Outline • Part I: Mary Thomas (TACC/UT) • Understanding Web and Grid portal technologies • Building application portals with GridPort • Grid Web services • Part II: Dennis Gannon (Indiana) • Distributed Software Components • Grid Web services and science portals for scientific applications • Part III: Geoffrey Fox (Indiana) • Integrating Peer-to-Peer networks and web services with the Grid • Grid Web services and Gateway

  3. Introduction to Developing Web-BasedGrid Computing Portals Mary Thomas Texas Advanced Computing Center The University of Texas at Austin and NPACI Presented at GGF4, Toronto, Canada, Sunday, 2/15/02

  4. Goals of Part 1 • Introduce basic portal technologies and concepts • Provide enough knowledge to go out and begin process of evaluating/understanding technologies • Provide enough knowledge to build a computing portal based on GridPort/Perl/CGI • Not going to teach you how to install Grid software: assume you can do this is you have someone who takes care of this • Audience: application developers or scientists

  5. Approach • Introduce the concept of a portal for computational Grids and science applications • Use GridPort Toolkit to demonstrate the basic concepts needed to understand how to use the web and grid technologies • Show examples of how to program a portal

  6. Outline • Defining Portals and Web Technologies • The GridPort Portal Architecture • GridPort-Based Portals • Application Portals • Programming Example • Portal Services for Remote Clients • Client Portal Services • Grid Portal Web Services

  7. Defining The Web

  8. What is the Web?

  9. What is the Grid Web?

  10. Web Server Technologies • Web Servers: • Run on a machine, and clients access the process • Common Versions: • Netscape (http://www.netscape.com) • Apache (http://www.apache.org) - open source • OS’s: Windows, Unix, MacIntosh, Lynus, etc. • Web Programming Languages • Server: Java, Javascript, Python, PHP, Perl • Client: HTML, Javascript • Protocols: HTTP/CGI/Servlets/Applets • Security • HTTPS, SSL, Encryption • Cookies • Certificates

  11. Web Clients • Multiple display devices: • Desktop workstations, PC’s, PDA’s, cell phones, pagers, other wireless devices, televisions • Various viewing tools: • Browsers: Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Opera • Visually Impaired tools • OS’s: Windows/WinCE, Unix, Mac, Lynux, Palm, etc. • Web Programming Languages • HTML, Javascript • Perl, Java for ‘scrapers’ • Security • HTTPS, SSL, Encryption, Cookies • Certificates

  12. Defining ComputationalWeb Portals

  13. What is a Portal? • Web sites that provide centralized access to a set of resources • Characterized by • Personalization • Security/authentication/authorization • What you see often changes based on what you are looking for (e.g.: adds) • Navigation/choices • Gateway for Web access to distributed resources/information • Hub from which users can locate all the Web content that they commonly need.

  14. Classes of portals • Horizontal or “mega-portals”: • information from search engines and the ISP's (yahoo) • everybody comes in, sees the same thing • allow personalization to some degree • Vertical • portals that are customized by the system. • the system recognizes who you are, and gives you a different view of the university or the company that you're going to build. • More specialized (amazon, travelocity, etc.) • Intranet: • inside a company that give particular people the information that they need

  15. Scientific Web Portals • Differ from Commercial Portals (yahoo, amazon) • Types of Science Portals: • User Portals: • simplify user’s ability to interact with and utilize a complex, often distributed environment • direct access to resources (compute, data, archival, instruments, and information) • Application Interfaces • Enables scientists to conduct simulations on multiple resources • EOT Portals • Educates public (future scientists?) about science using software simulations, visualizations, etc • Learning tools • Individual Portals • Users can roll out their own portals by writing web pages using standard HTML or Perl/CGI

  16. Why Use Portals for Computational Science? • Computational science environment is complex: • Users have access to a variety of distributed resources (compute, storage, etc.). • Interfaces, OS’s, Grid tools to these resources vary and change often • Environment changes: • Relocation/upgrade of binaries • Policies at sites sometimes differ, allocations change • Using multiple resources can be cumbersome • Grid adds complexity for programmers

  17. Portals Provide Simple Interfaces • Portals are web based and that has advantages - • Users know & understand the web • Can serve as a layer in the middle-tier infrastructure of the Grid • Integrate various Grid services and resources • Users can be isolated from resource specific details • Single web interface isolates system changes/differences • Not and end-all solution - several issues/challenges here • Performance, scaleability

  18. Virtual Organizations • GGF Model, based on Foster paper • “Anatomy of the Grid” • Hierarchical tree based • Each ‘node’ represents collections of: • Compute resources • Projects, • Centers • HotPage portals represent VO’s • NPACI, PACI • Like to build HiPCAT as a VO to run as DTF node

