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By Logan Simon

Inhalants. By Logan Simon. What Are Inhalants?. the third most widely abused drug gaseous substances that can be found in common household products such as hair spray, nail polish remover, cleaning fluids, gasoline, glue, lighter fluid, marking pens, paint thinners and more.

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By Logan Simon

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Inhalants By Logan Simon

  2. What Are Inhalants? • the third most widely abused drug • gaseous substances that can be found in common household products such as hair spray, nail polish remover, cleaning fluids, gasoline, glue, lighter fluid, marking pens, paint thinners and more

  3. History of Inhalants • The history of inhalants includes natural gases as well as man-made chemicals. • Solvents, which are a type of inhalant, have been around since early manufacturing. • Degreasers, gasoline and glues have many uses in manufacturing and even in the common household garage. • Gases, on the other hand, have a long history of inhalants. Butane, propane and nitrous oxide gases have been around for a long time. • This last century has become easier to abuse these gases. • Nitrous oxide is the most widely abused gas and can be found in whipped cream dispensers and car fuel additives. • Research shows that Nitrous oxide is abused because they relax muscles and dilate blood vessels which some people find enhances sexual pleasure.

  4. Value Depends on the substance

  5. Equipment • There is no specialized equipment used to get high with inhalants • Rags and bags are sometimes used

  6. Use of Inhalant from 2002-2005

  7. Why are females more likely to use inhalants than males? • Peer pressure • coping with stress and relaxation • Have more things that can be used as inhalant, such as nail polish and nail polish remover which are inexpensive and are not recognized as inhalants

  8. Nicknames • Poppers • Snappers • Bolt • Bullet • Climax • Locker Room • Rush • Buzz Bombs • Whippets

  9. Type of addiction • Physical and Psychological addiction 

  10. Short term effects • lose of self-control • drowsiness

  11. Long term effects • abusers may permanently lose the ability to walk, talk, and think • permanently damage the brain, lungs, heart, liver, kidneys, the central nervous system, and the throat and nasal passages • cause temporary blindness, loss of bladder, severe depression, or psychotic behavior

  12. Pictures

  13. More pictures

  14. Short video http://www.youtube.com/watch?ie=UTF-8iurl%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fi1.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FDTd2g1jwrOo%2Fhqdefault.jpg&v=KZFcRCDnJy8&q=inhalants&rlz=1T4GZHY_enUS243US244&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fvideo.google.com%2Fvideosearch%3Fum%3D1&ndsp=18

  15. Bibliography • http://www.botswana-alcohol-aids.com/id38.html • http://www.oas.samhsa.gov/2k7/inhalants/inhalants.htm • http://www.sayno.com/inhalant.html • www.huntington.in.us/.../Inhalents.html • http://www.youthlac.org/content/view/304/1/ • http://www.inhalants.net/history-of-inhalants.htm

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