  19. Virtual Organizations (HotPage) NSF HiPCAT DTF PACI NPACI PSC Alliance SDSCI Mich TACC

  20. Portal Toolkits • Commercial: • Sun: Java Servlets, iPlanet • IBM: WebSphere • MSFT: .NET • Special interest groups: • uPortal, Javaspeed • R&D within Grid community: • GridPort Toolkit (http://gridport.npaci.edu) • GPDK () • GirdSphere (refer to ACM site???) • Gateway (Fox) • CCA (Gannon)

  21. Building Application Portals Using theGridPort Toolkit

  22. GridPort Architecture

  23. GridPort Toolkit Design Concepts • Key design goals: • Any site should be able to host a user portal • Any user should be able to create their own user portal if they have accounts and certificate • Key Requirements: • Base software design on infrastructure provided by World Wide Web: • use commodity technologies wherever possible • avoid shell programs/applications/applets • GridPort Toolkit should not require that additional services be run on the HPC Systems • reduce complexity -- there are enough of these already • so, leverage existing grid research & development • GSI certificate (PKI)

  24. GridPort Designed for Ease of Use • WWW interface is common, well understood, and pervasive • User Portals can be accessed by anyone who has access to a web browser, regardless of location • Users can construct customized application web pages: • only basic knowledge of HTML and Perl/CGI • Application programmers can extend the set of basic functions provided by the Toolkit • Portal services hosts can modify support services by adding/remove/modifying broker or grid interface codes

  25. Commodity Web Technologies • Use of commodity web technologies -> Portability • contribute to a ‘plug-n-play’ grid • Requirements: • Any Browser: Communicator, IE • HTTP, HTTPS, SSL, HTML/JavaScript, Perl/CGI, SSH, FTP • Netscape or Apache servers • Based on simple technology, this software is easily ported to, and used by other sites. • easy to modify and adapt to local site policies and requirements • Goal is to design a toolkit that is simple to implement, support, port, and develop

  26. Grid Technologies • Security: • Globus Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI), SSH • Myproxy for remote proxies • Job Execution: • Globus GRAM • Information: • Globus Grid Information Services (GIS) • File Management: • SDSC Storage Resource (SRB) • GridFTP

  27. Information Services • Designed to provide a user-oriented interface to NPACI Resources and Services • Consists of on-line documentation, static informational pages, and links to events within NPACI, including basic user information such as: • Documentation, training , news, consulting • Simple tools: • application search • systems information • generation of batch scripts for all compute resources • Network Weather System • No user authentication is required to view this information.

  28. Information Services: Dynamic • Dynamic information provided by automatic data collection scripts that provide real-time information for each machine (or summaries) such as: • Status Bar: displays live updates showing operational status and utilization of all NPACI resources • Machine Usage: displays summary of machine status, load, and batch queues • Batch Queues: displays currently executing and queued jobs • Node Maps: displays graphical map of how running applications are mapped to nodes • Network Weathering System: provides connectivity information between a user’s local host and grid resources • Pulled from 3 possible sources: • MDS, web services, local cron jobs

  29. Web Server to Grid Resource

  30. Interactive Sessions • How do they work? • What do they do: • Job submission • File management • Authentication • What do we use to do them? • List of grid technologies

  31. GridPort Interactive Services Diagram

  32. Interactive Sessions: Login/Logout • Login: • client browser connects to an HTTPS server • user enters valid NPACI Portal account ID • login into Portal using CA authentication (Globus): • Globus infrastructure manages user accounts on remote hosts • username used to map passphrase to valid key and certificate (local repository), or Myproxy (remote) • passphrase used to create proxy cert. using globus-proxy-init • if proxy-init successful, session key stored on client browser • data passed through web server over SSL channel • Session info stored in secure, local repository

  33. Interactive Sessions: Login/Logout • Logout: • user automatically logged out • if logout selected • session times out • on logout: • active session data files cleared • relevant user information archived for future sessions stored

  34. Grid Security at all Layers • GSI authentication for all portal services • transparent access to the grid via GSI infrastructure • Security between the client -> web server -> grid: • SSL/RC4-40 128 bit key/ SSL RSA X509 certificate • authentication tracked with cookies coupled to server data base/session tracking • Single login environment (another key goal) • provide access to all NPACI Resources where GSI available. • with full account access privileges for specific host • use client browser cookies to track state

  35. Portal Accounts • Portal accounts are not the same as resource accounts. • valid Grid user on resource, need allocations • processes run under own account with same access and privileges as if they had logged onto resource • Portal users must have a digital certificate signed by a known Certificate Authority (CA) • And must get DN into mapfile • Accounts for NPACI users obtained via an on-line web form: • Can generate a certificate - certificate and key are placed in a secure repository

  36. Interactive Sessions: Job Execution • Web server transactions: • confirm/authenticate user login status • parse command/request (CGI vars) • establish user environment • assemble remote command (Globus/SSH) • verify proxy (if Globus) or recreate • send command (e.g., Globus daemon on remote host) • parse, format, and return results to the web browser on the user’s workstation or store data (e.g., FTP). • While the user login is in the active state: • check for timeout • track current state • record information about job requests and user data for use in subsequent transactions or sessions.

  37. GridPort File System • Without SRB capabilities, files are distributed • Adds to complexities when migrating and managing data

  38. GridPort + SRB Architecture • With SRB capabilities, file access is direct • Single SRB account access allows for more flexible data management

  39. Variety of GridPort Applications • Current applications in production: • NPACI/PACI HotPages (also @PACI/NCSA ) • https://hotpage.npaci.edu • LAPK Portal: Pharmacokinetic Modeling (live demo of Pharmacokinetic Modeling Portal) • https://gridport.npaci.edu/LAPK • GAMESS (General Atomic and Molecular electronic Structure System) • https://gridport.npaci.edu/GAMESS • Telescience (Ellisman) • https://gridport.npaci.edu/Telescience • Protein Data Bank CE Portal (Phil Bourne) • https://gridport.npaci.edu/CE

  40. Programming Example: Job Submit • Client: • Example of Client HTML page • HTML Code • Server: • Perl/CGI parser script running on server • GridPort Toolkit function code

  41. HotPage View: Job Submission

  42. JobSubmit Web Page

  43. JobSumbit HTML Code <FORM action="https://hotpage.npaci.edu/tools/cgi-bin/job_submit.cgi" method=post enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" name="job_submit"> Arguments: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="args"> Select Queue: <SELECT NAME="queue"> <OPTION VALUE="low">low <OPTION VALUE="normal">normal <OPTION VALUE="high">high <OPTION VALUE="express">express </SELECT> Number of Cpu’s: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="cpus"> Max Time (min): <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="max_time"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="mach" VALUE="SSPHN"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="exe" VALUE="/rmount/paci/sdsc/mthomas/mpi_pi"> <INPUT TYPE="submit" METHOD="post" ACTION="https://hotpage.npaci.edu/tools/cgi-bin/job_submit.cgi" > </FORM>

  44. JobSumbit: Server Perl/CGI Parser • GRABS HTTP/CGI data and sends it to GridPort subroutine, waits for results #!/usr/local/bin/perl use CGI qw(:all); my $query = new CGI; $|=1; BEGIN{ ###GET THE SCRIPTS LOCATION AND THE GLOBAL VARS### $MY_LOCATION = "tools/cgi-bin"; $CURRENT_DIR = `pwd`; ($PORTAL_ROOT, $rest) = split(/$MY_LOCATION/, $CURRENT_DIR); $GLOBAL_VARS_CONFIG = $PORTAL_ROOT . "cgi-bin/global_vars.cgi"; require "$GLOBAL_VARS_CONFIG"; require "$PORTAL_HOME_DIR/cgi-bin/hotpage_authen.cgi"; }

  45. JobSubmit: Server Perl/CGI code (cont.) # load in code to do job submission through globus require "$GRIDPORT_HOME_DIR/services/globus/cgi-bin/gridport_globus_job.cgi"; # subroutines to get/set user directories (home,work, current) and do job handling require "$PORTAL_HOME_DIR/tools/cgi-bin/user_dirs.cgi"; require "$PORTAL_HOME_DIR/tools/cgi-bin/user_jobs.cgi"; my $args = $query->param(args); my $queue = $query->param(queue); my $cpus = $query->param(cpus); my $max_time = $query->param(max_time); $mach = $query->param(mach); my $exe = $query->param(exe); $exe = $exe . " $args"; # run the command through Globus, trap output, return to caller process @output = gridport_globus_job_submit($mach,$cpus,60,$exe,$max_time,$queue);

  46. gridport_globus_job_submit sub gridport_globus_job_submit { my @job = (); my $user = &get_username(); ### get the input and set up globus my ($mach, $cpus, $timeout, $exe, $max_cpu_time, $queue) = @_; &globus_config($user); # verify data &mach_config($mach); # verify data #build the globus command my $globus_submit = "$globus_job_submit{$machines{$mach}{gv}} "; $globus_submit .= "$machines{$mach}{name}{job} -np $cpus -queue $queue "; $globus_submit .= "-maxtime $max_cpu_time $exe"; @job = run_command_timeout($globus_submit, $timeout); # run job return @job; }

  47. Laboratory for Applied Pharmacokinetics • (LAPK) Portal: • Users are Doctors, so need extremely simple interface • Must be portable – run from many countries • Need to hide details such as • Type of resources (T3E), file storage, batch script details, compilation,UNIX command line • Major Success: • LAPK users can now run multiple jobs at one time using portal. • Not possible before because developers had to keep codes & scripts simple enough for doctors to use on T3E

  48. Laboratory for Applied Pharmacokinetics • Uses gridport.npaci.edu portal services/capabilities: • File upload/download between local host/portal/HPC systems • Job Submit: • submission (builds batch script, moves files to resource, submit jobs) • Job tracking: in the background portal tracks jobs on system and moves results back over to portal storage when done • Job cancel/delete • Job History: maintains relevant job information

  49. LAPK Job Submit and Job History

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